Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Science Festival

A few weeks ago we took the boys and Paul's parents to the Science Festival downtown.  It was packed.  By packed, I mean PACKED.
So packed that we didn't really even go inside the science museum!
But we did many of the activities outside and around the corridors.

Cort was determined to beat his big brother in the boat race.

 Poor Pierce.
Beaten out by a kindergartner.

The boys loved this remote control ambulance.
It also sang the "Happy" song.

Real organs, turned to plastic, and available for handling.
Cort liked this brain.
I liked the brain too.

It was a bit overwhelming for me, with all the crowds.
I was happy to leave the festival and just walk around downtown.
But what we saw was all very neat.
I think if we go next year, we'll get there when it first opens, before the crowds start!


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Sounds like they should have more of that kind of thing if it got so crowded. Maybe the school will go during the day so that the kids can see everything.

Steve Surratt said...

Looks like they had a great time. Hum, maybe my granddaughter can go next year. Roanoke has some good stuff downtown!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Now this looks like the perfect place for your boys. They are very intelligent and need to explore different things. Fantastic. Hug B

Out on the prairie said...

Looks fun, science learning should be hands on.

Lynn said...

we are not much for crowds either so try to get to things early. Always great for the organizers of the events :-)

Harry Flashman said...

That organ thing was macabre. I don't think I would have handle any of that.

Was that Michael Jackson in the orange flight suit?

TexWisGirl said...

so now we know what happened to michael jackson - he's in a space suit on display...

Busy Bee Suz said...

So much fun for your boys though; I too loathe the crowds!

Rob-bear said...

Great idea; science is fun, and is treated that way by reasonable people. Glad the boys, and mom, had a great time, exploring another dimension of our world. Maybe, some day, exploring space will be in vogue again. In which case, I think you my have three budding astronauts.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the last picture, and also the sweet boat race pictures! Have you guys been to the Science Museum in Richmond?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Every time we come to your site- we smile!

Tanya Breese said...

looks fun anyway...there was something else going on that weekend too i think so we went to the other thing...must have been exciting for me to remember ;)

Bas. said...

lijkt mij voor de jongens top.

Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Glad to hear they had things both indoors and out. Made the day more interesting of the kids.

OurWanderingAdventures said...

That looks like soooo much fun!!!

LisaS said...

What a fun adventure. Too bad it was so busy though...

Sally said...

Awe - you & Paul find the best places to take the boys! I love it. They look so cute, as always. :)

mail4rosey said...

Ah, it's good that it was full... at least there was that interest. But not good too, if it was too crowded to enjoy. The pics you got are good, and still it looks like a unique visit to have made. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

It looks like just the place for your boys! I think I would like the brain, too. And crowds? Nope, not for me.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That looks like so much fun! Cute pictures of the boys!

Anonymous said...

Aarya would love this :) I hope you get to go next year and share more pictures!

Anonymous said...

I warmly greet and invite you to see my new post on the blog.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We like gong to exhibits early to avoid the rush. Usually we are heading out when the crowd is on it's way in!...:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I hate crowds also---and remember one time when I temporarily lost my youngest son in a crowd.... Scared me to death!

Looks lijavascript:void(0)ke you all had a good time despite the crowds.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like the boys had a good time! Sorry it was so crowded :(

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great event! What a fun boat race!

Linda said...

Wow, was it mostly families with kids?

Jeanne said...

Packed or not, it looks as if the boys had alot of fun! Love the things that you do as a family

An Apel a Day said...

I wish we had a science museum here.

There is the Children's museum, and Moral Hall in Lincoln.

The Nasa space suit is so much fun!

Can I ask where Pierce got his shirt? Mica's super into abominable snowman.


Unknown said...

Your adventures always amaze me, Lisa! Very creative and fun!!