Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Fitness Recap - Another Disappointing Month

Sadly, I haven't really run this month.  My IT band is still aggravating the outside of my right knee, and I haven't been able to run other than to hop on the treadmill a couple of times, to assess where I am.  In fact, things had gotten so bad at one point that I was having trouble just going down the stairs.  I went to a different doctor this month, who gave me Voltaren gel to try (as NSAIDS give me stomach ulcers).  Unfortunately, it hasn't helped as much as I'd hoped.  But the doctor also got me a referral in to my knee doctor.  He's awesome (he did my knee surgery back in 2004) but has a 3 month wait list.  Lucky me, the doctor pulled some strings and got me in to see him - tomorrow!  I'm eager to hear what he has to say about it.  And having worked with him before, I know he's not the sort of doctor to just say, "Well, stop running!"  No, he will do all he can to get me back in action again.

I did back off workout dvds for the month, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference, other than that inactivity is making me a little crazy.

Yoga x 4
Weightlifting x 8
Abs/Core x 8
NYC Ballet Workout x 1
Horseback riding x 1
Running - 3 miles total (little runs on the treadmill to assess my IT band)

Kind of pathetic.  (I don't give myself a hard time at all, do I?) Truly hoping that next month will be better.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm so glad to hear that you got an appointment because I know what the lack of exercising does! He sounds like a great Doctor...:)JP

Anonymous said...

You exercise for both of us. This has to get better.

Texan said...

Well pooy girly. Sounds really good your getting in to see your Knee Dr. You had surgery on this knee before? Will be good to let him check it all out. I do know your frustrated big time with not being able to run! I hope you can find out something at the Dr.s and get running again!

Oh I do like the Jackie Warner Core DVD I got. I can't do all the floor exercises yet as there are some side planks and my shoulder/arm can't take that yet. But its a good work out. I also saw Costco has this DVD for 7.99!

Steve Surratt said...

A little break from running is good for the other parts of you that probably needed it anyway! You know what I mean, we runners have half a dozen body parts ready to blow up at any moment and this has allowed the others to heal as well. You'll be back running soon, it is inevitable.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Take care of that knee so you can get out and run!

Sandy said...

Hopefully he will be able to help you. Be sure and let us know what he says.

Anonymous said...

knees are so sensitive. Be kind to yourself and forgive that knee. Seriously.

Jade Rahl said...

New follower from MBC :)


Valerie Boersma said...

I hope so too:) Meanwhile-keep your chin up:)

Mama Goose said...

Ooh, I hope the appointment goes well. And there is nothing worse than a benched runner. They drive themselves and everyone else crazy...

Chatty Crone said...

I'm glad that you got in to see the doctor tomorrow. Let us know what he says. I hope that you can go get some rehab or something.


Nancy said...

I do hope you get this knee thing straightened out, Lisa. Especially since you enjoy running so much.

Big hugs and healing wishes being sent your way. :)

uglydog75 said...

I can relate to how you are feeling about not being able to run... Hoping they get your knee "fixed up" quickly - sometimes excercise is the only thing that offers me any taste of sanity!!?!?!