Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Natural Bridge State Park, Kentucky

When I found Natural Bridge State Park online, it looked so fun that I built in a free day there during our trip.  The first thing we did there was hike up to the Natural Bridge.
 The hike was quite pleasant, and not very long.  The boys handled it well. 
We saw a little baby snake, skinnier than a pencil, and about 6 inches long.
 Along the way, there were interesting rock formations and shelters to explore.
 Some of the rock formations made us feel like we were somewhere more exotic than Kentucky.
We made it to Natural Bridge, and it did not disappoint.
 Looming over us, we decided to hike up the stairs to the top. 
 The stairs were more narrow than we expected, but we had no trouble squeezing through.
 Sometimes tight rocky passages are kind of fun.
 On the top of Natural Bridge, we found a gorgeous view and a fun shelter - people must get married up there from time to time.

From there, we continued to hike to an interesting overlook. 
 Where there were some carved rocks for climbing.

And finally we hiked on to Lover's Leap. 

Mornings just don't get any better than this.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a great way to start the day! The boys must have really enjoyed this!...:)JP

Joop Zand said...

Hi Lisa

Thanks for your comment....i appreciate that very much.

You have made also good pictures...i like this place and thatlast shot off the boys.

Greetings, Joop

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa "Mornings don't get any better than this" oh that had me tearing up with happiness what a great adventure for your boys and yourselves.That has to be the most beautiful place for boys to explore. Great adventure great photos. B

Roan said...

Beautiful pictures! My dad took us there on vacation one year. I'll never forget it. I don't remember the shelter being at the top, though.

Angelwithatwist said...

I live about an hour from there and have been there one time.. Angel don't do heights. We went when my oldest was about 2 and I nearly had a heart attack once we got to the top and on the bridge. He was not real thrilled with the height either. Thanks but I will stick to the pool and umm the smaller trails and pretties that don't lead out to those ledges..

Anonymous said...

Never been up there.... Would love to be able to hike again. And snakes alive! Holy moly. I freak at even the small ones. LOL

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the day! This looks like a wonderful place to explore!


I love those rock formations and what views! They'll have great memories of these outings:)

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like so much fun! I love your photos!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

How about that, I never knew that there was a Natural Bridge in Kentucky. Did you let the boys bring that snake home? There was a little one here the other day that was striking at me, I had never seen one with a camo pattern like it had and since it was aggressive I whacked it.

Monkeywrangler said...

What a cool place! I love it! Wish I could take the Monkeys there some day while they are still young enough to explore it like your boys.

The snake btw, is a Ring Neck snake. We used to catch them all the time, when we were kids.

TexWisGirl said...

what a cool looking place!!

Anonymous said...

There's something so fabulous about a hike in a rocky place. That looks gorgeous.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a beautiful place, and so nice that the family could hike it together. The boys look so small in comparison to those rock formations! And the snake? Well, that would have had me running in one direction or the other--up or down! :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We have not been there yet. BUT--it's on our list. Great photos. Glad you enjoyed it.


Michaele said...

Your last sentence says it all. I would love to see Kentucky.

Eat To Live said...

I love that natural bridge... hard to believe that something like that can form itself.

That snake looked more than 6" to me. I would have been doing a dance.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I did not know Kentucky had a natural bridge. Jon and I really enjoyed the Natural Bridge in Virginia.

Harry Flashman said...

That looks like a great place for kids. You're doing an outstanding job of providing those "enriching experiences" for them.

Patty Antle said...

What a nice hike for the boys. They looked like they were having a blast!

Sally said...

Love the photo's, Lisa. Such a great place to visit. So glad you all had a good time. My dad was from Kentucky, and I've often thought I'd like to go there one day. :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

The twins are getting SO big! I did not know there is a Natural Bridge in Kentucky, in fact I thought the only one was here. So maybe there are many others, but I wonder why ours is more famous? This looks awesome, a boy's dream of climbing and cubbyholes, and I think it is all prettier then ours. Pictures four, five, and six are really amazing! But of course you know what I will say about the last one, YIKES!!!

Anonymous said...

Magnificent place; I'd love to go. Thanks for sharing the sweet pics.

Liz Mays said...

From start to finish everything was just so interesting and begged to be explored!

Michelle said...

This is such a great place to hike. I have been there with my own family. Great memories!

Linda said...

Marvelous pictures! Looks like a great place.

Nancy said...

How beautiful -- but I know those tight spaces would cause me some anxiety.

Angela said...

I think we have been there many, many years ago before kids. I don't remember it from your pictures though although the name does sound familiar. Was there a wax museum there also? It looks like the boys had a great time and I'm sure you and your husband loved it too!

mail4rosey said...

What a great day out, you got lots of great pictures here!! Really great pictures!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

wow, absolutely beautiful! Nature is amazing, isn't it?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I have to tag this one. If I'm every driving through Kentucky I definitely want to visit. It looks amazing!

Anne Payne said...

Oh wow! Those views are spectacular and so are the rocks!