Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How Does Our Garden Grow? An Update

Our garden is doing really well!  
We've been getting lots of zucchini.

And I harvested our entire beet crop.
I wanted to pickle the beets when they were still babies.
After I cooked them and drained them the smell was divine.
I contemplated not pickling them at all - but just devouring the whole lot.
Then I contemplated planting nothing but beets in our entire garden next year.
I settled for replanting the row instead, in hopes of a second harvest.
And these?  They are wonderful.  Even the boys adore them!

My Dad gave me some sage, which is so delicate and beautiful! 
Hopefully I don't kill it.

Our beans are doing well.
We have LOADS of green beans!
Good thing they are one of my favorite foods!
I think we'll be picking these in a week or so.

And my neighbor, JP, from A Quiet Corner gave me marigold seeds.
Even those have obliged by coming up in the garden!

The perfect zucchini flower -

And Pierce's favorite - summer squash!
Our tomatoes are a work in progress, but hopefully if all the flowers will start turning into fruit we'll have some of those soon too.


Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful! The beets sound great!

Nancy said...

Everything looks great, Lisa. I've never had pickled beets, but yours look delicious. :)

Homeschool on the Croft said...

The beets look fantastic. I've planted a few beets this year (though it'll be a long time until they're ready. I may be asking for your advice re pickling though ....

Jill said...

So happy to see you having such a productive garden. Everything looks wonderful!

TexWisGirl said...

will never eat another beet in my life. had too many as a kid from my mother's gardening and canning efforts. now, pass a big pot of green beans and i'll eat 'em raw!

Sally said...

Pickled beets are awesome, I'd almost forgot how much we used to like them. They look wonderful.

I "harvested" the cucumbers growing through my fence from the neighbor. LOL

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

That's quite a harvest - well done!

Samantha said...

I love love love beets. Try a few roasted in the oven and topped with goat cheese. Bliss!

Our squash is still suffering from slow growth. No idea what the problem is, but it's making me crazy!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Your garden looks awesome!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

What a fantastic garden! You must have a green thumb with those marigold seeds:)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

wowza. Its looking good!

Misty said...

LOVELY!!!! I am so, so jealous!

Valerie Boersma said...

Your garden is amazing!! And those beets look gorgeous in the jar-what a beautiful color!

Amy said...

My attempt to a garden this year was 3 flower pots! Beans that my daughter pulled out so I had to replant, lettuce and carrots!

Unknown said...

Wow Lisa, what a beautiful harvest! Those beets look as if they can be plucked from the photo! LOL. I just found your blog and love it...i'm now your new follower, won't you come over and follow us too! We'd love having you! Hugs! Loretta

Irish Italian Blessings said...

WOW, your garden is doing fabulous! I'm so jealous. I wish I could just go out back and pick up some yummy veggies. Maybe since I've managed to keep one plant alive for 1 full year, I'm ready to test my true green thumb....we shall see :)

Doris Sturm said...

What a wonderful vegetable crop - I love beets, but rarely find them fresh, so I have to settle for the canned variety :-(

All your veggies look great and I'm glad to hear that your whole family appreciates them too!

Have a great week!
Doris and Gizzy

laughwithusblog said...

Looks delicious! I thought we were going to have hundreds of pears this year...bugs. Gotta love Texas!

Crow said...

Like Nancy, I had to eat one too many beets when I was younger. But yours look like they could get me eating them again!
Fantastic Harvest!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The zucchini is so pretty that it even looks waxed! And the flower is beautiful. Marigolds are really good to plant around your vegetables, they keep the bugs away.

Anonymous said...

Looks good. I miss gardening. I skipped it this year, but plan on doing a big one next year!

Chris said...

Hi Lisa

What you gonna do with all those zucchini?

I'm expecting another bumper harvest this year too and always have a glut so any tips would be gratefully received...

Carol said...

Your garden looks great! That rocky soil wasn't so bad after all. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Chatty Crone said...

That looks awesome - I love the zucchini! YUMMY!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YEAH!!!!! See I KNEW YOU could do it! Beets are THE BEST!!!...:)JP

Leontien said...

It looks wonderfull! And yes don't kill the sage like i did!!!

Thanks for the update!

Jeremi said...

i want a garden of beets and green beans .... YUMMY!!!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Your garden looks great! Wish I had room for green beans and beets.

Angela said...

Wow! Your garden sure did grow fast! Ours isn't doing anything yet at all. Sigh.... I want squash! I want zucchini! The deer ate the beans again. I'll send a few links for my favorite recipes for your veggie harvest.

Have a Great Day!

Tiggeriffic said...

Oh I love the look of those beets. I love pickled beets.. Good Job~!
Nothing to harvest in my garden yet. It's 64 degrees and rainy.. We have gotten 5 inches of rain so far this week. Yikes~! Brocolli looks good...
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Helene said...

I'm so envious of all your zucchini!! I finally figured out that my zucchini plants are totally infertile!!! The bees aren't doing their job so I have to self-pollinate them. I just wrote a post about it that's going up tomorrow!!

Katie said...

Wow I am jealous you are already harvesting but that is awesome! I can't wait for our garden to be doing the same. Your beets look amazing.

Anonymous said...

We finally have our first BLOSSOMS here!