Monday, January 3, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday - Skewered

It's Muffin Tin Monday, and today's theme is picks and skewers.
Pierce had clementine orange slices, yogurt, skewers of cheddar and green olives, corn, a sandwich of whole wheat, smoked turkey, pickles and olives, and some pretzels.  Because pretzels are kind of skewerish themselves.

Want to join in?  Click:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Dawn said...

Oh I love this!!! Have I missed other Mondays like this?!?
"Pretzels are kind of skewerish themselves":))))
Love that!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Anonymous said...

These looks great! How did he like the picks?

Jeremi said...

fun again, i get many ideas from you : )
happy new year!!

w said...

love it. also. yes. pretzels are quite skewerish.

Angela said...

That's just too cute and creative! You have too much fun doing that! hehehe

Have a Great Day!

Meredith said...


Anonymous said...

My kiddos would love this lunch, looks great. I like your snowflake tin too.

Robbins Zoo said...

YUM! Happy New Year!!! :o)

lisa9999 said...

A great tin!!

SnoopyGirl said...

Looks so yummy! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

G'day, first visit. My son is a marathon runner & does many you do. Where are you in VA, we are in MD.

Pop over for our lovely CSN GIVEAWAY!

Have a beautiful New Year ~
Hugs, Marydon

Melissa said...

Oooh...olives. I wonder if my Reedlets will like them? They are huge pickle fans. Making a mental note to self to find out in the near future... Happy MTM! :o)

kewkew said...

Looks like a yummy lunch. Never thought of the pretzels that way, but so true. My girls requested green olives from the store a few weeks back. They refuse to eat them. Figured they wouldn't like them. Unfortunately no one else does and I am not fond of them either.

Sugary Flower said...

Looks like a yummy tin. I like the idea that Pierce got to eat his skewers (or pretzels, anyway)!