Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why I Couldn't Be a Fireman errr....Firewoman

I'm taking a few pictures for the twins' preschool again this year, and recently I snapped a ridiculous number of photos during community helpers week, when the firetruck came.  These kids were SO excited.  What is it about that big red truck that brings children such joy? 

The main message the firemen were teaching was that firemen aren't scary - they are there to help.  The children seemed awestruck.  But I don't think anything impressed them more than when that ladder started going up on the truck.

As I watched a lone fireman climb that ladder, my skin started to tingle.  I'm not exactly afraid of heights, but I sure wouldn't want to climb up that ladder.  Even the other fireman seemed impressed.

I could probably climb up that ladder, if I had to.  But I couldn't just scale it like that fireman did.  He got right up to the top and clipped himself in with his harness.

It would take me a really, really long time to get to the top.  Pretty sure a fire could consume a whole building by the time I dragged myself up there.   And then, if I got to the top?  I'm not sure I'd be able to let go, and do a double wave, like this.
Because I'd be much too busy holding on for dear life. 

How about you, readers?  Do you have the bravery it takes to be a fireman?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I have a tall ladder that goes to the top of our 2 story chimney and I go up there because I have to. I don't like it and would take no pleasure in going up anything taller. Those guys are really something.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I could have climbed that tall ladder either. Short ladders are no problem. Tall ones might be.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Oh my goodness! My son would go gaga for this. He loves fire trucks! What great pictures!!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Looks fun to me. In my tiny town they are all volunteers.

Anonymous said...

Guess they could give you a parachute and you could just jump? LOL

Tanya Breese said...

i'm with you, i prefer to be on the ground and there is no way i'd let go up there!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Not even a little bit. I'm terrified of heights. These guys/gals amaze me....they go up that high WITH a fire in front of them and sometimes bring DOWN a person with them. Amazing.

Renegades said...

I've toyed with the idea of joining our local fire department. More as an EMT. Here where we live getting on the fire department is like joining a special club. There is an application process and they vote. Where I grew up they are so thrilled for the volunteers they just let people join.

I Am Woody said...

To climb a ladder? Yes. To run into a burning building? No. I am so thankful for those that are!

Lynn said...

I was once on an extention ladder that went to the moon, my tummy was full of butterflies and I thought I'd faint..once down it was a fun thing to have done, once.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I don't think I could do it. Heights like that make me dizzy. But I admire the men and women who do it. We depend so much on them. I'm glad the kids enjoyed it.

TexWisGirl said...

i can do heights, but i do have a fear of ladders - not really climbing them or descending, but getting OFF of them onto a roof. that might be a problem in this profession. :)

LisaS said...

Ha ha! No way you'd ever get me up that ladder ;0

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Anonymous said...

You answered your own question, sweetie: "big" and "red" and "truck."

Gail Dixon said...

Not an iota of bravery like the firemen, but I sure like watching them work! Haha.

mail4rosey said...

I could climb that ladder in a jiffy, I think. But that's the ONLY thing I could do like a fireman. I def. do not have what it takes.

You're right the little one's love to visit the trucks. Glad you guys had a good time.

Harry Flashman said...

I've flown thousands of hours in fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. I've been through the U.S. Army Jump School at Fort Benning and made my 5 requisite jumps from C-130's and C-141's. I'd no more climb up that ladder than the man in the moon!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I could never do that, either! I am a little scared of heights so that would never work for me haha. You got some cool shots!

Sally said...

No ma'am I surely don't. Now, if it was to try and save a life; I would give it my best shot.

I can just see the little faces watching that ladder go up and up. What a neat thing for them to experience. :)

An Apel a Day said...

I think I'd wimp out. My brother-in-law is a fireman. My kids love visiting him, but they haven't gone for a long time.

Grandma Bonnie said...

So nice for the little ones to see the firefighters in action. I think its great to teach them not to fear a firefighter. I myself would never climb that ladder. My hubby on the other hand is a volunteer firefighter and would do it in a heartbeat.


Love it! We've a street fair each year and the firetrucks attract sooo many kids:) (I certainly wouldn't be brave enough!)

Anonymous said...

oh no, not me! I have so much admiration for fire fighters. I remember how my nephews loved the fire truck when they were little.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I wish I was that brave- but I think it would not work- since afraid of heights is a big problem.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

All kids love visits from the fire department/firetrucks.... SO exciting... I remember those days when my kids were little.

I could climb up there if I had something to hang onto. BUT--I couldn't look down!!!!! ha


Marie said...

Not I!!! My hubby could do it, no fears. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know I would be scared but I think I would like to try it!

Tracie said...

My hubby does, me I would like to be an EMT no running into buildings for me.