Monday, July 19, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Dog Bone Days of Summer, plus a Poll

It's Muffin Tin Monday again!  This time we decided to put some of the items we got from Sweet Brown Sugars in our blog swap to good use.
Pierce had a "not together" sandwich in his dog bone shaped bread, cheese, and rolled bologna.  He also had lemon pudding, applesauce, and homemade cole slaw.  He ate everything but the cole slaw.  For whatever reason, he absolutely will not touch things like salad or slaw.  I keep trying though. 

Want to participate in Muffin Tin Monday? 
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth
Now, I need your help!  Please vote (there is a survey on my side bar) for your favorite picture.  Chick Fil A is having a photo contest with various prizes.  The only rule is you have to dress as a cow.  Which picture should I send them?
Picture A:

Picture B

Picture C:

Picture D:

On a side note, it is so hard to do a photo shoot with two mobile babies!  They were all over the place.  In fact, most of the pictures I took ended up looking like this:


Anonymous said...

JDaniel loves not together sandwiches that he can build himself. Cute pictures. It was hard to decide.

My Mad World said...

Cute pictures!
I'm liking b or c but all of them are all so cute!! Voting for you once I decide. lol

Anonymous said...

Such a cute lunch!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love the flower cute! Looks like a very yummy tin. All those pics are cute but I like either B or D..Happy MTM :)

The Princess said...

I had a hard time deciding, I liked b and d. But ultimately I went with B.

Melissa said...

I'm thinking picture B... they are all so cute, but definitely one where the little farmer is wearing his hat! :)

Yummy lunch! :) Great idea to keep offering the slaw and salads! My kids always wear down eventually after enough exposures. ;-) The mama just needs to be more stuborn that the kiddos. (LOL)

Mere said...

since Reid is the one dressed as a cow does that mean he gets to keep the prize for himself or will he share with his brother?

You really have an unfair advantage having two...i mean, one baby is cute, but TWO? no contest!! :-D

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

You are one busy lady with those two running around!

I actually like the last picture the best. I love that he took off to get the chicken! I voted for D. that was my 2nd pick. Very cute. Good luck!

Have a great Monday!


Anonymous said...

Definitely D. You need to send the best cow picture.

Shannon said...

Great tin!

I like C the best, since they are both looking at the camera, but they are cuties any way you go!

w said...

i voted. picture c. because that's the winning shot. you know i'm right.

Andrea said...

Oh mah goodness! That last one is actually hilarious. ;) But I think I'm deciding between #1 and #2! Love the first, but the hat finishes off the shot so well. I think it's that one.

Mere said...

Taylor voted for picture D :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Picture C...however, I think the one you didn't include as a choice is the true winner! Too bad, the "bad" hen wasn't being donated to a good restaurant!