Thursday, August 8, 2013

John Hancock Observatory in Chicago

While we were in Chicago Paul really wanted me to take Pierce up in the John Hancock Observatory.  We all would've loved to go, but it was rather expensive, so Paul hung up with the twins while I took Pierce up.  The twins will get to go if we return when they are older.

Pierce was impressed by how fast the elevator got us up to the 94th floor.  Our ears were popping.

He was so enthusiastic when we came out, and he declared that he wasn't scared at all.

Then he said, "I want to live here!  Wouldn't it be cool if we lived here, and then we could look down at the city at night with all the lights?"

Pierce and I spent some time trying to find swimming pools on top of buildings.  Pierce thought this was a little scary, but I explained there would be walls around the sides so you couldn't fall over.

We walked around and around.  We even did the skywalk part, which has these screens so it feels like you're outside.

We counted boats, and saw one that kind of looked like a pirate ship out on the water.  It looked so tiny.

We noticed quite a few tall buildings that had grass planted on the roof.

Pierce and I wondered a bit about how they got the grass up there.  Or how they got the water into the skyscraper swimming pools.  Pierce thought they must have used a hose.
We reluctantly got back in the elevator to head back down.  Pierce said, "THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER DONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE!".  Well that sure made it worth the $30 in tickets.


Lynn said...

This is super! I am impressed with both of you, I don't like heights like this though I press myself to go up but I wouldn't be as carefree as Pierce. Terrific shots, gosh C is quite another amazing city :-). I find entry fees exorbiant especially for those of you with families.

Anonymous said...

What fun to see grass on the roof!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

How neat we enjoyed all of those photos. The twins will want to go back after hearing all about it from Pierce.

mail4rosey said...

We did Willis Tower, but not The Hancock building. I heard on the boat tour that Oprah had a whole floor in that building once, can you imagine?

I'd love to visit there when we go back. :)

Sounds like your son had a blast!!

Maggid said...

Oh Golly! The world has changed A LOT . . . I rarely feel old - BUT - i gotta tell ya - it used to be free to visit . . .

This is one of those moments i feel the way my foster parents sounded . . (giggle.)

Thank you for sharing this - I think you could give us a way to share the cost of tickets - because - I enjoyed the visit through your eyes . . . twice as much as i ever did - and, that's saying a lot - because i got to visit with people who put the windows in the structure . . . Really - your sharing topped even that.

Love & Love,

Anonymous said...

Putting this on my bucket list. AWESOME experience for both of you to share. I bet he's still talking about this! xox

TexWisGirl said...

a fabulous experience to share with him!!!

I Am Woody said...

That is super cool! I would love to do that! :)

An Apel a Day said...

It is really high up there!

Eat To Live said...

Oh my gosh... that is really high up there isn't it?

Sharon Wagner said...

The adventure took you to new heights. Fun.

Out on the prairie said...

A fun town to enjoy,I love strolling along Michigan Ave.

Sally said...

How exciting!

I know Pierce was happy!

Great pics!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I TOTALLY agree with Pierce! This is WAY cool!!! I love the swimming pools and grass on the roofs. I have heard that rooftop gardens are all the rage. Pierce is a smart cookie to wonder about how the water gets up there!! And let's not forget the lawnmower, too! Thanks for the tour, I loved it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You got some wonderful shots. We went to the John Hancock building last September when we were in town for a wedding. Our son in law had never been to Chicago before and thought that would be fun. The one bad weather day we had was the only day we could go to the city so we were up in the clouds.

Harry Flashman said...

My kids moved off from the mountains as soon as they were old enough. They went to Vancouver, Canada for two years of school. Then down to Jacksonville, Florida and finally up to a city way North of us. Your kids may think living in a city is cool when they are in their twenties! It's good they are getting what my mom used to call "enriching experiences" while they are little.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I so enjoyed seeing this through Pierce's eyes. His observations and comments are so free and spirited. What a wonderful experience to share with him!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

This is too sweet! I love how excited Pierce was to see all the buildings from up high. I love the pool on the roof and the one growing grass! So neat. Your photos are awesome!

Z@KickingKilos said...

Wow thanks a lot for this post.
I cant wait to explore it.
Love the way yoy wrote about it.

Steve Surratt said...

That's so cool. Although tiny in comparison, I got to go to the top of the Wachovia tower and look down. Roanoke has pools and grass on the top of a few buildings downtown.

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is a great place to share with your son. It good he was brave I could not get near the windows myself.

Unknown said...

I haven't been to Chicago for years. I once went to the top of the Sears that the same building? Going back is on my list of things to do after my knee surgery. Great pics and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos and I am so happy Pierce had such a great time!

Liz Mays said...

I just absolutely love how much he appreciated that! You found some of the neatest things to talk about and look for up there!

Rob-bear said...

Lot of interesting observations by Mr. Pierce!

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

MastHoliday said...

Wow, A Glimpse of Chicago! looking fantastic. thanks for sharing your experience with us through this post and its photographs.
Such a great account.

Marie said...

What a wonderful experience for Pierce! He will be talking about it for awhile I bet.:) I think I would have been a little scared. lol

Aodhnait said...

Wow what views! I love all Pierce's thoughts on the roof pools. What a bright boy!

Sue Frelick said...

'Looking down on the city lights at night.' Pierce sounds like an insightful lad. It sounds like the 2 of you had a fascinating experience. :-)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I have been there - were you scared up so high. And you have some great pictures! sandie

Valerie Boersma said...

I could feel Pierce's excitement too! And I agree, what a cool place-and to see the city lights at night would be unforgettable!

I loved your pictures as well-I felt like I was there!!

Michaele said...

Amazing heights! What an unforgettable sight!

Lin said...

Can you imagine going to work and having a view like that every day? or going to college and living on the lakefront in a highrise dorm?

Chicago is really a pretty city, isn't it? I'm glad you enjoyed our fair city. Come back again!