Saturday, November 13, 2010

3 Little Bears Bento

Here's a recent bento I sent for Pierce's lunch at preschool.
A wild rice froggy, peas, cheese cubes and green grapes.
3 wild berry pancake bears dancing on watermelon.

Pierce often says his favorite thing about school (second only to the 'motorcycle room') is his lunch.  Makes me feel like maybe I'm doing a good job ;-)


Anonymous said...

The dancing bears are super cute. The frog is wonderful too.

Angela said...

That is so cute! Nice to know that you rank up there with the 'motorcycle room'!

Have a Great Weekend!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Lunch his favorite because of the's made with love!...:)JP

Chatty Crone said...

You are doing a great job - in more ways then one! sandie

Cheryl Lage said...

Omigosh, those bento boxes couldn't be more beautiful! What artistry...and affection...on display. :)

Dawn said...

Absolutely amazing!!! You are MARTHA MOM!!!!!!!

jennohara said...

You're doing an AWESOME job! I bet all the other kids are jealous ;)