Friday, April 11, 2014

The Missing Shoes

1.  Reid lost his favorite shoes.  We turned the house upside down looking for his dear, beloved shoes.  For days, whenever we forced him to wear other shoes, he sobbed.  They hurt his feet.  They weren't right.  He wanted his blue shoes.

2.  Two weeks later, I was walking up from feeding Francie.  As I meandered up the steps to the porch something in the window caught my eye.  When I saw what it was, I laughed.  And then I called for Reid.

3.  We are so happy Reid has his favorite shoes back.  I sure hope he doesn't lose them again.

4.  People on Craigslist are crazy.  It's a great way to get rid of junk, but certainly you encounter some interesting characters.  Recently, I had something listed for $400 firm, and got a text, at 1:00 am, asking if I would take $275 if they came to get it right then.   Luckily my phone was off. 

5.  Deer ate my apricot tulips I planted last fall.  I am so bummed!  I was really looking forward to seeing how they turned out.

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Now how do you suppose the shoes got there?
I look at craigslist and some of the spelling is very entertaining, sadly they are often from our county.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am happy for Reid I think everyone of us can relate:) Craig's list people sure do think different and surf all night. Hug B

MastHoliday said...

Very interesting writeup!!
thanks for sharing with us ..

Bas. said...

wat het huis verliest komt altijd weer boven water.

Montanagirl said...

Oh, I'm so happy you found his shoes. That can be very traumatic. The other day I misplaced our cordless phone handset. Turned the house upside down. I had just used it - where was it ? Right where I had left it - in the hall closet on a shelf where I needed both hands to do something else. Don't remember what.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello on a gorgeous, spring day in TENNESSEE. Wow---after the long and bitter winter we had this year, Spring is even more inviting and lovely.

Bummer on the deer eating your tulips... They do love tulips---and we lost some to them this past week also.

We are now home 'again' --after our 5th trip since the end of February.... Seems as if we visited five different states --although the trips weren't planned for that reason... ha... BUT--as I always say, it's great to be home... I did publish a blog post today--so check it out when you have time. Have a wonderful weekend.

Funny story about the lost shoes. Been there--done that!!!! ha

Be careful dealing with people on Craig's List....


Roan said...

Love the lost shoes story. Glad they were found. Since the Craigslist killer movie on Lifetime, or one of those channels, I haven't tried to sell anything there. Yes, I'm a chicken! lol

Melanie said...

Glad that Reid found his shoes, the story made me laugh! I remember my little one losing her shoes too! Have never listed anything on Craigslist, did list kittens to give away a few years back in the local shopper. One guy called and wnted to know if I could tell him where he could get a pit bull? Seriously, that was an ad for kittens!

Jenn Jilks said...

I know how it is! Just after my kids and grandkids left, I found BeeBee, the youngest's bedtime toy. The had travelled about 15 min. on the highway, and had to turn around!
I was the hero, though!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Lynn said...

funny shoe story with a great ending, lucky for Reid, I can understand completely his dismay-in Canada we had to put barbed wire circles around our fruit trees and far enough away that they couldn't reach by stretching those rubbery necks-...

TexWisGirl said...

shoes in the windowsill. so cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

YEA for the shoes!!!! Wonder who put them there? He really looks pleasantly surprised. Rats to the tulip eater, the name sounds so pretty I would have loved to see them! The weekend is beautiful and there are about FIVE different festivals going on. Hope you have a great one!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh how funny- I love the look on his face! Be careful with those CL never know.
Y'all have a wonderful weekend!

mail4rosey said...

That's cute about the shoes.

Sorry about the deer being so greedy. There should be a Tulip law. :)

Sally said...

LOL! The case of lost shoes. How cute!

Well, the blasted deer!

I hope your weekend is good!


Michelle said...

CL does have its fair share of interesting people. Glad Reid found those shoes!

Gail Dixon said...

The shoes in the window cracked me up! I'll bet that was one relieved little boy. I do not do Craig's List at all. Be careful.

Rob-bear said...

Reid has his shoes back, and now can put his best foot forward with confidence.

We do't use Craigslist, but I once sold a city house through kijiji. Yes, I am a little strange.

Sorry you lost your tulips. They were a dear treat. Maybe you need to use barbed wire, as Lynn suggested.

Glad you keep working with Francie. I think the two of you really deserve each other.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Endah Murniyati said...

So funny... my son have a similar experience with his toothbrush... new toothbrush couldn't substitute... LOL. Several days later I found his toothbrush in his school bag!

Harry Flashman said...

Glad your sons shoes turned up. I was digging out a drainage ditch the other day, and found a silver dollar my son lost out there when he was about 12. He's 25 now. I saved it for him.

Michaele said...

Funny about the shoe. I am happy for him. I have had some strange experiences on Craigslist myself. I only use it as a last resort - and ebay? - never again.

Linda said...

Glad those shoes showed up!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

How funny this is!

Vision By Mila said...

The important thing is the shoes have been found!

Annette said...

Oh, we still have a missing table leg in this house. It's a long story, but anyways, we have a lopsided plastic table because my son and his friend decided to use the legs for a pretend sword fight and then lost one. I'm glad you found the missing shoes!

We have deer that come into our yard and eat our bulbs or the actual tulips too. I've had to settle with daffodils instead!

Anonymous said...

TOO funny about the shoes... glad they were found though... Craigslist makes me nervous, I'm never sure about it all...

Lin said...

That's funny about the shoes....I guess he learned a hard lesson about putting them away. ;)

Craigslist IS crazy. I think I'm sort of done with it--we live in Chicago and crazy is REALLY crazy here. It's actually more dangerous than crazy.

Squirrels dug up and ate my crocus bulbs this week. I feel your pain about your tulips. And to think I feed the darn squirrels premium food and nuts! That's the thanks I get.

Slamdunk said...

Darn deer--they are big eaters here as well.

Great shot with the missing shoes. We had a missing remote that remained hidden for months. It was finally located in a snow tube that was outside. Evidently, the tube had been inside for awhile and the remote had fallen in between the liner. Amazing things kids do to us parents.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I am glad you found the missing shoes. Reid must be happy now.
I love animals, so I would not mind a deer to eat things planted in my garden. Anyway, I do not have a garden, because I live on the top apartment in a Tower Apartment Building in a big city.
I would love to live in a horse farm with lots of acreage to roam with my animals. Maybe, one day, God will grant me that wish.
I just love country living style, but I live in a big city...
I also love horses!
I can't wait to see new pics of Francie, your pony.
I think Francie is a PONY, NOT A HORSE. So, she would be a perfect pony for a child, I think.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that he found his shoes!

Unknown said...

You found the shoes! What a great day that must have been!! A rediscovery. I don't like Craigslist for that reason. Friends of mine swear by it.