Friday, August 16, 2013

Too Much Grass

1.  Look at Harriet.  Munching away.  In my opinion, she needs to lay off the grass a bit.  She looks like a weeble wobble that sprouted four legs.

2.  We drove over 3000 miles on our road trip.  With 3 kids.  You know what?  They did fantastic.  We spread the trip out the best we could (our longest day of driving was 10 hours - which realistically took us about 12) and the kids rolled with it.  I was pleasantly surprised.

3.  When we were at Chuck E. Cheese recently, Pierce asked how Chuck E. Cheese goes to the bathroom.  I took the easy way out, saying, "I don't know; you'd have to ask him".  Luckily, he didn't happen to come by again.

4.  Speaking of Pierce, he started first grade on Monday.  Hard to believe - summer went by way too fast.  I hope he loves his teacher and has a great year.

5.  The twins don't return to preschool until after Labor Day.  They will be in the "4s class" three mornings a week this year.  They will be so happy to see all their old friends when they return. 

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal. 


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Harriet might be getting too much grass, I have to limit what Dusty eats as he will founder.
You have a good bunch of boys!
The new big lots opens today.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Pierce had such a great start of the year. JDaniel will start school on Wednesday.

Lynn said...

Harriet looks a bit like me so am I a weeble wooble too?
School on Monday yet this is only the middle of August! The twins will have a longer summer than their big brother Pierce..lucky twins. That is an impressive amount of distance...

andy said...

Love mini horses !!!!! Have a great weekend

mail4rosey said...

Awesome that they did so well on the trip, hurrah!

Sandra said...

Ahhh, Harriet! What a cutie :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

aww, Harriet looks very happy. ( :

Sally said...

I love Harriet! So cute and happy.

School starts here on Monday. Hunter cannot wait. It's so nice to have a child really like school, and their teacher. Blessings for Pierce to have a great year in 1st grade. And, the twin in the "4's". :)

Anonymous said...

#3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You DID luck out!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww, Harriet's hay belly is cute! I hope the kiddos have a great school year. My grands are all excited except for one. Have a great weekend!

Snap said...

Poor Harriet ... all us girls have to give up something we love to stay svelte! ;) Sounds like the trip was great. Good for all of you. Enjoy school starting ... a new adventure for all!

Melanie said...

Harriet looks content! Hope the kids have a great school year! The Chuck E Cheese question made me laugh!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Harriet is the cutest little weeble wabbler. :)
Road trips will certainly test the patience of kids and parents; so glad your trip was a success!

Monkeywrangler said...

Harriet does look a bit rotund...beware of foundering! Maybe a bit of exercise is in order for her?

Anne Payne said...

Traveling is always an adventure with children! The summer has flown y and I can' believe it is already time for school. Love the pony photo :)

Sharon Wagner said...

I know right? How do animals like cows and horses grow so big and strong on grass. Ha!

TexWisGirl said...

1st grade - wow. such a cute boy! :)

Marie said...

1st grade was a fun time with my son. :) Kyle was pretty good with road trips. He just didn't like using public restrooms. LOL

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH, what a lot of traveling with the boys! Our family just got back from the Grand Canyon and there abouts, they drove 12 hours a day. But they only had Anne Marie, and she got plenty tired of the driving. Their favorite thing was Zion National Park, there is a water hike that you guys would love

Mary said...

Harriett is beautiful. :)

3000 miles! Wow! But it's great that your boys did so well. And they have some wonderful summer memories.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

LOL # 3 made my day please hug Pierce for me

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Poor Harriet. We have the same problem. I eat too much too. :-(

I hope Pierce enjoys school this year. He's got such curiosity and inquisitiveness! And sounds like the twins are right behind him.

That is a lot of miles. That's great that the kids did so well. You and Paul must be good role models.

IanH said...

More like a round bale with ears. :-} Mine have the same problem.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Harriet is so sweet. How awesome that the kids did so well on the trip. We use to do car trips too and the kids were pretty good most of the time. Hope Pierce has a great year!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww, Harriet is a cutie! And it's so awesome that the boys did well on your road trip. I bet that made it so much more enjoyable!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Harriet looks so sweet. I don't blame her for liking all that sweet grass.
good luck to Pierce in first grade. My oldest granddaughter is in first grade this year. I bet all the boys will be happy to be with their friends again.

Karen said...

that is one fat little pony!.. cute as heck though.

And, believe me, and I know you've heard it from others... they grow up so darn fast. You blink and they are driving.

Enjoy these young years.

Michelle said...

Harriet is adorable.

Latane Barton said...

aw, kids. Such precious memories in the making.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh look at my little Harriet....such a chunky girl!!! Your trip was awesome because you and Paul have done a great job raising the boys!...:)JP

Aodhnait said...

Harriet is cute! What type of horse is she?

Rob-bear said...

All kinds of important things happening. I'm glad for you.

And if you think Harriet is munching too much, tell her to cut down or you'll get a flock of sheep. Somehow, though, I don't think she will pay much to that; she already knows you are a softie. Which is good for a Bear.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Valerie Boersma said...

Amy still has two and a half weeks of vacation left-and then she'll start her senior year. Ack! I've been bad about blogging this past week-partly due to being depressed over the above fact, and also because my parents came for a visit too.

I hope your boys have excellent school years, and that little pony is seriously cute!

(I'll write soon!)

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I am a bad friend - how did I now know you all went on that trip - I am so proud of everyone!

Michaele said...

sigh - they are growing up so fast. You and your husband were troopers to take three little boys on such a long trip. Glad you got it in before summer slipped away.

Linda said...

Weeble wobble! My dog is fascinated by weeble wobbles!

I'm impressed that the boys did so well on such a long ride.

Eat To Live said...

Harriet does love her grass. I know why.. the grass juice is so sweet. When I first started drinking wheatgrass juice, I was very surprised at how sweet it was. That is when I knew why cows and horses loved it.

Becca said...

I wouldn't have ever noticed that Harriet is eating too much. I guess I only know about dogs lol

Anonymous said...

Harriett is precious!
How exciting for Pierce to start first grade. I bet he has so much to tell you when he gets home each day.
Best wishes with the twins when they go back. They are all growing so fast and seemed to really enjoy your summer travels.

An Apel a Day said...

That's a lot of driving with 3 boys. I'm glad you had a great time!

Nancy said...

Sorry I'm so late visiting Lisa -- it's been a tough week. Love your randoms and wonder what you will be doing with some of your "free time" after the twins return to school. :)