Monday, January 19, 2015

A Few Pictures from Dance

I shared one video a couple of weeks ago from Cort's dancing.  I have a few pictures I thought I'd share too.

Cort loves his hip hop instructor, Mr. Kenny.  

Doing the flip.

Doing his shasay in Ballet 1.

Taking a bow.

Cort loves doing the performances.  I think he's already looking forward to his Spring Recital. 


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Such a natural too!...:)JP

Vision By Mila said...

How cute! I can see he enjoys!

Eat To Live said...

Cort looks so small next to Mr Kenney

Unknown said...

What fun and especially since he enjoys it so much. GO CORT!!!

Steve Surratt said...

These are great. He's got the interest and the talent, hum, maybe you need to look into getting an agent? A few commercials for fun is kinda exciting. Growing up, my friend Johnny was the Lays Potato chip kid, I was the Krispy Kreme kid, and our neighbor was a Spiegel model.

Sally said...

He's a natural, and so darn cute! I love it. :)


TexWisGirl said...

he is SO cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are brilliant! Especially the first picture; big and little. And you gotta love that smile! Just enough to tell he is happy and knows he did good.

Courtney B said...

Oh my gosh, these pictures are too cute! I love how much it looks like he's liking it!!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

He's so cute! I'm glad he's enjoying it. Love those little red high tops.

Maggid said...

this is beautiful on so many levels . .
thank you for sharing . . (you inspire the heck out of me)
love & love,

mail4rosey said...

I love the pictures, they're all really good ones!

An Apel a Day said...

That's so cute! My son Mica would like that as well.

Marie said...

he's so cute and this will only add to the girls liking him. :) trust me! I always danced with my son, hand in hand, around the house and now the girls love that he can dance. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Cort is doing so well and looks so happy. That is what it is all about. Hug B

Lin said...

LOVE that kid! It's wonderful that he has such opportunity to learn all sorts of dance. I like Mr. Kenny teaching the little guys Hip-hop. That's so cool.

Small Kucing said...

col. would be great if you have a video of this too :)

OurWanderingAdventures said...

What great photos you got!!

Linda said...

So cute! He will be well-coordinated from this practice.

Endah Murniyati said...

Wow.... a very talented boy...

Out on the prairie said...

It is nice he enjoys this so well. I always support the arts as a good endeavor.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Awesome, Lisa... Bet you never dreamed you would have a child interested in ballet. I think that is just so neat.... Keep on sharing his progress with us. He's ADORABLE.


Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

He's so cute! What a great activity for him!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great pictures. I'm so glad he is enjoying dance.

Karen said...

Wow, that's awesome! Good for him -

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Cort is too cool! Love the pictures!

Jenn Jilks said...

Isn't that fun!!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

He is a little star!

M.E. Masterson said...

what a cutie!

Gail Dixon said...

He looks so serious. And about as precious as can be!

Unknown said...

He really looks like he's having a great time, Lisa! :)

Tanya Breese said...

what great shots, the first and last are my favorites...he is just adorable and i'm happy to hear he is enjoying it so much!

Unknown said...

These are great photos! He has star power. It's great when they find a love!

Anonymous said...

It looks like he had a lot of fun!

Gingi said...

OMG that looks so fun! I'm actually in the process of enrolling my little one in dance for the end of this year!! <3 -