Friday, August 15, 2014

Touch A Truck - Just a Few More Pictures

I've already blogged about the ghost truck, and the foam pit the boys enjoyed at Touch A Truck.  I have a few more pictures that I wanted to share from this fun, yearly event.  Imagine a huge field full of buses, trucks, boats, tractors and construction equipment - and you can climb on them all and honk the horns.  All sorts of local agencies come out to educate kids about what they do. 

Can you find Pierce in this picture? 

For my three little boys, it is one of the highlights of summer.

The line was too long for the zipline this year, but we did enjoy the tow truck belt swings.

You can get them going pretty high.

Pierce, inside a monster truck's wheel:

I didn't take many photos of the boys climbing in the trucks because I had a telephoto on my camera (for foam pit purposes) and it isn't so good for shooting close range.  But needless to say, there was a lot of horn honking and crazy wheel driving.  We look forward to returning next year!


Kerri Farley said...

Oh how fun!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They will be looking forward to that again next summer. No batteries required!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh they always have so much fun. Hug B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like fun for the little ones. have a great weekend!! ( :

Anonymous said...

The tow truck belt swing is quite awesome, and I'll be it does well out in any kind of weather too. If I had a tree to hang one on I would totally get one. Much better than a tire swing!

mail4rosey said...

It does sound fun and you got some cute pictures!

nicole flowers said...

That looks like so much fun! My boys would love to do something like that.

Out on the prairie said...

Lots of fun, we played hard when given a chance like this.

Endah Murniyati said...

My boy must be love it. So interesting.

TexWisGirl said...

little boys' heaven. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can see why you posted once more about this. So many really good pictures!! The swings, the cool first one (yes, I see him!)And the last shot for sure, wet and happy! This event is the best idea!!

Sally said...

How sweet! Yes, I found Pierce but it took a minute or two. :)

Always love seeing your boys having fun, Lisa.


Rob-bear said...

Such fun for your guys. I can see why you make it a yearly event.

Blessings and Bear hugs.

Bas. said...

ah dit is genieten dat wil ik nog wel.

Harry Flashman said...

Lots of activities and places to go for kids in your area. They had a good summer.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That must be like a paradise for your little ones! I think Larry would enjoy that, too. :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great pix of great boys having more fun with you!!!!...:)JP

Michelle said...

That sounds like a little boy's dream event :)

Maggid said...

Kid heaven . . I'd want to go back already . . .

Anonymous said...

I warmly welcome and invite you to watch a new photo album “Lilies”
Good weekend!

Michaele said...

Really great photos Lisa. Their smiles make me smile.

Slamdunk said...

With all the hands-on truck stuff, it sounds like a place where kids' dreams are made. I am sure some adult dreams are entertained as well there.

Linda said...

Such fun for the boys!

Anonymous said...

Riding the tow belt looks like so much fun!

An Apel a Day said...

That does look like fun! I know my boys would love it.

Unknown said...

You have such great ideas for fun outings, Lisa!