Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday (er...Tuesday) - I Got Double Dog Dared

Yes, Wendiwinn, she issued the Double Dog Dare.
And I couldn't resist.
So today's muffin tin, well, it's a little different.
An earthworm, broccoli, a strawberry, two stinkbugs, some fresh water, and some chicken feed.
In case you had any doubts as to what I'm feeding my 3 year old...
it's not for him this time.

Elvis just didn't seem very impressed.

Wait!  Elvis, come back!  Don't you want your muffin tin???

Elvis got back.

At least these ladies are interested.

Oh dear me, girls, what the heck is that big red thing?

Want to join in on Muffin Tin Monday?
Which typically involves food, in muffin tins, for KIDS not chickens.
Just click the button:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Jeremi said...

ha! this just cracked me up : )

The Ross Family said...

Ha Ha I love it!

Anonymous said...

How funny! I didn't remember Elvs wasn't a child until I saw his picture.

mirjam said...

Funny tin! :)

(And the kids on the cup from my post are characters from Dutch stories.......)

w said...


oh man.


that's awesome. also. what up, yo? elvis is picky. and probably he was looking for a pb and banana sammich.

dude. i can't believe you touched an earthworm.