Monday, November 10, 2014

Spy Cows

We're driving down the road and Reid says, "Those are Mom's cows," as he points to a herd of cows in a pasture.  We often play this game. 

Cort says, "No, those are my cows."

Me: "Cort, maybe we can share the cows."

Cort: "Okay, but mine are spy cows."

Me:  "Mine are spy cows too.  My cow wears special spy glasses that lets him see far through the woods."

Cort: "My cow wears spy glasses too.  He can swim and jump over this car."

Reid, "WHAT?!?"

Cort: "Yeah, my cow wears a spy vest full of spy equipment.  He can swim and do karate moves.  My cow can jump over skyscrapers."

Reid:  "WHAT?!?"

(Insert giggles from Cort).

Me: "Wow, Cort.  Your cows are way cooler than mine."

Readers, seen any cool cows lately?
Cort and Reid, doing the hay bike maze at GoFest.


Buttons Thoughts said...

As a matter of fact I have :) You and your boys are so funny. Hug B

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I like the bike course, they will need one for motorcycles before long, better have lots of hay ready.

Steve Surratt said...

Ha ha, too funny....
Reid: [to Paul when they are alone]"Mom and Cort are crazy..."
Paul: "My cows ride bicycles!"

Jeanne said...

How these handsome boys are growing! love this biking shot and what a cute conversation to record.

Out on the prairie said...

my cows are all laid back and mum about knowing spies

Linda said...

What fun! Supercow! Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Monkeywrangler said...

My cows were all steers and live in my freezer!

Sally said...

No, but I see two very cute little dudes right there. :)

They're so funny. <3

Montanagirl said...

LOVE the dialogue exchange! LOL. They're so cute.

TexWisGirl said...

i think they've seen the chik-fi-la cows!

mail4rosey said...

Those are some nifty cows.

I've never seen a hay maze for bikes, that's pretty cool!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So cute! Our cows growing up were very mysterious. I wonder if they could do karate moves?

Ginny Hartzler said...

The hay maze picture is really cool! So is the car game you play. I bet that right now, his answer to everything is something about a spy! Yes, remember a previous post of mine about the Oreo cows? I bet the boys would snicker at them.

Karen Whittal said...

We definitely dont have these cows in South Africa, they say everything is bigger and better in America... confimed by your

The Cranky said...

Spycow saves the day! I love the way you encourage those creative imaginations.

Sharon Wagner said...

Spy cows sounds like a great movie idea!

An Apel a Day said...

Both of your cows are way cooler than mine.

Chatty Crone said...

They are so cute on their bikes!

Gail Dixon said...

Those boys of yours always have me in stitches. Their imaginations are so cute and clever.

Linda said...

I've never seen spy cows... that I know of!

Michaele said...

Oh that photo has me grinning from ear to ear! I have had goats jump on my car - but not over - yet.

Rob-bear said...

I haven't seen any cows recently. And I doubt that I'd be cowed by any of your spy cows. In fact, any one of them would make a good meal for a Bear. (I suppose I shouldn't have said that.)

Blessings and Bear hugs, Lisa. Somehow, though, I don't think the cows would want a Bear hug.

Michelle said...

What cute little guys on those bikes!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your boys have the coolest cows ever. :) So funny!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Such a cute little story!

Lin said... when I see cows, I'm going to wonder if they are spy cows. :)

I sent you an email in regards to the dmca and shutting down the hack blog. Watch for it. I will help you!

Anonymous said...

I need to keep my eyes open for some!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Your boys are so funny.. Love their imaginations....

That Hay Bike Maze looks like it was alot of fun also...


Eat To Live said...

Right now we are in Montana and I see cows all the time. Haven't seen any spy cows though.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente fotografia de belas crianças....

Sandra said...

Children keep life interesting :)

A Colorful World said...

Such adorable boys!

Annette said...

My cows are Ninjas and can jump over skyscrapers too! I love your kiddos. How fun!

Unknown said...

Mr. Miyagi from "The Karate Kid" would approve! :)