Monday, April 13, 2015

Hunting for 900 Eggs

I had an opening in my schedule recently, and I filled it with some volunteering at the boys' school - hiding Easter eggs for the twins' spring party.  We had 900 eggs to hide, and not many places to hide them, so they were pretty much in plain sight.  You can't tell from the picture, but the grass was just full of eggs!

Cort and Reid had a fantastic time hunting for eggs.  And afterwards there was a big ice cream sundae party in the cafeteria.
Perfect weather for it too!  The twins even shared their Reeses cups with me from the eggs - they know those are my weakness. 

Readers, do you have a favorite candy?


Out on the prairie said...

MMM Reeces are very good. Easter candy is all good to me, but I stayed away from it fairly good.I did devour a 1/2 pound of bridge mix over the weekend.

Steve Surratt said...

900 eggs! Whew, I'd have a sore back after that. I like Recces too but Skittles are the only thing I will gorge on until I'm in a stuporous state of sugar bliss.

Unknown said...

A fun time for sure. Candy??? maybe Rolos!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hiding the eggs does sound like fun. BUT I hope there were more volunteers to do this than just YOU! You will be seeing eggs in your sleep! What a cute picture of the boys with their eggs!

TexWisGirl said...

i just bought 2 boxes of milk duds on a weak whim. those are high on my list.

Montanagirl said...

Judging from those smiles, I think they had a great time!! Good for you for volunteering. Where "DO" you find the time?? :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's a lot of eggs! I love Reese's cups, too, and anything with caramel. At Easter, I love the Cadbury eggs filled with the white and yellow fondant. I still have a couple at home to eat. :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like they had a fun time and how sweet of them to share their Reese's PB cups with you!

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like fun! I love setting up the hunts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a whole lot of eggs.

Marie said...

everything Reese is popular in our house! cute pic!

Michelle said...

I love the Cadbury Egg! So good! We probably hid that many eggs at my primary school, or maybe more. Each student brought a minimum of a dozen candy filled eggs to share.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my- I love Reese peanut butter eggs..I haven't had one in about 5 years. :(
The boys look adorable and they are growing so fast.

Lin said...

Oh, that's funny! I can only imagine you trying to "hide" the eggs and then realizing you have 700 more and then you just start tossing. :P

Linda said...

I like chocolate covered nuts!

mail4rosey said...

It's definitely the peanut butter eggs that are my weakness too. I have never tried the homemade ones because I think the Reese's are the one junk food that's probably better store bought. ;)

Glad you had perfect weather for egg hunting!

Sharon Wagner said...

Holy cow. 900 eggs. And that's only one school!

Karen said...

I used to put the eggs all around our field for the kids.. miss those days big time. I still do easter baskets for my two grown kids though :-)

Harry Flashman said...

It's been a long time since we did anything like that for Easter. It's good you are taking lots of pictures, so when they are grown up and gone, you can remember times like these better.

Unknown said...

That looks like a fun day! :)

Annette said...

What fun!! I still love searching for Easter eggs!! I can't believe you "hid" 900 of them!! Hershey kisses are my yummy!

Eat To Live said...

Reeses peanut butter cups are my grandkids favorite candies. When I could eat candy are you still love dove dark chocolate