Friday, April 4, 2014

No Tassels for Me, Thanks Anyhow

1.  Another picture from the 40s.  Cute little pony, isn't it?
2.  What do you think of the tassels that are hanging from her hat?  She seems pretty dolled up, don't you think?

3.  I don't wear hats.  The only time I wear hats is if it is very cold and I am outside for an extended period of time, or if I am running in the rain (I will wear a ball cap to keep rain out of my eyes).  I definitely don't wear hats with tassels.

4.  Cort can ride a bike without training wheels!  He took right to it.  Poor Reid.  He is so disappointed.  We'll have to do some extra work with him so he can figure it out too.  It must be hard to watch your twin brother do something so great before you. 

5.  I have never taken a blog break, but I have a feeling one will be coming in the near future.  I will let you know! 

Linked with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I got Carrie to ride her bike by letting her coast down a slope without pedaling. She figured out what I was talking about when I told her that I had a hard time riding it slow.

Slamdunk said...

Looking fancy with the tassels. We have removing the training wheels as a goal from my daughter this summer. She is resisting though.

I understand about needing a break--I am the king of blog breaks.

Melanie said...

Poor Reid! i hope that he learns soon, it must be hard to watch your twin do something that is so exciting!

Yes, she is looking fancy in the tassels. I rarely wear hats either. Cold and sun are the reasons I will wear a hat.

Endah Murniyati said...

Really cute girl and the pony too!

Monkeywrangler said...

Our kids did better if we took the training wheels off, even if they couldn't really ride yet. I think they are more a crutch than a help.

I love hats, though most are ballcaps or boonie hats for me.

Roan said...

I love the hat! I know about blog breaks. I had to take one. It was becoming more work than fun. Now I'm back to enjoying it.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm not a hat person either, except out of necessity. I learned to ride the bike after coasting down small knoll about a million times. When I finally started pedaling, my brother shouted, she's doing it! She's doing it! :-)

I understand blog breaks too. But I certainly would miss you!

Stephanie Faris said...

I had this idea that I was going to buy some girly baseball caps now that I work from home. If I needed to run out during the day without fixing my hair, I could just throw a baseball cap on. I have not done all. I just feel weird with a hat on my head. I'm sure you get used to it eventually.

Lynn said...

I love,hats, especially wide brimmed staw hats. Tassels I can do without but oh my goodness I remember hats with tassels.

Sally said...

I used to wear hats when going to church; believe me you don't want to see pictures. :)

Can understand about a blog break but just know one thing: I would miss you!


Out on the prairie said...

I started my kids riding on the lawn to cushion falls. Just let them go down a soft slope.

Willow said...

I think the tasseled hats use to be the phase back then I remember my gram had one and said it was from Mexico. I come from a line of mad hatters ~ and I love a good hat ( without tassels ~lol).

Busy Bee Suz said...

No tassels for me either….at least on my hats. :)
Bike riding is a tricky thing; some get it quick while others take time. Have a great weekend!

Rob-bear said...

if Cort can ride his bike with no training wheels, and Mom can ride Francie without training wheels, Reid is doubly disadvantaged. Poor lad! But well done, Cort. And mom.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

TexWisGirl said...

i don't like hats either. my head gets too hot. i do wear a visor, though, to shade my aging face when i walk or run.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Reid will catch will not be'll see. Maybe tassels were in then??? Before my time...thank goodness! You probably need a break....:)JP

Mere said...

That's great that Cort can ride a bike! And even great that Reid can do it with training wheels. Grady has shown absolutely no interest in riding a bike or a trike for that matter. I think he's too lazy to push the peddles!

Gail Dixon said...

I don't like hats either! They make me hotter, especially in our humidity. I bought a visor the other day thinking that might be better. I hated it. $14 wasted. :( Sorry you feel the need for a break. It happens to all bloggers from time to time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So sorry that the twins could not learn at the same time, but of course they are individual people and not completely the same. I think Reid will be flying in no time. The tassels were the first thing I noticed in the picture! WHY the break, are you O.K., are you house hunting, spring cleaning?

L.L.E said...

Oh my goodness, that picture is CUTE! I kinda like the tassels :)

No Training wheels YAY! Reid will be right behind him in no time. Growing up!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm a big fan of baseball caps when the wind is blowing and when I'm mowing. I think hats are cool, but haven't worn any fancy ones.

Chatty Crone said...

I have seen those little hats - I think they are like mini pom poms. It must have been the style back then.

That is the hard thing with twins isn't it - that one can do something ahead of the other - my sister has that too.

Take a blog break - it feels good - but COME BACK!

LisaS said...

Love that photo! Wherever did she get the idea for tassles on her hat?? ;)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

oh its a very cute photo for sure!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love the tassels on her hat! I too do not wear hats. I only wear one if its freezing out side.

Vision By Mila said...

I feel a bit like a blog break as well, especially since I have a photo blog, for the most part anyways, and there is nothing nice to photograph nowadays.. no flowers yet, cloudy most of the time.. for months now. Luckily it's almost proper spring soon.

mail4rosey said...

Yep, that's a fancy hat. :)

It IS about to be bike riding season for the kids again, isn't it? Hurrah, I'm happy for it!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love the tassels. I love hats. It's a cold day today, snow in the a.m., a good day for hats!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Yes! I like hats, especially those vintage style looking hats from the old times.
I am sorry to hear that your twins can't learn the same things at the same time. But, it can happen to anybody, since we are all individual people with individual minds.
About taking a break, it's always a good idea to take breaks now and then, and go on vacation. Well, I do it all the time.
We'll miss you, Lisa. So please, come back again. Some News:
My desktop computer broke down.
Then, I borrowed a small laptop to type this post for you.
I can hardly read small prints, due to my poor eye vision.
I am saving money to buy a ticket to New York to see my dear family again. So, I am sort of broke in any other way.
Good Luck in all you do, Lisa, family, and loved ones.
Thank you so much for posting your kind comments in my posts!
Greetings from Starry.

Harry Flashman said...

Doesn't hurt to take a break sometimes. Just to catch your breath.

Michaele said...

My twins got over stuff like that pretty easy - it is the things that other people say that make it tough. The guy at the drivers license place thought there was going to be a huge blow-up when one passed and one did not. I think he was disappointed when he didn't get any drama.
If you have never taken a blog break - you have earned it!

Linda said...

Congrats to Cort! I'm sure his brother will be riding like that soon.

Love the photo!

Maggid said...

The hat is decorated the way performers from South America used to wear them . . .

Me? i used to wear a hat - and red cowboy boots . . i insisted i was Annie Oakley . . .

Breaks can be good . . . Life starts to speed up . . . so, when its time, people can simply report back about all the adventures . . . Love to YOU!!!

Lin said...

Blog breaks are nice. When you return you just feel more like posting...and you have some fresh ideas for posting. I take them every so often, but I don't advertise them...I just quietly sneak off for a few days.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel still has training wheels. I need to work with him on it.

Cat said...

If I knew how to get pictures into a post, I would volunteer to be your guest blogger while you are off.

Tanya Breese said...

oh i really think you need a hat with tassles ;) poor reid, i hope he masters it soon. i was fortunate that b and d picked it up right about the same time. they've really been on an even keel when it comes to everything...sports, academics, friends...makes it smooth sailing for me!

An Apel a Day said...

I don't wear hats either. If it's snowing, or super cold I will wear one.

Poor Reid. Let him know that my son Isaak (age 5) can't ride one yet either.

Barbara said...

Reid is going to get there soon! I've taken too many blog breaks, luckily everyone has stuck by me.