Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring Break? Or Not.

1. I wasn't obligated to mention this, but Clif Kid sent the boys their new lemon cookie bars to try, along with some fun spring items like sunglasses and a jump rope.  The organic bars, as always with their products, were a hit with the boys.
2.  Pierce, who already had a shortened Spring Break this year, lost a chunk of it due to all the snow days.  Such is life.

3.  I've read more books this year already than I read the entirety of 2013.  I may need an intervention.

4.  At least when you frequent the library, like me, reading books is a hobby that is free.

5.  For now, I will be cutting back to blogging 3 days a week.  Nothing is wrong.  I just want to focus my time on some other things right now, and thought that blogging Monday, Wednesday, and Friday might be helpful in doing so. 


Sandra said...

I love the library. I have been trying to pick up a book instead of turn on the TV.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

And now one day of spring break is all cloudy and cool, but good for sleeping from what I have seen here this morning.

mail4rosey said...

We're big library fans too. :) Happy Easter to you and your family.

Lynn said...

smashing photo, such a star and so handsome! 3 days a week good for you-and for your reading progress ;-).

Montanagirl said...

I know what you means about blogging and cutting back. I have thought of doing that myself!!

Rob-bear said...

Libraries are such wonderful places. "Get yourself a card and you've got yourself a key."

Three times a week for blogging is "a good thing." That will give you more time to play with your boys, and with Francie, and (of course) your husband.

Blessing and Bear hugs!

TexWisGirl said...

cute pic! happy weekend to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Easter, Lisa. I too have cut back on blogging... There are just too many other wonderful things to do--so I needed a balance.

Hope you have a great Easter --and time with your precious sons. They do grow up SO SO SO fast.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

enjoy your bloggy time away or change in writing. i need to make some changes myself. i think it is the nice weather. i need some time to garden & such. i see Nancy left the bloggy world, that is a total shocker for me.

boy ... having a few health issues has left me out of the loop. big time. oh well ... life goes on.

have fun with the boys & fam. i love the sunglasses. too cute. ( :

Sally said...

Love that photo, cuteness abounds.

I believe you love to read as much as I do!

I'd rather have your three days than not have you at all. :)

Have a blessed Easter with your family!

Roan said...

Love the sun glasses! So, I wish you would put a page on your blog which ists the books you've read. I love to read and started a book club here at our local library.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Reid looks very cool! Sorry Pierce lost his days. Our county had to extend the days to make up for the snow days.

You need no intervention. In my opinion, you can't read too much.

I hope the new blogging schedule will give you the time you need. I want to start a blog on my editing site--probably just once a week.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good for you for cutting back. I've been housebound, and my hospice clients keep cancelling ! It's been too cold too garden.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Chatty Crone said...

What or who makes those lemon bars?
Well I sincerely hope you have a blessed Easter.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rats! I always count on you and the boys each day to cheer me up. But at least you are still blogging. My best friend eats the Kids Cliff by the box and loves them. They came out with mint chip bars around Christmas time and were awesome, but are unfindabe now.

Tess @ Pro-tography 101 said...

We love going to the library. Adorable photo, btw. Sometimes, we need to cut back from some things to make room for others!

Out on the prairie said...

Tough to give up part of the spring break

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I really need to get back into reading. I used to read several books a week, but I crash as soon as I climb into bed at night!
I understand the need to cut back on blogging. There isn't enough time to do everything these days!

Bas. said...

je kan maar een ding tegelijk doen.

An Apel a Day said...

I bet they'll love those Cliff Lemon Cookie Bars! Yummy!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Spring breaks were cut for a lot of kids from what I understand...lemon bars might be a favorite for me...I love lemon!!! Pierce is getting more handsome every time I see him. Blogging can be time consuming...especially in good weather!!!...:)JP

Deb said...

I blog only once or twice a week myself. We mums are needed in so many other places ;)
I understand about needing the reading intervention. I'm also addicted. Having a husband that works in the publishing industry I don't need to frequent the library very much - but only because we now have a massive one at home!

Gail Dixon said...

Precious photo!

I understand the need to cut back some. Three days a week was what I did last year. This year I am doing week days only. Blogging can really take over is you let it. Hope your new schedule works out.

Endah Murniyati said...

A nice hobby! I hope you will have a wonderful spring this year

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We like the library too,,,
and good for you for knowing what is most important- some things must get done

Linda said...

I don't read nearly as much now that I'm blogging regularly. I think the eyes can only take so much!

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

A good idea for a new schedule, Lisa. I got a kick out of the stylish sunglasses! :)

Cat said...

I love this picture so much! I keep coming back to look at it. Makes me smile :-)

Willow said...

Loving the shades ~ very cute !

Tanya Breese said...

how cute! we lost good friday from our break but still have all of next week. have a happy easter!

Harry Flashman said...

I'm sorry you won't be on line as much, but with Spring here I can certainly understand. I'll look forward to your posts when you have a chance to get on the computer.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Cute sunglasses! I just love, love, love the library. Looks like you are planning a busy summer.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Happy Easter !

Eat To Live said...

I haven't been reading much at all. I would read a lot more if I would stay off of this computer.
Happy Easter to you!

simply bev said...

I definitely get the need to cut back on the blogging. Try it for a while...but don't stop all together! We'd miss your posts!

mail4rosey said...

I'm here to wish you a Happy Easter. :)

Steve Surratt said...

It would have been nice if they'd done what Rke City did and add an extra few minutes to each day to keep the spring break.

Lin said...

Or just blog when you've got something to say. I'm doing that now. Especially with the weather turning nice---we've got to get outside and enjoy. :)

Slamdunk said...

Congrats on your #3. I definitely can not say the same--but the year is not over yet.

I went to a 3 day schedule years ago, and it still is a challenge. Enjoy your Monday Lisa.

L.L.E said...

Enjoy your mini break! If you read anything recommendable, please let me know, I'm just re-reading old favorites right now and looking for a new series to get hooked on to.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading more too. There must be something in the air. I love the yellow sunglasses!