Monday, January 10, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday - Cups and Liners

Today is Muffin Tin Monday, and the theme is cups and liners.
I have an assortment of really cute animal liners sent to me from A Pocket Full of Buttons - she has a very fun blog with awesome bento ideas. 

Pierce had tangerine slices, baby corn, broccoli, homemade black beans, and in the middle a triple decker sandwich of turkey, mustard, and pickle chips.  Turns out he really loves these little sandwiches, so I'm going to start making them more often for lunch.  This day he ate everything but a couple of bites of black beans.

If you'd like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday, or go see others' ideas, click here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


jp@A Green Ridge said...

YUM! Turkey, mustard & pickles chips...I might have to give that combo a shot. Being a super hero, I'm sure he knows his stuff!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

I love your liners and your picks. I would love to get this for lunch.

Nancy said...

That is so creative. (I love the fork.)

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

that is a great idea for the cute! i love how you keep everything colorful. what a nice healthy meal too. so many just throw fried crap at their kids without a thought.

Meredith said...

how festive looking!!! love the little elephant!

Annie Scarlett said...

Very cute. I love the picks.

Helene said...

Uh, can I come over for lunch next Monday?? You always have such fun lunch ideas for your kids! I'm guilty of just popping a few chicken nuggets in the microwave and slopping a huge dose of ketchup on their plates...with a side of fruit, of course that they never touch.

lisa9999 said...

A great lunch. very colorful.

laughwithusblog said...

I'm always looking for ways to add fun to our mealtimes!

The Iowa Farmer's Wife said...

Such a healthy meal! i love it!

SnoopyGirl said...

A colorful lunch. I love those black beans. I usually mash mine. I will have to try them simply cooked and see if the kiddos like them. Happy Monday!

Sandy said...

It looks great! I love those picks!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute lunch. I love all the colors of it.