Sunday, February 27, 2011

All Boxed In

Our washer and dryer set was purchased when we were newlyweds, some 14 years ago.  They have held on strong, but the act of cloth diapering seems to have worn down our old dryer.  So last week we went and picked out a new dryer. While I was busy clinching my teeth over the expense, the boys were thrilled, but not because they wanted dry clothes.  No, they wanted  The Box.  And as it turned out, the box the dryer came in had a foam bottom with "windows".  Just perfect for play.

Hanging out on the inside. 

Peeking out the windows. 

One for each twin - no fighting!  Mom sure likes that! 

And even Pierce got in on the box action. 

Now, the real question is, how long do I have to leave the monstrocity in the middle of my living room?  The box is started to wear out its welcome....


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Just wait until it begins to crumble and get all those small tiny little balls everywhere...then we'll see how much fun it is!!!! LOL!!!...:)JP

Jeremi said...

ha, LOVE it!! boxes are THE BEST --- but i totally understand how they easily wear out their welcome (so funny). cute pics too : )

Nancy said...

Haha! You leave it there until it no longer entertains your youngins, Mom. Free toys are nothing to sniff at. :) They are all so adorable Lisa.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel would love this box. We would have to fold it up and take in out in a few weekes to play with.

TexWisGirl said...

Oh my gosh, this was cute!!! :)

Inger said...

Kids are so creative -- there's really no need to buy expensive toys for them. Your boys look like so much fun. I know they must keep you busy.--Inger

Mary said...

Haha that's so cute! Mine as well throw all the other toys away. :)

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Ahh, the joy of a cardboard box! I can remember doing some dangerous stuff in those, like putting them at the top of the stairs and sliding/rolling down in one! Gave my mother a heart-attack, I'm sure :-)

mountain mama said...

great kids LOVE boxes!!!!

Angela said...

My kids love boxes too! I cringe when one comes in our house because it will be here for what seems like forever! lol In the Summer I'll let mine play with them outside.

Give them some markers or crayons and let them decorate it. That will occupy them for a little and add to the beauty of the box! Kids just love boxes! Forget the toys. Boxes are better!

Have a Wonderful Week!

Dawn said...

Boxes (and tupperware bowls) are the best play things:)))

jennohara said...

:D So much fun is had in boxes! We've had our share of the big pain in the butt box sitting in our living room for a month. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Hopefully it will 'wear out' (faster with help).

Irish Italian Blessings said...

It's the little things in life that make them happy. I WISH I got that excited over a box : )

Rambling said...

I remember playing in big boxes - the best toys ever!

My Mad World said...

Your washer and dryer set hung in there a long time! Sorry the dryer petered out on ya but yea for getting a new one!

Kids always love boxes more than anything else. When we got our new recliner Mad just loved that box! We have a covered back porch and the weather was good so we threw it out back!

Sandy said...

Don't worry, that foam won't last too long with those boys. It will be broke before you know it and then it can go out to the trash.

Myya said...

My girls love big boxes too, isn't it funny how much we can spend on toys when what they really love is playhing with boxes! LOL