Friday, June 6, 2014

Spit and Polished

Normally we put our yearly tax return towards a few summer camps for the boys, car repairs, and a summer vacation.  This year we really needed to do a few things to the house, so the vacation was pushed to the back burner.  Disappointing, but such is life.

Instead, we got some very much needed gravel put on the driveway.  This past winter did quite a number on our driveway, with all those snowstorms.

 We also bought stain for the logs on our house.  Paul tediously worked to resand every log and then painted the stain on by hand.  It hadn't been done since we first built the home, so it was overdue.
Now the logs look so smooth and shiny - no more shabby spots.  The house is all spit and polished.

Lastly, we had heat installed in the guest room in the basement.  Something we meant to do some 5 years ago when we finished the guest room.  But it just never happened.  Nice to get some big projects done. 

Fingers crossed that we'll get that vacation next summer!  How about you readers, do you have any projects happening?


The Cranky said...

Everything looks spiffy Lisa! Hope you get the vacation next year.

Thank you so much for your kind comment yesterday; I hope you know how much I love and enjoy your blog.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow that is a lot of work for Paul I really do not like sanding. It sounds like a working vacation to me. I bet it is nice to have done. I am spit and polishing for a wedding:) Hope Pierce is feeling better. Hug B

Steve Surratt said...

Your house looks beautiful! No projects here other than motivating a teenager.

Roan said...

Looks great! No projects this summer, but we are making a list for next year. I need to paint inside. Not looking forward to that. Our house was built in 1925 and has high ceilings, which requires a ladder and very sore arms.

Endah Murniyati said...

Good job, Lisa! I have planned a project to make mini fish ponds on my backyard, cause that space is not productive for growing veggies, too much shade. But it must be delayed, cause I have to spend more money for my children, both of my son and daughter will continue their study into higher grade.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done, all. There is much to take care of in a home. When we were house hunting, we saw too many neglected and/or abused.
We've done the roof, installed a new furnace, added extra roof insulation, and windows are our next project.
That said, I'm digging into the line of credit and buying hubby a lovely 5-tier water fountain. Life is so short! i want him to have good years with whatever time is left!

Out on the prairie said...

too many here, but I play too often to get them done. I need to get my list shorter.

Anonymous said...

Your home is very pretty. It's hard work but makes you so proud. Currently our biggest project is to keep the new sod alive during Ga's heat wave!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

He did a good job on those logs!
No vacation but plenty of projects here. Maybe when Pierce heals up a little bit you can take some day vacations.

camp and cottage living said...

Oh my, I know how much work re finishing logs is!
My husband stripped ours and re-stained them a few years ago.
A great room in the basement sounds 'great'.

Alica said...

I'm sure that was time consuming, but oh so satisfying to have it finished, and it looks great! Our projects this year include repairing our slate roof, and putting in a new drain field.

Montanagirl said...

Looks really nice! Heat in the guest room will be good too! lol. Not many big projects here. Just keeping up with the lawn mowing, etc.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea log homes required that kind of maintenance!
We've been spending our spare change on gutter and sump pump repair...ah the glamour!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You all got a lot done! I hope you come to Greenville this summer!

Sandra said...

Sounds like a lot of work! But it paid off, looks beautiful!

Linda said...

Yes, I have heard that logs need regular care. We have lots of small projects. We rebuilt a gate yesterday and husband is fixing a threshold. Also putting rails on a deck.

Busy Bee Suz said...

It does look nice and spiffy! We always have projects going….mostly keeping things repaired. :) Last week I had the electrician and plumber here. This week my gate repair guy and my irrigation guy too.
Have a great weekend!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The logs look so nice! I bet that was hard work, but Paul did a great job.

Larry has a running list of projects to do around the house. We want to expand the garden at some point--we're dreaming of less grass to mow. :-) And there's some outside painting to be done, mortar repair on some brick steps, etc. Always something to do!

I hope Pierce is doing well!

TexWisGirl said...

those are long-lasting improvements. a good thing to do. :)

Harry Flashman said...

Wow. I always have to pay at tax time, I haven't gotten back a refund in years. You're a better tax planner than I am.

I like your house. It looks like mine except mine is older :-)

It's smart to get tangible accomplishments done instead of spending money on a vacation. It shows strength of will, a rare quality today.

Bas. said...

onderhoud is heel belangrijk en daar kan je dan weer jaren plezier van hebben.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I understand about home repairs... We have put off some of our major vacations (choosing little ones instead) so that we can do some much need maintenance. We try to do something each year.. Example: one year-house painted; another year--new deck; another-new roof, etc.... This year we are converting to a gas fireplace (from wood-burning).. Since we didn't have any gas lines, we have to get that plus a propane tank put in first.... Fun fun...

Your hubby has done a fantastic job with your home/stain, etc... Looks GREAT.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oy, the projects! It never ends with a house, does it? We just had a new door frame made for the basement because wood Borers had eaten it and we couldn't buy one because our door is a weird size. A kitchen cabinet is falling down, so next week that has to be jacked up and fixed in place. And our bathroom floor has huge soft bumps that are growing under the floor, bigger every day, can you say Stephen King? So we have to have the whole bathroom taken out and the floor removed. Hey, these aren't projects, they are repairs, oops! We can never get to the projects because of the repairs, the house is old like us. Your logs are gorgeous!!! Shall we look up the schedule for Lexington and tentatively try to meet there for the balloon takeoff? Maybe the boys could go for a tethered ride!

Marie said...

It looks great! I'm still unpacking at our new home. And even though we're renting for now I just re-stained the back deck. It looks so much better!
I haven't been around for awhile due to the move and some health issues. Did you ever find your pup?

Sally said...

Beautiful! How nice to get those projects done; I'm happy for you guys.

I have lots of projects I could be doing; we'll see if I do them. :)

Enjoy your weekend, Lisa

Gail Dixon said...

What an industrious husband you have! The logs look beautiful. We have a trip to Texas planned, but nothing major.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good projects to get done...all improve the value, although a vacation would be beneficial too!...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

so very beautiful!

mail4rosey said...

That exterior DOES LOOK NICE! I wish we were doing siding, but it doesn't look like it. So... we're repairing woodpecker damage and spot painting.

troutbirder said...

Looking good there. For us, no big project other that some huge victims of oak wilt disease to remove from our yard and woods. Otherwise we're entering the downsize period of retirement. That is getting rid of "stuff" we don't use or need anymore. I've become a "Craigs List" devotee...:)

Vision By Mila said...

We're taking a break from "big" holiday this year, but we'll be travelling for a while here in Finland and I'll get to meet some friends in Switzerland, for a weekend. Not too bad. All the funds are not piling up in the "baby account", but also started saving bits and bobs for next year's holiday(s).

Maggid said...

wow! Your home looks like a dream come true to me . . .

I thought i was going on vacation - BUT, the Universe made other, healing plans for me . . it's going to be worth it . .

Travel? Okay, i can wait a bit - I'm sure to enjoy it even more.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Its wonderful to hear you have gotten so much done. Perhaps you can have a staycation this year.

Lin said...

Aw gees, that must have been some job!!

Cat said...

The picture of Cort's feet would be very artsy blown up in a black frame.

Unknown said...

What incredibly hard work, but the feeling of accomplishing the project had to be awesome!

An Apel a Day said...

Your house looks great!

We've done some throughout the year. We put in a new kitchen, new bathroom floors, a new toilet, painted the outside of the house. I need to work on the steps next.

Angela said...

The logs look great! We used to buy something or finish something on our house every Christmas instead of buying presents for each other.