Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Elf on the Shelf, A Christmas Tradition

We haven't started decorating yet, but this week we did break out The Elf on the Shelf.  Mostly because I am completely losing my mind with all the timeouts I needed to find another way to motivate Pierce to listen. 
The kit comes with a book and an elf.  Once you name your elf, you can't touch him or he'll lose his magic.  Our elf is named Tulley.
Every night, Tulley flies to the North Pole to visit Santa and report on the behaviors of little boys in our family.
When he comes back, he settles in a new place for the day. 
We just never know where in the house Tulley will end up.
And one morning, Tulley was in the same place because Mommy dropped the ball and forgot to move him as the result of a cold virus that prevented his trip to the North Pole that evening. 
Thankfully, he seems to be feeling much better now.
The Elf on the Shelf has already proved to be so much fun.  If you want one for your family, you can pick them up from places like Barnes and Noble or Amazon.


Unknown said...

I have seen these and wished I had one when my boys were younger lol. It would have come in handy

Jeremi said...

we started this last year --- i was planning on bringing him out the first of december, though it may be sooner because i'm losing my mind over here too : ) both of my girls are very dramatic, and i haven't been as consistent as i need to be -- so it's not a good combo : )

have a super day!

Anonymous said...

Our elf, Nicholas, should arrive this coming weekend! Isn't this a fun tradition?! The kids look forward to seeing where he is each morning.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Andrea said...

I have been thinking about it, I just don't know if we could incorporate it into Chanukah celebrations - which will be here before I blink! I do like how you've put him (uhm, he's flown) way up there like that, though. Really cute! :>

My Mad World said...

I've really been wanting to get one since I learned about them last year. I will have to check it out. Every place I have looked on line want $45 for it though and hubby will not spend that! lol

Dawn said...

Oh this is great! What fun...(I think I would enjoy it the most;))
Don't you love traditions you carry out every year? It makes things so much more memorable!
Thanks for reminding me....we have a traditional Friendship Tree we decorate- I need to make sure and carry on that tradition this year:)
Have a wonderful new day!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel is having his moments too. He seems to like see what I will do. The elf is so cute.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

I'd heard of the Elf on the Shelf before but hadn't realized they move around the house - it sounds like an adorable tradition!

Sonora said...

I have heard about these. That sounds like a brilliant idea. I am really going to have to go get one. ANYTHING to help the kids behave a little better. I did have to giggle at the part where you forgot to move it! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I love him!...:)JP

Tiggeriffic said...

I'm back from Illinois and so glad to be able to read my favorite bloggers.. So glad to read you were able to finish the race over the week-end. This Elf on the shelf is so cute. I used to write a Elf Herbie letter.. I would interview parents and see what their children were doing and then Elf Herbie would go back and tell everything to santa.. Santa would write the children a letter about what was going on at the North Pole and was able to personlize the letter about the child in saying "Elf Herbie was visiting your house and he told me you were.....
Oh the parents reported back that their children just loved their personalized letters from Santa.
I used to have over 30 children I wrote to every year.. The children all grew up and I didn't add any new ones.. Everyone tells me I should write a children's book about Elf Herbie's travels and what is happening at the North pole..
Have a great day...ta ta for now annieptigger@aol.com

Myya said...

That is genius!!!

Laura S. said...

Your posts always make me laugh! I always wondered what The Elf on the Shelf is all about. That's a great idea!! We will have to look in to getting our own elf!!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Great tradition. Very cute too.