Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Speedy Summer

This is a picture I took of the boys at Highland Park. 
Summer is going much too fast. 
In just a few weeks, it'll be time for back to school.
The boys completed three reading programs this summer.
Now we get to reap the rewards - free ice creams, hamburgers, water park tickets, baseball games and the transportation museum.
I doubt we'll get all that done in the next few weeks.
Especially since Pierce has robotics camp still, and the twins have Knight in Shining Armor Camp.
But we can try!


Sunnybrook Farm said...

We are in band camp now, not long before school again, maybe you can get some of that done over the next couple of cool days.

Sandra said...

I agree. Summer is flying by way too fast!!

The Cranky said...

Summers always fly by far too quickly! Robotics and Knight in Shining Armour camps sound like great fun btw. =)

Oh! I read Among Others over the weekend and loved it, so glad you mentioned it!

Anonymous said...

What great camps! I love all the wonderful prizes the boys got for reading!

Anonymous said...

What great camps! I love all the wonderful prizes the boys got for reading!

Anonymous said...

This is a great photo. Boy, the twins have really grown taller. Congrats to them on their rewards for reading.
Two great fences in this photo, too!

Endah Murniyati said...

Such a busy summer with your boys. My son is already coming back to school, and my daughter too. The vacation is over. Hope your son enjoy with their camp. Sounds so interesting.

TexWisGirl said...

cute, cute photo!

Harry Flashman said...

The summer really is going too fast. It may be hot and humid, but I think it's the nicest part of the year. I used to feel that way about winter, until last winter. Another one like that will finish me off.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like a fabulous summer for your boys, Lisa.. All three of them are growing up SO fast... Love that photo of the 3 of them...


Busy Bee Suz said...

It is flying by isn't it? Wow….those are some really interesting camps!

Out on the prairie said...

It is passing too quick. I have been in my tent for a week. Need to stop home and do laundry before heading trout fishing.

An Apel a Day said...

Those camps sound fun!

I love the photo of them.

Tanya Breese said...

summer has flown by :( haven't done nearly as much as we planned to.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your boys are so cute! Kudos to them on the reading programs.

Knight in Shining Armor camp--sounds exciting! :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is an excellent picture. All of this looks so much fun, they must be having a blast this summer. Knight and Robot Camp, how cool is that! I bet they will love the transportation museum, hope you can make it.

Bas. said...

Deze momenten moet je heerlijk van genieten,het gaat allemaal zo snel.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the picture!
You're right, summer is going way too quickly this year!

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are so adorable. Amazing young men you are raising.

Marie said...

adorable photo! sounds like a great summer!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente fotografia de belas crianças....

Jeanne said...

They look as if they are having a wonderful summer! Very cute shot

Tweedles -- that's me said...

the time is going very fast for sure!

Linda said...

Their lives are rich!

Montanagirl said...

A speedy and busy summer! Time just goes by way too fast.

Sally said...

I can't believe how fast this summer is passing!

Beautiful photo of your little sweethearts. :)


Vision By Mila said...

Can't believe we're heading towards the end of July! But then I have exciting times ahead, so I don't mind if Autumn comes asap! :D

Becca said...

I wonder if programs like what your boys completed help foster a love of reading. I was part of a program in school when I was a kid that gave rewards and I love to read still. My sister wasn't in any program and the last thing she read was Harry Potter when it came out. Good luck getting all your fun in!

Michaele said...

I am in denial. Summer is only half over in my book. Really cute photo!

mail4rosey said...

We've got more activities than time too. I don't want summer to slip by so quickly!

Slamdunk said...

With your reminder of school being not far, I hear boos from across the US.

But it is sure fun trying to cash in on all those rewards. We have a pile of fun stuff to do as well. At least the one remaining beach trip is on our horizon. Have a good weekend Lisa.

Annette said...

I don't want summer to go by so fast either. We're definitely trying to make the most of it here. Your boys finished three reading programs? Wow! Were they at different libraries? Thankfully, we still have a few more weeks left. Robotics camp sounds fun!