Monday, August 25, 2014

Bike Races

Paul has always been a big cyclist, and he made sure all of our boys were riding their bikes at age four.  The twins never even had training wheels, thanks to lots of time spent on one of those balance bikes.  When we went to one of those Jellystone campgrounds recently, they had a fun bike track, and the boys had a blast racing around it.

It did look very fun.  I would've liked to have given it a shot, but we ran out of room on the car bike rack.

So, instead I settled for taking lots of pictures.

Check out those serious faces.  Pierce was trying to pass Cort, and he didn't want that to happen!

Alas, Cort was no match for his dad, when he decided to pass.

Around and around they went.

A happy ending to the day.
Readers, have you been biking lately?


Monkeywrangler said...

Generally I ride several times a week, but this past weekend, DH was off at the Hotter'N Hell bike ride so I was home with the kids and dogs. Plus with temps at about 100*F I didn't really feel much like riding.

Linda said...

Lisa, we brought our bikes with us when we moved back to the US from The Netherlands. That was almost 8 years ago. They have been used one time, I think. Really a shame! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Out on the prairie said...

I used to bungee the kids bikes to my top rack.Mine holds 4 and fits in a hitch.

Sally said...

Love the photo's, Lisa. They do so well on the bikes. Me? Uh, NO, not in many years.. :)

Happy Monday!


Bas. said...

Geweldig mooi ja wij fietsen iedere dag.

TexWisGirl said...

so very cute. no, i've not biked in about 20 years. :)

Willow said...

What great family shots on their wonderful bikes !
Not once this year have I gotten on a bike ~ but I haven't been a complete couch potato I do horseback ride and hike ... just don't have a bike !

Sharon Wagner said...

I need to do some peddling myself. The summer's almost over. No time like the present.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

They look like they're having fun! We haven't been biking in a while. I'm missing it.


La joie d'un enfant partageant le jeu avec son père, n'a pas de prix. Elle est fondatrice de réflexes qu'il sera content de retrouver tout au long de sa vie. Superbes photos, aussi.



Ginny Hartzler said...

The first thing I noticed was the concentrated faces! But of course you can see that Paul is just plain having a blast! I wish summer would last forever.

Unknown said...

Great to see the guys using helmets--first safety item--always. I need a bike rack, as I'm so done with taking my bike down the stairs to my car and having to take off the front wheel. It's cumbersome to shove into a car trunk. Miss my SUV. This looks like a great outing!

Harry Flashman said...

In my county, some years ago, we built a beautiful park with public funds. It had a huge oval bike track for the kids to ride on along the river. But the park became a magnet for elderly people from Florida who come up here part of the year. They stated walking on what was clearly marked as a bike trail. They didn't like kids riding on it, so they went to the country commissioner and whined. Shortly thereafter, the bike trail was re designated a "walking trail" and bikes were banned.

Busy Bee Suz said...

How fun for all your boys. I love riding my bike; it's too darn hot right now though.

mail4rosey said...

I've taken the kids bikes to the trail, but like you we run out of room for my bike, so I walk while they ride.

Endah Murniyati said...

It looks so interesting! My son didn't like biking. So... his bike is always stay on the garage.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Unfortunately no...not on the list of approved activities for me, but kayaking is!!!!...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

wow!!! look at them go!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What great photos.. AND--that is such good exercise. I haven't read a bicycle since my kids were little... George rode alot until we moved here.... He gave his bike away. We both enjoy walking --and since we have so many hills (steep) here, walking is really good exercise for us...

Thanks for sharing.

Texan said...

What a fun outing!! Its so great you guys are so active with your kids! They will grow up enjoying being active and carry that into adulthood!

Unknown said...

Biking is such a great sport. I used to do it all the time when I was younger. My girls never took to it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't. My bike has been in our shed for a couple of years!

An Apel a Day said...

How fun! We need to practice with Isaak. Our house is such a bad area for riding bikes.

Mica just got a GC to Target for his birthday. I made him go pick out a new helmet. His head was too small for the other one he has.

Annette said...

Lewie's been bike riding a few times, but we have to start teaching him. I don't think the training wheels are helping... I can't wait for all of us to go as a family.