Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Old Train Depot

The old local train depot has been in jeopardy for some time now, and it's in the news regularly.  Folks want to save it from being torn down.  Right now, the town trying to arrange to move it, but there are some issues that have arisen with the land swap that need to be addressed first. 

I like the old depot.  I hope it isn't torn down.  I don't really want it to move either.  I've always enjoyed seeing this landmark, even if it has seen better days.

I suppose some people would call it an eyesore. I think it's quaint though, and just in need of a little TLC. 


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awww...that would be sad...I was always fond of it, Baby Girl!...:)JP

The Cranky said...

I've always loved old train depots, hope it can be saved!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

If you go on the VT Imagebase site and type Boones Mill, you will see old photos of the station. Notice that they added a small addition on end toward the road.

Nancy said...

Our town is in the process of restoring our old depot -- which makes me happy. Too many old structures are torn down in the name of progress.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

would love to know where it is located? - so the hubby & i can see it in person. we love a train station. old or not. such amazing character. ( :

Anonymous said...

We have several restored near us.

Monkeywrangler said...

DH and I had our wedding reception in the old Union Pacific depot restored in the 1990's in Lawrence KS. Beautiful old stone building. The City made it into a Visitor Center and public 'garden'. http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMGTE5_1889_Union_Pacific_Depot_Lawrence_KS

Unknown said...

Sure hope they dont tear it down or move it either. It has lots of memories I am sure for people around the area, and I just like things to stay as they are!

Kerri Farley said...

Hoping it is SAVED!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh those are the "eyesores" I truly love it is so sad when others cannot see that and try harder to preserve these pieces of history and beauty. Hug B

Bas. said...

dat is wel van een klein poosje geleden.

Anonymous said...

I know, there is something about old structures. It would be sad if it is torn down or shifted. Maybe a bit renovation could save it.

TexWisGirl said...

my little town was able to save an old small building from a lumber mill, relocate it to a town square for a visitor's center. i hope they can save this pretty old thing.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it can be saved. So many towns use these as visitor's centers nowdays.

Charade said...

Do you have any idea when the depot was first put into commission or a link for more information? I'm still gathering information and inspiration for my novel, and here's another one of your photos that reaches right out to me.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I hope it can be saved. I like the old buildings, too. Altavista restored the old train station, and now it's used for meetings/events, and for office space for the chamber of commerce and a foundation. I'll have to show photos sometime.

mail4rosey said...

I think it's quaint too, but I also see how someone wouldn't think so. It's all perspective. :) We've got some old barns around here that people don't like, I think they're nice.

Unknown said...

I hate it when they destroy history for no reason. It is part of the town and should stay that way.

Harry Flashman said...

There's a town up here where they rebuilt the old train depot, and have a little line that runs up into the mountains and back. It's quite a money maker for them.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I hope it can be saved! I always hate when old buildings are torn down.

Aodhnait said...

That's a beautiful piece of American - it definitely should be saved.

Sally said...

Aw, Lisa, I felt the same way about my grandmother's house. Even dilapidated, I loved it. And, I believe it would have hurt quite so much if they had just let it completely fall down instead of tearing it down. It wasn't hurting a thing, out in the country.

Gail Dixon said...

I agree with you; it exudes charm!

An Apel a Day said...

I enjoy seeing old buildings. I hate the thought of something that functioned well in its time just torn down.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I hope they let the train depot stay the way it is, and do not tear it down. I like old train stations, and the train depot. They seem to arise voices from the past. Don't you think so?
Thank you for sharing your inspirational stories!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day in advance to you, Lisa, your children, family and beloved ones!
Warm Hugs,

Endah Murniyati said...

I love the old building.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love it too, Lisa.. Hope they don't tear it down.

Many towns have turned old train depots into all kinds of little shops, restaurants, etc... Maybe someone will do that..


Slamdunk said...

I love old historical buildings like that. A few years ago someone renovated an old train depot building in a town near us, and turned it into a shop--the shop owner has been there for several years now and seems to be doing well enough.

Linda said...

I hope they fix it up. Often we don't appreciate old buildings until they are gone.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Not an eyesore to me, I love it! Hope it stays the same.....

Tweedles -- that's me said...

we think its beautiful.
my mommys dad worked on the railroad long ago,,, so this old train house can tell a story for sure.

Anonymous said...

Very cool old building...I hope it can be saved, too.

Anonymous said...

What a shame it would be if it was torn down! I would tend to agree with you too that I generally like things like this to stay where they are and not be move for the sake of "progress". I just love that pic.

Jenn Jilks said...

Paint on the roof!!!!

Barbara said...

I hope it can be saved. It would be such a shame to tear it down rather than trying to salvage it somehow.