Friday, July 11, 2014

Lions in the Park

While killing some extra time recently, I took the boys to see an interesting lion fountain in a Roanoke park.

Pierce was particularly intrigued by where the water was going and how it flowed.
Pierce always wants to know how everything works.
The twins, on the other hand, just wanted to know if they could climb in.
Even though it was a hot day, the answer to their question was no.
Poor Cort and Reid.


The Cranky said...

A great way to pass the time; even if they didn't get to jump in!

Steve Surratt said...

I guess that is one of the old water trough's for horses in downtown Rke? Neat that they have restored it. Does not look too clean though....

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Careful that Pierce doesn't try and make one at home with the garden hose and a cat!

Anonymous said...

This is really cool! I think Sunnybrook Farm has a great idea!

Maggid said...

poor WHO???
They have one of the best Moms of all time . .
Nothin' "Poor' about that.

love & love,

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is pretty! I would want to climb in too. I think Pierce is going to be an inventor. :-)

TexWisGirl said...

cute. :)

mail4rosey said...

I like cool fountains too. :)

An Apel a Day said...

When we go to the Plaza in Kansas City the boys want to practically jump in their fountains. They have so many. LOL

I let them play, but not jump in. Even then my husband rolls his eyes in the background. He apparently doesn't like their hands even in there.

How often do kids see fountains? Not that often. I think it's a fun break for them.

Michelle said...

It does look refreshing :)

Gail Dixon said...

I really love that you consistently expose your children to things like this. I'll bet Pierce is going to be an engineer one day!

Anonymous said...

Pretty fountain. I remember my brother always wanted to know "how things work." He had a bad habit of taking things apart and not being able to put them back together!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is a lovely fountain, but maybe not exactly the kind for kids? You always find the most awesome things for the boys to do and look at! It reminds me of the old show "John & Kate Plus 8" They were always taking the kids really fun places (I am sure with TLC money).

Bas. said...

ja maar klimmen is nou eenmaal het mooiste.

Endah Murniyati said...

A classical fountain! Children always want to know everything, especially an 'unusual' thing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

WELL---once those twins are Pierce's age, they'll want to know everything also... I love it when kids want to learn and will ask lots of questions...Awesome!!!!

Have you all taken the kids to that big star on the mountain above Roanoke? There are some hiking trails up there also..

Another place not too far is Peaks of Otter. We love that area.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I would like to see those lions in the park too!

Angie said...

Definitely a beautiful fountain! I agree with Cort and Reid though, it looks quite inviting :)

Harry Flashman said...

That fountain reminds me of Pompeii and Herculenium.

Sally said...

Of course they wanted to climb in! hahahaha

I love how Pierce is so inquisitive; smart little cutie. :)

Michaele said...

awwwww mommmmm hehe Nice shots.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Pierce is so inquisitive...he looks like Paul, but takes after you, I think...:)JP

Linda said...

Nice fountain! I imagine it's hard to answer all of Pierce's questions.

Becca said...

I always feel bad when I am with kids who want to know how things work because I often don't have answers! I am amused though that it looks like the lions are spitting!

troutbirder said...

Ah those boys! What fun and they do keep their mom busy...:)


C'est vrai, cette fontaine est très belle et l'effet donné par la rouille, cette patine du temps est vraiment intéressante.


Marie said...

such fun stuff you think of for the boys! Kyle was very inquisitive as a young boy. I'm thinking engineer. :)

Slamdunk said...

Poor kiddos--ha, no way would be the answer from us too.

Pierce sounds like a future engineer. Our oldest is like that with lots of questions and taking things apart.

Unknown said...

I have to laugh, because this is a question I would have asked and the answer would be the same from my own Mom! ;)

Sharon Wagner said...

I remember sticking my head in a lion fountain. Actually, it is still around. But it's a drinking fountain.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a lovely fountain!