Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fitness Recap May 2011 - A Great Month!

 This picture is of a Quadballer, which is a form of TriggerPoint therapy.  It works much like the foam roller - to massage stressed muscles.  I've been using it on my IT band this month and it is so much better than the foam roller.  I've also continued with my ART (Active Release Therapy) sessions.

And the boys got me a new pair of running shoes for Mother's Day - I'm trying a new brand (Brooks) which I don't normally do.  But they feel much like my beloved Asics and so far so good.
Bottom line?  I've had a most excellent month!  
Still trying to take things gradually, of course, but my IT band isn't hurting lately.
I was even able to get out to the track for some workouts this month!

Total running mileage:  90 (yay!!)
Yoga x 4
Abs/Core x 8

I had kind of hoped to get in a race this month, and had been thinking of a local 10K, but at the last minute I decided not to.  I'm very slow right now, and knew I would've been disappointed with my time.  Maybe in June I'll get a race in.  In the meantime, for your convenience, I've compiled a list of convenient excuses in case you skip a race (and - like me - are such an early bird that you can't use the whole 'slept in' excuse).
1.  My running clothes were dirty.
2.  My chicken told me not to.
3.  I prefer to race in poor conditions - the weather was just too nice.
4.  I'd rather run 9 miles on my own.
5.  I needed to blog that morning.
6.  I didn't want to miss breakfast.
7.  My legs were too sore from my track workout - 4 days earlier.
8.  I forgot to download the registration form.
9.  I heard they didn't have portajohns.
10.  My twins ate my running socks.


Andrea Reh said...

My Weight Watchers goal this week was to do at least 30 mins exercise every day... I have so far managed two days - and my week ends tomorrow!

Just found your blog - would love it if you stopped by mine sometime.

Andrea x

Anonymous said...

I am happy that things are going better. I think the twins need more fiber in their diet.

Dianna said...

I'm not a runner, but I'll use some of those excuses as to why I don't walk every morning! Thanks!

Steve Surratt said...

Congrats on your month! The Quadballer looks and sounds scary! I'll pass on that. See you on the track next Tuesday?

TexWisGirl said...

loved the list. glad your may was a good month! i know how much that means to you!

Mere said...

I doubt you are any slower than I am in races. We should run a race together, it would probably make you feel pretty fast ;-)

disclaimer: I only run short races. :)

QB @ Tales from Domestic Obscurity said...

I LOVE Brooks...have been wearing Brooks Adrenaline for years.

Yesterday I so wanted to stay in bed...even purposefully didn't set my alarm until the time I needed to get up just to make it to work on time and wouldn't you know I woke up at my workout time...I tried everything I could to convince myself to stay in bed. BUT that hot brown I had been craving for 2 weeks (and had on the menu that night)...well I really wanted up I went and ended with a great 3.6. BUT loved your reasons...I've used several myself :).

Sally said...

Good for you!

I don't run, but I do walk - to the mailbox. LOL

Have a great day!! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE your list!!!! The last one is my favorite!!! And I like that pink on your new shoes, too! I am still having trouble walking and standing, it will be awhile, I go back to the doctor today. Run for me, girlfriend!!! When are you coming to the book fair?

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! I need to print out that ten excuses.... I totally could use them!
Hey, also good to know... I have only used the foam rollers.

Inger said...

I'm so happy for you! May was miserable for me because of my new injury. But reading this -- oh well, one can't just give up, so I guess I will be back to it after I see the doctor next week. Isn't it very hot to run in the summer where you live?

Valerie Boersma said...

The chicken excuse. I use that one myself all the time;)

You are so inspiring with your dedication!!

Nancy said...

Haha! You forgot one -- I'd have a heart attack at mile one and I don't want to die in running shorts. :)

Michelle said...

Those socks will surely fill the twin's fiber quotient for the day.

Anonymous said...

Im hoping to start jogging soon. Im making my 10 yr old do it with me. Im a little nervous! Im not very good at running.

Jason Dingley said...

Love the excuses. What makes them so funny is that we all actually use these kind of excuses.

Eternal Lizdom said...

Nice to meet you, first of all. Found you through a comment you left on Shell's blog.

You had me at "runner" in your profile!

I just started running last year (Feb 2010) and have come such a long way in that time!

I've never heard of the quadballer. I own a foam roller but rarely use it anymore. I had some IT band issues about a year ago and was afraid it was going to be the end of running for me so I started doing a lot of learning about running. Ended up changing my running form and am now a full on minimalist runner that is dabbling in barefoot running! Which is crazy to me!

Samantha said...

LOVE that list :D

Dawn said...

oh yahoo! glad it's all coming around:) that roller looks awesome. i'm needing more than my foam roller too....i want to look into ART......

Shell said...

90 miles? that is awesome!!!

Love the list of excuses!

Misty said...

You amaze and inspire. Seriously...

Katie said...

You are inspiring me to maybe just maybe get myself moving!