Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Elf on the Shelf is Not Bad

We've had our Elf on the Shelf, Tulley, for four Christmases now.  He joins us each year around Thanksgiving.  He is usually a silent figure in our home, moving each night (well, most nights...) from place to place.  He doesn't toilet paper the tree or drink himself silly like some of the elves out there.  Not that I begrudge others their elf silliness.  Just that I like our elf to set a good example.  After all, he's supposed to be representing our family to Santa.  And let's face it...do I really want to give my twin four year olds the idea to toilet paper the house?  That would be NO! 
There are some days, where I actually think this elf of ours has my back.  I couldn't have said it better myself!

Look what happened just last week. Something out of the ordinary.  Tulley showed up one morning perched on the tank of Josh, our beta fish.  And look what he left inside.  A cute little 'Merry Christmas' sign!  The boys really got a kick out of it.

Should any readers be interested, I heard you can find these little signs (and more) at Petsmart for $2.99.

Readers, do you have nice or naughty elves in your house this month? 


Sunnybrook Farm said...

That is a neat thing to do with the boys.We don't have an elf just Hillary the spider and cold weather and Christmas just aren't her thing. I guess she is a Grinch come to think of it. Elves are better than spiders you did good.

Unknown said...

No more elf visits, as all my children are grown and have little ones of their own. The elves do visit them tho, and they have so much fun with them.

M.E. Masterson said...

That is cute!

Unknown said...

NIce elf. He does have a sense of humor.

Christine Carpenter said...

Our elf, Peppermint, is usually a good elf as well. Occasionally, however, Peppermint does get into some minor mischief. Last year Peppermint drew (with dry erase marker) on our family photos. My 3 year old was so enraged that she had me to compose a VERY stern letter to the big man himself explaining what a bad elf he had been and questioning Santa's idea of sending such a naughty elf to her house. I about died laughing as I composed the letter, let me tell you. Since then, Peppermint's worst infraction was putting food coloring in the pancake batter.

Barbara said...

Your elf is crafty! Love the sign and the letter!

Anna Hanley said...

Hi,What a cute post!

Out on the prairie said...

A fun tradition to have

mail4rosey said...

I love the sign! We have an Elf Magic dude who runs around our house. He did toilet paper the tree his first day here, but he's been good since then. Last night he put wood glue on my son's sailboat that needed a little repair. We found him this morning, boat fixed, glue bottle in hand. ;)

TexWisGirl said...

glad he's making the rounds again. :)

Maggid said...

This is a Great Idea.

At story time - I move wise men closer and closer to where we meet . . and share teeny bits of the story - adding extra songs as we get closer . . .

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a fun elf! It sounds like Tulley really has the best in mind for your family. :-)

We don't have an elf. We do have a little boy kitty who makes sure his mama and papa are being good, and we make sure he is being good. I have no doubt there will be gifts in the stockings this year. :-)

Monkeywrangler said...

No elves but we do have a Jayhawk ornament that leaves notes to the Monkeys and candy if they behave. He moves around the tree nightly.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish it was out when my kids were little - I think it is so much fun.

Lynn said...

I love this-lucky boys!

Unknown said...

Haha! Cute! I like that your elf is helpful. :)

Harry Flashman said...

We have an elf we got when the kids were tiny. They were afraid of it, because it kind of looks like Chuckie in an elf suit. My wife liked it and put it out every year on the mantle piece while the kids were home. I was kind of creeped out by him, myself. Now he is in the box of Christmas ornaments we never get out anymore.

Mary said...

I love your well behaved Elf on the Shelf! He's ver refreshing! :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love you good Elf. I have always wanted to do an elf on the shelf but we have not so far. Maybe next year. : )

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love it that you have a 'nice' elf in your house setting a good example!!!!! LOVE IT..

Had a nice service for Dad Adams yesterday --and got to see many old friends and family members. We also enjoyed a family lunch together. Dad is in a better place now… Thanks be to God.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We visit PetSmart quite a bit, what a cute idea. Ever since I heard of the elf, I have been so sorry we did not have the story back when our son was little.

Rachel Elizabeth said...

Our elf is a good example too. He just hides in different places. It's fun for our three year old to find him every morning.

Anonymous said...

I love the way your are handling the elf. The kids at my school have wild and crazy elves.


Ooh, I need an elf like this! Love that he's got your back:)

Linda said...

Cute! No wonder your kids have a sense of humor!

Marie said...

I had never heard of this until you. My son would have loved this!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes we do...a good elf because we too like to set good examples,...:)JP

Angela said...

The elf stuff that people do cracks me up! I enjoying seeing the different things people come up with to do with their elves. When I was a kid my mom actually did a few things with an elf that she had. She would say that he was watching us and reporting to Santa. Boy did I believe that! lol I think I have the original elf in a box in the attic. I hope to find it this year if my husband will continue to bring down the boxes from the attic! lol I do have an newer but older than the elf on the shelf elf that is nice. I've not been doing anything with him although I'm thinking my son is wanting to see him do something so maybe I should.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think being a good Elf on the Shelf is awesome!