Wednesday, August 6, 2014


When we visited my aunt and uncle in Greensboro a few weeks ago, their blueberry bushes were in full fruit.  I use the term 'bushes' loosely, as they were really the size of trees.  These blueberries are extra special though.  They were a gift many years ago to my aunt and uncle from my grandfather.  He sure would be smiling if he could see his great-grandsons picking those berries.

Cort picked a bunch of blueberries.  Reid picked a bunch of blueberries.  Pam and George picked a bunch of blueberries.  And I picked a good number of blueberries.

"What about Pierce?", you ask.  Didn't he pick blueberries?
Oh Pierce.  Quit eating all the blueberries!
Readers, have you devoured any berries this summer?


The Cranky said...

We've eaten a ton of raspberries and blueberries this summer! It looks like a great time was had by all, especially Pierce!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I have never seen blueberry trees, those must have been planted in just the right place. I will have to look into blue berries.

Bas. said...

Heerlijk dat is smullen aalbessen ,zwarte bessen kruisbessen het kan niet op.

Aodhnait said...

I'm not a blueberry fan but I made my husband a dessert of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with cream yesterday. He loved it!

Looks like you and your boys are having a great Summer.

Steve Surratt said...

I've never seen blueberry bushes that big. What a great legacy from your grandfather. Hum, blueberry season. Time to run up to Dragon's tooth to find the secret hidden blueberry bushes near the top :-)

Linda said...

Pierce's t-shirt is amazing! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

mail4rosey said...

I love the history of the bush! We haven't had picked berries, but we've got a big bucket of store bought strawberries it he 'fridge. :)

TexWisGirl said...

i eat berries every morning before coffee, all year round. sadly, i have to buy mine at the grocer.

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots--no blueberries of our own yet, our bushes are quite young, but we enjoy the ones we bought at the farmers market.

Unknown said...

I have had some with morning cereal! :)

Sally said...

Oh, Lisa I'd be right there with Pierce!

Yes, your grandfather would be so delighted.


Anonymous said...

We devoured wild raspberries after freezing them. They were GREAT over ice cream.

Michaele said...

This was definitely a remake of Blueberries for Sal. I do the same thing in a raspberry patch!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Didn't Pierce do that with the strawberries too? :-) I love blueberries. I've gotten some at the store. i like putting them on oatmeal in the morning or mixing them with cut-up nectarines.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So cool! We have gone to the peach orchard, to two of them actually! That will be an upcoming post for sure. Phil eats a big plate of different berries at night maybe three or four times a a week. We have picked cherries and strawberries with Ella.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

yes, all sorts of berries - this summer so yummy!! i am not a hater of any kind of berries they are mind blowing to my taste buds. ( :

i love the instagram shot today of your running partner. too kind of him to go along with you. do you ever race?

Out on the prairie said...

Lots here, just got more from Michigan at the store

Endah Murniyati said...

That looks so interesting! We have no berries here, especially blueberry. I have planned to grow lowland strawberry which adaptable on hot weather.

Lin said...

I love to pick blueberries AND eat them! picking this year. Haven't done so in years. We used to go up to Michigan to do so and we haven't been in that direction during blueberry season in a long time. :(

Enjoy some for me!

Gail Dixon said...

A fun and healthy activity for the children. Pierce had the right idea to eat 'em straight off the plant.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've been eating strawberries. Blackberries are my favorite but haven't bought any yet. I've been into watermelon lately.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Devoured any? You are kidding, right? We picked at our friend's farm...then I baked and ate. Picked again...ate and baked..Indid put some up in the freezer too for one more baking episode...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. We picked fresh blueberries at a friend's house. They were delicious but it was a hot and tedious job!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I picked blueberrys today with my mama. I love blue berrys..
The photos are so adorable!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Many years ago, I even called one of my cats, Blueberry...
My big dream is to buy a horse farm, and plant some veggies and berries in a Southern State.
Your children must have had lots of fun in your aunt's house picking out blueberries.
Look! Pierce had tasted some.
I love your photos, Lisa!
Your children look so happy.
Have a fantastic week, sweetheart!
Warm Big Hugs,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Annette said...

We went strawberry picking a few weeks back. The blueberries were in season too, but my little guy opted for the strawberries--his favorite. How fun and delicious!

Anonymous said...

We have gone through many carton of blueberries this year. My guys love them.

Unknown said...

Blueberries are great this time of year. Your little fella is really enjoying them.

Rob-bear said...

We haven't even seen blueberries this year. Strange, but true.

Now to be prophetic: I see blueberry jam in your future!

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Montanagirl said...

Great post! We've had strawberries several times this summer.

Slamdunk said...

Pierce looks like my kind of berry picker--eat one save one eat one save one.

We have not done much picking this year. The cold spring was tough on the local strawberry crop and we have just had too many kid sports and trips to do any other picking.

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at Pierce's expression: in a reflective mood! He reminds me of a kid down the street, where I grew up, who played baseball with me! I have purchased berries from the grocery, but they are expensive and you get so little for the money. The frozen blueberries at Costco are useful for energy, and I toss a packet in my freezer.

Vision By Mila said...

I've just finished a casserole full of blueberries, 'cause what else can you do at 4:50 in the morning when you can't sleep?!

Linda said...

Sadly no. I used to like berries but now they make my gums sore.
Those bushes are really huge!

Tanya Breese said...

love the history with your blueberries, that's awesome!

An Apel a Day said...

Oh yes berries are so yummy!

Tanmoy Roy said...

Berries are so yummy! Love the photos!