Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Phrase that Broke My Heart

Cort first started experiencing asthma when he was 2 1/2.  Since then, he's been on a variety of different daily preventative medicines, all of them causing disturbing side effects.  We finally found one that he seems to tolerate, but it isn't 100% when it comes to preventing his asthma symptoms.  While he had a bit of a remission for a while in the late summer, he has had more frequent days where he needs the nebulizer this fall.  Luckily, whenever Cort is struggling with his asthma, Reid makes sure to take extra good care of him.
Recently, when we were driving to preschool one morning, Cort was having a rough time.  He'd already had a nebulizer treatment but for some reason it wasn't helping as much as normal.  As he coughed over and over again, and I debated sending him to school at all, he said in a small, sad voice, "Mom, when will I not have asthma anymore?" 

There are some things that as a Mom, you just can't fix, no matter how much your heart longs to make it better.  I am thankful, though, to live in a time where we do have nebulizer machines in the home, where we can treat the asthma most of the time without having to rush to the ER.  It isn't a cure for my sweet Cort, but I'm so thankful to have that machine when we need it.  And I won't give up hope that Cort will outgrow the majority of his asthma symptoms as he gets older, just like I did as a child.

Readers, what is a modern technology that makes you thankful year-round? 


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa that statement would surely pull at your heart. My daughter had asthma when she was a child she is much better as an adult but it is hard to watch. Cort has Reid to help him get through and that is wonderful. Take care things will get better. Hug B

Melanie said...

That would have broken my heart too! There are some things that a Mom can't fix and it is hard not to be able to do so! Glad that technology has helped those that suffer to have things like that available to them! I have allergies, and the nedications that are available now are so much better than what was available 20 years ago! It makes a difference in my everyday life and is appreciated!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

It is hard to not be able to make a child feel better even with a minor illness let alone asthma. It is good that you live out where there is clean air, that probably helps.

Karen said...

All modern medicine and inventions...first on the list is lifestar helicopters, because it was the first step in saving my daughters life. Then there is the life support system, which kept her alive for the two weeks she wouldn't do it herself.. then everything that got her back to healthy.

We are SO lucky,even with all the bad news we hear about current state of things in this world, to live in a time with so many advances in medicine.

I'm glad you've found one that is toleratable and I hear so many stories of asthmas outgrown, my guess is he will do just as you have. And you are a runner!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh, Baby Girl, my heart goes out to you. Although not asthma, my Jason had to take meds to prevent seizures from low grade fevers. Like Cort, he would ask when he could stop his medicine. He did out grow it and I am sure following in your footsteps, Cort will too!...:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

A tough road to be on, hopefully it will get better.

Monkeywrangler said...

As for medical tech, I am so thankful for insulin (long acting), which DH has to use daily. Other technology? Prescription eyewear.

Unknown said...

Cute kids! beautiful photo..

Unknown said...

The best one for me is that rather than have back surgery, I can get an epidural in my spine, and it relieves the pain and allows me to carry on with day to day activities. Prayers for your precious son.

Michaele said...

One of the hardest parts of parneting. Really cute photo!!

Anonymous said...

My sister developed asthma as an adult and I can always hear it in her voice when we weakens her voice. It's bad enough that an adult has to experience asthma, it's heartbreaking to know that a child has it for a lifetime. Hoping Cort has a good day today... xox

I Am Woody said...

Poor little guy! The son of a friend of mine had severe food allergies that would trigger his asthma. Thankfully he has outgrown a lot of them as he has gotten older.

GardenOfDaisies said...

There is really no way to answer a question like that, is there? I hope he does outgrow it. But until or if he does, he has the best mom and best dad and best brothers, who all love him and look out for him and do their very best to make sure that he stays safe and healthy. Hugs.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry Cort has to go through this. My brother had asthma as a child and he is much better as an adult. Same with his son, my nephew. I was not diagnosed with asthma until I was an adult. It drags me down sometimes, and it is so much scarier for a child. I am thankful for so many good meds now for asthma. So much more docs can do now to prevent than when my brother was little.

An Apel a Day said...

I understand. I have it to. For me it got better. Then when I was around 20 years old I got it back again. I had an attack when I was in Savannah, GA. This last summer was horrible! I have allergies to, so I'd wheeze, cough and mucus would build up. It was really bad. I do know diet change helps. Being gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free helps. That seems damn near impossible to me. I have been using coconut flour, and brown rice flour more. Then Quinoa I grind up on my own to make my own flour. That flour is pricy! I'm trying to eliminate this and that. I've found that I'm allergic to milk, and I didn't even know it. When I have some, my tummy aches, and I have trouble breathing. I do the neti pot daily. That helps to. My boys even do that. It's a real pain in the butt! If I could wish for anything, it would be to breathe normal.

Anonymous said...

Poor kiddo. It's a hard thing to breathe when that elephant parks on your chest.
I'm thankful for radio every day.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a little sweetie….who wouldn't want to make his asthma go away?? I TOO hope he outgrows it.

TexWisGirl said...

awwwwwwwwww.... i just can't say anything else - for both of you.

camp and cottage living said...

How sweet it is that Reid looks after Cort so well.
I'm so glad too that you have the ability to treat Cort at home.
Our DIL had asthma, but is free of it now. I'm hopeful that Cort will not suffer with it as he grows older too.
Blessings to your little family!

Gail Dixon said...

How hard this is when our children hurt. I have physically ached for my child. The twins are so sweet together. Hopefully he will outgrow the asthma. My camera helps me with depression, so I'd have to say I am thankful for it year-round.

Harry Flashman said...

My son Glenn had asthma when he was a child. As he got older, he basically grew out of it though he still has to have a nebulizer. We just bought him one because he said he didn't want to spend his money on something he never uses. But that attitude ended in his having an asthma attack at the store where he works last year. Even so, he's rarely bothered by it now so I hope your boy grows out of it too.

Lynn said...

I'm 64 just to say that modern technology has surpassed the two implements that have saved countless times family and very young friends...the epi-pen and the pacemaker, plus twice the public defib machine. I worked 24 years in the Emergency Room and am too familiar with asthma attacks, I wish there had been the at home neb machines but know so many kids that grew out of their asthma like you did, so his chances are high. This photo is heartrendingly beautiful.

Rob-bear said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Cort! Heartbreaking question!

One of the important items of technology for me is a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) pump, which helps me deal with sleep apnea. Not a cure, but a useful device.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

mail4rosey said...

Awww. :( I hope he outgrows every single asthma symptom too.

Tanya Breese said...

:( that would break my heart's hard to see them sick...i hope he outgrows it too and that he's feeling better by now...hugs!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh gosh, that is heartbreaking! Poor guy. I'm hoping he will grow out of it. My little nephew was just diagnosed with asthma. My sister said it's a result of him being a preemie (I think he was five or six weeks early).

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I know how much that hurts- I hope that he does outgrow the asthma. My girls both have breathing machines for the kiddos...we have asthma, allergies, extreme excema,it seems my entire family is allergic to something. Feel better little guy!

Chatty Crone said...

I have asthma too - and am coughing tonight. I hope he out grows it. I didn't get it until I was older. It must scare him at times. I am glad you are his mom!!!!!

I am grateful for the computer.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I got tears in my eyes reading this. I pray that he will grow out of it which would be a blessing. My didn't start until after puberty. They never left. There was a chance that hormones with pregnancy would change it but that didn't happen. Anyway the biggest change for me has been Spiriva, I feel almost normal and haven't had to do a treatment in a long time. I can't imagine watching my child struggling like you do. My heart hurts for you and him. ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

Awwww this must have made you very proud, and sad. Proud that he asked you the question knowing you would have an answer for him because you are mommie, and sad because the answer will not be favorable or, a mommie fix-it, but technology does help! Thanks for sharing this I had tears in my eyes as I wrote this!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh that Sweet Baby... I know how you feel since I went through the Asthma stuff with my oldest son. He had a rough time at times... BUT--the good news is that he DID out-grow it...


Tweedles -- that's me said...

His little question brought tears to our eyes too

Linda said...

Aww! I hope he does grow out of it. Recent reports say that vitamin D is very helpful against asthma. Good luck to Cort!

Endah Murniyati said...

I hope Cort will get better as soon as possible. Here, we usually use a warm fresh ginger drink to treat asthma. Its really doing.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel has outgrown most of his allegies. I hope Cort outgrows his too.

Maggid said...

I like the Hope in "just as i did as a child . . . "

I'm gonna think about THAT.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Oh, my goodness. I sure hope he'll outgrow it, if possible. That question was such a tough one.

Jenn Jilks said...

So tough when your kids are sick.
My daughter's friends just lost their young child to a brain tumour. Enjoy each day!

Unknown said...

I feel confident that this will improve greatly over time, Lisa. ;)

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Oh! I did not know your son had asthma. I also suffer from asthma.
It is really unpleasant, due to the fact one does not know when it will happen...
I use inhalers all the time every time I may need it. I take one puff inside my mouth.
I carry the inhaler in my bag wherever I go. I also use a nebulizer with a special medication when my asthma gets bad. But, when it comes to one of the worst symptoms, I ought to get an injection of cortisone. My hubby, Doctor Paul, applies it. Perhaps, that is one of the reasons why I got a swelling body, due to so many cortisone injections which retain too much wáter inside the body.
Since I was a Little girl, I had to have a Physician Specialized in my disease. It was very hard on my mom, and on me too. I missed too many School days...
It is hard when one can't breath normally. It happens to me all the time. That is the main reason why I am a disabled lady, due to my asthma and allergies.
I inherited from my mom. My daughter has it also, so I passed it to her with my genes. Then, my youngest granddaughter, Angie has asthma too. My daughter passed it to her. I really hate it! I'll be praying for your son to feel better, and eventually get complete healings as he grows older. I think the weather has got a lot to do with it, and things round the environment. For example, I am allergic to certain things, and I'll get a very uncomfortable asthma attack due to those certain things that hurt me that are carried away in the environment, Via Airborne. I am allergic to dust, severe humedity, inhalers, some drugs, dogs, pollution, and other things.
My allergy is so bad that if I am in contact with these allergens, my asthma attack will kill me. My lungs will shut, and I won't be able to breathe. It is a horrible ailment that I've got since I was born. I would need to live in good places in order to improve my poor health.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, family and loved ones!
Greetings from Poet Starry.

Annette said...

Oh my heart goes out to you. I do hope he outgrows his symptoms. I'm thankful for Facebook and blogging. I'm, of course, thankful for many modern day medicines and treatments too, but sometimes it's emotional wellness that we strive for...sometimes there's nothing better for the soul than to reach out to other moms and know that they are listening, offering words of wisdom, and praying for you.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awe i am so sorry to hear your having a hard time controlling Cort's asthma. I do hope he grows out of it. I and my son both have asthma neither of us were lucky enough to grow out of it. I suspect it was because my mother was a heavy smoker that caused our asthma to linger.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Poor little guy! My nephew struggles with this, too.