Monday, August 26, 2013

Lincoln Nebraska Children's Museum

When visiting my husband's family in Nebraska, we took the boys to the Children's Museum in Lincoln one day, which was a huge hit.  We gathered eggs, shopped for groceries, and played with the needle wall.

There were motorcycles to ride, space ships to fly, and faces to paint (in a previous post, some of you asked if I painted Cort's face myself, and the answer is yes - using Q-tips!). 

We dressed like Cornhuskers and threw footballs, and admired this HUGE (the picture doesn't do it justice - I took it from the 3rd floor) sculpture of the Nebraska Capital Building made from Lincoln Logs. 

There was a room full of water fun, where the boys succeeded in getting their shirts quite wet. 

And of course, there were prairie dog suits to wear and tunnels to crawl through. 
We ended with a stop at the gift shop, where the boys' Grandma was kind enough to treat them to some new Melissa and Doug toys (plus a pirate umbrella for Cort).  The boys had an excellent time and were sad when it was time to go.  They were so worn out that the twins both fell asleep in the car on the drive when we left!  What a fun day.


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Grandma was probably happy to see the boys. Looks like the perfect place to wear them out, there wasn't places like that when I was little, it would have been so much fun.

Nancy said...

I was aware of the Omaha museum, but didn't know about the one in Lincoln. Looks like a blast! :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun place to explore! It sounds like a great place to play and learn.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I bet Grandma had a blast. I know I would have. I love the way you did his face. So adorable. Collecting eggs, grocery shopping,climbing and water play no wonder the boys sleep on the way home. I love to see children have so much fun. I hope you have a great week.

Anonymous said...

You guys have had some marvelous trips this summer!

mail4rosey said...

My husband took our son there while I was stuck in seminars all day once. They both loved it. Dad never takes a camera anywhere, so I'm happy to see what it looked like!

Glad you got to visit!

Sally said...

Always love to see those sweet boys having fun, Lisa.

Have you guys been there before? I don't know why it looks familiar! :)


TexWisGirl said...

what a packed place! perfect for your boys!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Looks like the boys had a grand adventure!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Looks like so much fun! The boys look like they're totally focused on what's going on around them. I'd be tired out, too.

You did a great job on Cort's face--you've got artistic talent!

Oh, what are Melissa and Doug toys?

Liz Mays said...

Gosh that looks like fun, and I didn't realize you had artistic talent like that!

My kids always loved the water areas too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This looks like a really great Children's Museum! We have three in the area, and they are all different. One is not so good, one is O.K. and the one in Lynchburg is the winner.Your makeup talents impress me.

An Apel a Day said...

I think their museum rocks! It's more fun and less expensive than the Omaha one.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

So neat! That needle wall looks awesome.

Angie said...

I actually just visited our local Children's Museum not long ago. My Axle loved it! It's nothing quite that fancy but still lots of fun. Ax would love if ours had a motorcycle to ride and Lee would really enjoy the water area. Looks like you guys had a blast!!!

Eat To Live said...

Awwww how sweet of Grandma! Thats what Gradmas do...

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It looks like a fun place to visit. I can tell by the smiles that your boys agreed.

Renegades said...

Omaha has an awesome children's museum and a very nice zoo. Go Big Red!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belas fotografias dos seus filhos...Espectacular....

Busy Bee Suz said...

That looks like a perfect way to exhaust a couple of cute boys!!! The face painting was perfection. :)

Unknown said...

Some of the nicest friends I've ever met are from Omaha, Norfolk and Lincoln, Nebraska. I'd like to visit there soon! It must be very down to earth.