Monday, July 26, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - From Scratch, From the Garden

Happy Muffin Tin Monday! 
This week Pierce got a lot of goodness from the garden, thanks to our neighbors, J.P. and Joe.  You can check out J.P.'s blog here.  I am so envious of their garden, and thankful they like to share!
Pierce had roasted zucchini and squash.
Angel hair pasta in a homemade sauce - garlic, onions, olive oil, chopped tomatoes and basil.  Topped with a little parmesan.
He ate it up.  How could he not?  Gotta love those fresh summer veggies!
Want to participate in Muffin Tin Monday?
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Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Wic said...

what a healthy and delicious tin.

Suzy said...

Oh, those fresh garden veggies look so good! I wish my kids liked eating their veggies! Btw, thanks for your comment on my blog ... I am so jealous of where you live! :)

The Princess said...

Awesome about him eating the squashes. I went to the farmer's market in hopes to get BB some new veggies to try, and as I was waiting to by some squashes, this guy came up almost in a full out run and bought the last ones on the table. So I bought wild plums instead - lol. That's great that you have a kind neighbor.

Melissa said...

Nothing beats "fresh from the garden"! Great MTM! Three need a Goldilocks. :P

The Davidson Den said...

Yum!! Love me some fresh summer veggies, too!!! Cute meal.

Lisa said...

Yummy!! Love veggies from the garden!!

Sandy said...

It looks great! You can't beat fresh veggies! We had some grilled squash with our dinner. It was so good!

Unknown said...

Um, when can I come over for dinner??? looks delish!

Anonymous said...

This looks delicous! I would love to have this on a summer evening. Fresh veggies are the best.