Friday, May 1, 2015

Down by the River

Paul set up a hangout spot for the boys down by the creek.  Better to do this now, before it gets too snaky.

The boys found a baby snapping turtle that fit in their palm.  It was so cute.  Sadly, I didn't have my camera at the time.

There was a great deal of hammock swinging, wading, s'mores, and fighting over who got to spend the most time with the little girl who came over to play.

I found a few old Dr. Pepper bottles, and an old Busch bottle, that had never been opened and contained some very skunky looking beer.
It was a fun weekend!  But next time I think we will need to invite three little girls over.  Apparently, one just isn't enough.


Out on the prairie said...

Always had a creek to explore and spent a big part of my life exploring them. I still have favorite areas like this, I need to get a few hammocks. Never let snakes bother me, they are pretty timid.

Unknown said...

What fun! Love the area and things to see. The hammock is perfect. Hmmm, little boys liking little girls! lol Have a great weekend.

Marie said...

too snaky?! yikes! the boys look like their having a blast! the Dr Pepper bottles would be cool to have!

TexWisGirl said...

too cute! what a great place to hang. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great idea! Their own place by the creek, complete with hammocks. I love creeks. We had one out back when I was growing up. I was forbidden to go there EVER! (because it was in a lonely meadow) But of course I went every change I got. You will have to keep us informed on the little girls! Do I sense a tea party picnic coming up?

Linda said...

Oh, no, girls are in the picture. That always means trouble 😁 Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Too cute- I bet they all had a ball, outdoorin'. Looks like a fun place to swing away the afternoon, and cool finds, too. I love old bottles.

Sandra said...

Looks like a fun day :)
I would want to hang out before it gets too snaky too! YIKES! We don't have that problem in the North!

Linda said...

Thanks for your comment on my Wetcreek Blog. Your boys might be interested in this website Hugs, Linda

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like they had a fun time exploring the area. Love the hammocks!

Harry Flashman said...

There can never be enough girls at a get together.

I like that place your boys are playing, every boy needs a creek to mess around in.

Angela said...

They look like they had a great time! I know my boy loves playing in our creek beside our house. My husband tries to keep the grass cut very low right there. He has so much fun building dams and bridges. And I can't forget digging! lol

Montanagirl said...

Ha! I love the idea of three little girls!

Annette said...

How fun!! Your boys are having the best childhood ever. How cool to find a baby snapping turtle!

Anonymous said...

That is the PERFECT kid hangout. Looks like they have a blast there.

Sally said...

Oh, how sweet and cute! Yes indeed, three girls would be perfect. :)


troutbirder said...

A hangout place. Our two boys had a creek, a barn & a woods. They never mentioned girls before high school though...:)

mail4rosey said...

lol girls are awesome. I've known it my whole life. :) Great pics!

Aodhnait said...

Your kids look like they are living an idyllic childhood!

Linda said...

Cute pictures! Looks like fun!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Looks like fun! I loved wading in the creek or branch when I was a child. But oh, don't remind me of snakes. It's a constant fear of mine this time of year. :-(

So funny that all three boys wanted to play with the little girl.

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like you all had a blast! I love those hammock swings. Mica would love laying in one of those to read books.

Unknown said...

The kids seem to have fun no matter where they are--very creative! :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

How fun!!!! Good memories!

Anonymous said...

What a great place to hang out!

Terra Heck said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I think playing outdoors is integral to kids.