Friday, December 27, 2013

Busy? Who Me?

1.  Last week I had list after list of things I had to do - it was so busy I wasn't sure I'd survive.  I did manage.  Here is a forest of mini cupcakes I made for a Happy Birthday Jesus party at the twins' preschool:
2.  In addition, I made two 9x13 cakes for Paul's work party.  And teacher gifts for an assortment of teachers. There was also an all day field trip with Pierce's class to Amazement Square in Lynchburg.  It was fun, but tiring, particularly the almost 4 hours on the school bus!

3.  Spirit week was going on too.  Here is Pierce on crazy hair day:

4.  Then there was the Christmas musical celebration at the twins' preschool.  And I had several last minute Etsy orders, for which I was grateful.  I had a couple of extra work obligations to tend to, plus picking up some items I was gathering for a family in need.  And delivering those items.  Not to mention a trip out of town to take the boys to see their great grandmother.

5.  I was so thankful that I had finished my shopping and Christmas cards ahead of time.  Now, I'm looking forward to another week with the boys out of school, and no obligations other than my usual work sessions with my client.  I don't know about the kids - but whew, I need this break! 

How about you, readers?  Did the holidays test your limits this year? 

Linking with Nancy's Random Friday


Sunnybrook Farm said...

You were a lot more busy than me. I like those little christmas tree cupcakes, very creative. Put those feet up after a run of course.

Out on the prairie said...

I still feel I am in the season, wait, New years is around the corner.A day that all I want to do is eat.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I actually escaped the usual go-go-go this year, much to my amazement. Except for one late gift (thanks to UPS) I stayed pretty calm and busy-free. But then, I am old as dirt and it's about time for things to slow down, while you have youth on your side! LOL! Happy New Year! Pierce is rocking that tie and 'do!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You were busy! I love the Grinch colored hair!

Nancy said...

Yes, the actual holiday was rather stressful for me -- my mom's small house packed with 20 relatives will do that to a person... but the time leading up to Christmas wasn't nearly as busy as yours! Enjoy your time off my friend and Happy New Year to you and yours.

Eat To Live said...

And I thought I was busy. You had me beat by a long shot.

The cupcakes turned out great by the way.

Unknown said...

The cupcakes look great. Very festive looking.

I Am Woody said...

Thankfully, we were able to take it easy this year! It was really nice!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Just READING it makes me want to collapse :)

Anonymous said...

What a busy week!
We had a few obligations, but paced ourselves quite well. Now it's all relaxing until school gets in session again.

Sue Frelick said...

I think it's awesome that there was a Happy Birthday, Jesus party. :-) I hope you get a chance to wind down and enjoy your boys now that the rush is over.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your schedule makes ME out of breath. :-) I was very busy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I was supposed to be off Thursday, but news happens when it happens, and I had to work a little. Today is busy, and I gave to work some tomorrow. So I am looking forward to New Year's! I hope you get some much needed rest.

Maggid said...

What a terrific Mom YOU ARE!!!

GREAT Grandmother??? The BEST. My Great Grandmother was/still is a best Friend to me.

What a Treasure.

TexWisGirl said...

happy you made it to the other side!

An Apel a Day said...

I was super busy! My husband all the sudden had to work Christmas Eve day. His boss said that he wasn't going to have to, then they got swamped.

Nancy said...

Lisa, I'm exhausted just reading your to-do list. That used to be how the Christmas season was for me, but not any more. I think when the empty nest arrives things slow down greatly. Our Christmas is pretty quiet and simple now. Maybe boring to a lot of people. LOL

Elizabeth Edwards said...

that is too funny - i thought you little one was going for a Grinch look? what a great hair day in my book.

love the Christmas tree cupcakes you are so talented Lisa!! you need to open a bakery. did you ever do that job? or just something you have always done for fun? ( :

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - a mother's job is NEVER done! I got tired thinking about it. Merry Christmas - get some rest girl. Happy New Year. sandie

Melanie said...

I remember how busy Christmas was when my daughter was a child! Busy, but satisfying. Your posts about your kids always make me smile and remember happy memories!

Christmas here was quiet and simple! No complaints from me about that!

Gail Dixon said...

Congrats on the Etsy orders!! That's awesome. Glad you had a busy, but fun time with the kids.

Marie said...

I feel for you! I remember the days of being home room mom, attending every field trip, volunteering for everything and running my own business. :) Now my son can help me bake and run errands. :) We did manage to get our Christmas cards to everyone by Christmas Eve. lol
Enjoy your time. :)
Still love that you rescued that horse. xoxo!

Tanya Breese said...

oh those cupcakes are soooo cute!! and amazement square can wear you out for sure! now go relax!!

Rob-bear said...

I managed to stay relatively sane. Family over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Shovelled the snow, and a few thing like that. Now visiting friends all around the world. A very good Christmas!

Sally said...

Not nearly as busy as you except for the "birthing" in the middle of the night. :)

Pierce looks so cute!!!

Hope you get some rest.

Michaele said...

Luckily you are in shape. Not everyone could have lived through this!

Barbara said...

Those cupcakes came out great. I love that the pre-school has a Happy Birthday Jesus Party. My oldest wanted to put a candle on dessert on Christmas Eve to sign Happy Birthday to Jesus.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! You are a lucky Mom...I always had to work to support us so I missed out on all those the cupcakes!...:)JP

Michelle said...

The holidays always test my limits! My kids always have, "extra", things going on at that time. Always have! Plus, we have many family obligations. Glad you survived! I have one more week off before going back on Jan. 2nd!

Endah Murniyati said...

Yummy cupcakes! Green hair... so match!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

You have been busy! Glad you'll get a little break now. You deserve it.

Unknown said...

Delicious picture! and interesting story..

Hootin Anni said...

Love the 'crazy hair day'....AND his adorable smile!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It always tests my limit but things always do get done. Love the cupcakes and the green hair!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I WANT one of these awesome cupcakes!! Pierce looks so cool, and his hair matches his tie! As to Christmas, Anne Marie is sick and on steroids and I have been to doctors all day after Christmas. BUT finally getting my eye surgery so I will be able to see to post, I can't wait! I will kick the new Year off with new eyes!!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done! I had a fabulous 2 days with kids!
Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

born imaginative. said...

My kids would love those cupcakes because all they do is eat the frosting anyway. If memory serves me correctly, you have at least one kiddo who does the same. :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

You sure had a busy week. We are on our second stop. We have one more week of driving then we will head for home.

Lin said...

I love breaks when the kids are home and you don't have to be somewhere or do something all the time. There were moms who dreaded breaks and summers--but I loved them. All that down time!!


Harry Flashman said...

A mothers work is never done. But you sure do a good job of it.