Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Bear Comes for a Visit

Pierce's preschool has a bear named Buddy that goes home with a different family each weekend.  This past weekend was our turn.

Buddy comes with his own tote and some outfits.  He also has a few instructions - that he needs a book before bed and sleeps with your child.

So the first night he insisted on reading a bear book.  In fact, every night he wanted to read bear books.  Good thing we like bears so much at Two Bears Farm.

Over the course of the weekend we put Buddy to work on the farm.
First, he had to help feed the chickens.
At first, he was a little intimidated by Elvis.
But after a while he realized she is a friend. 

Buddy helped gather eggs and he found two, one of them was a blue egg!  Blue eggs are from our Americauna hen, Natasha. 

All that work earned some play time.  Buddy had fun going down the slide. 

Then while we worked on the garden, Buddy played with Pierce in our old farm truck. 

We we came inside for the day, Reid confiscated Buddy.  Reid has always had a weak spot for soft furry toys.   

Ah, a busy day!  Time to relax on the porch swing. 

Thanks for coming to visit Buddy!  You're welcome back anytime!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for two young adult horse mysteries - click HERE!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

That was darling, Baby Girl!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

I bet Buddy has a hard time going back to school. It looks like he had a wonderful visit.

my3littlebirds said...

Sounds like Buddy had a great time! I love the pictures.

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas said...

so cute! We had our daughter's preschool bear over Spring Break! She was so excited!

It looks like Buddy had a wonderful stay at your house! I loved the creative photos!


Homeschool on the Croft said...

O that is so cute, and I too reckon that buddy will be trying to sneak off to your house often for his weekend trips.

And how cute is that gorgeous wee guy all snuggled in with buddy. Adorable.

Unknown said...

How precious!

TexWisGirl said...

I think Buddy would have liked to stay at your house. So much to do and see but relaxation time too!

My Mad World said...

How fun! Love the pictures, they are too cute!!

Kristi said...

I looove it when teachers do this activity. So awesome for the kids.....magical!
You did a great job capturing the moments!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That is cute! Livie loved this post and says she loves the blue eggs.

Liz Mays said...

That was absolutely too cute!!!! The egg gathering really made me chuckle!

Jane said...

Sounds like Buddy had a good time at your house,don't be surprised if he asks for a return visit! lol Blessings jane

Ginny Hartzler said...

Living the life of a bear looks like great fun at your place!!! Wow to those chickens, this is the first time I've seen them, being a new follower. Why Elvis? That is cracking me up! I got some local organic eggs at Whole Foods last week, and two are green!!! I was excited! But little Ella rufuses to believe eggs can be green, she insist's they are dark white! What a good idea for the pre-school to have a travelling bear!! They must be a very good one!

Anonymous said...

What a grand visit for Buddy! I hope you sent those pictures back to your son's school!

Chatty Crone said...

He looked like he had a great visit over there - he won't want to go back to school! sandie

Shell said...

Oh, how cute! I love the pic of the two of them in the truck.

Angela said...

That is so sweet! Love the picture of him looking in the mirror in the farm truck! Also the one of Reid! Too cute! Looks like Buddy had a great time at your house!

Have a Great Weekend!

Mary said...

That's hilarious! What a cute idea :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! I hope my son has fun things like that in school ... great pictures!

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...


Loved when our kindy-bear came to visit.

The Sumerlin Dorper Farm said...

Looks like Buddy was well taken care of while he was at your house! I bet your boys had a blast with him. What a cute idea.

Myya said...

How adorable was that post! LOOOVE that picture of Buddy & Pierce in the side mirror of the truck... so cute!