Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More from Type A Con and Asheville

The sessions at Type A Con were very inspiring and informative.  
Patti Digh did the Opening Keynote and she was brilliant.
There wasn't a person in the room that wasn't completely attentive to her dynamic speaking style.
She was the type of speaker that leaves you energized and motivated for hours afterwards.
I also really enjoyed a session about Breathtaking Blog Photography - lots of great tips and I definitely need to work on my photos.  I just need more time in the day!

A few key things that I learned and am working to put into place - it was recommended that bloggers who would like to do some reviews and giveaways be on LinkedIn.  I have reservations because I'm wary of connecting professional life with personal life in that way, but I went ahead and started an account.  Another recommendation was to pitch locally, and try to set up a presence where you live - even joining the Chamber of Commerce.  Foursquare and Yelp were both mentioned.  Be reliable to brands and put what you want in your twitter description. I don't think there is any magic way to be the perfect blog, but there were many good tips about increasing traffic and providing quality to readers. 

Friday evening I went to dinner with Holly, the co-founder of The Blog Frog, and my roomie Andrea from Good Girl Gone Redneck.

We went to Mayfel's, a creole-style restaurant, and enjoyed some fun and relaxed conversation.

I ordered shrimp and grits - a true Southern dish.
It was spicy as all get out but had the most wonderful flavors. 

Right across the street from the restaurant was a huge drum circle.
It was fun listening to the drums while eating, and the weather was so mild and perfect.
After eating, we checked it out.

Then back to the hotel for the Bloganthropy Awards and Reception.
I got to meet Blueviolet from A Nut in a Nutshell.
I've followed her blog for ages, so it was fun to meet.
And she was happy to solve my most burning blog question - one that I've asked many people and never found an answer for (how to figure out how many unique visitors a blog gets a month - if you want to know drop me an email!).  Thanks Blueviolet!

Come back tomorrow for more from Asheville and Type A Con.


Anonymous said...

I adore BlueViolet. she is such a doll!

So whats the answer??

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lisa, Another interesting post and I love your pictures. The lunch looks delicious! Wishing you a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

The sessions sound wonderful. I need to work on my pictures too.

Blue Violet is amazing! Glad she was able to answer your question. Don't you wish we could just have her offer a seminar of blogging and get her to advice for a few hours.

Jill said...

So glad you are having such a great time and getting to meet some of your blog friends in person.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, one of these days when my life becomes my own, I would love to work on my pix as well! And what's a unique visit?...:)JP

Nina said...

Although I haven't been to any blog seminars, I just updated my profile on linkedin recently and was debating whether I should start networking with bloggers there. I guess the answer is yes! LOL And I have also been thinking about networking locally, but I have reservations. It's one thing to blog about your life to random people on the internet, but if NosyNeighborSally from across the way knows everything I'm up too... well... that's creepy. But for all I know, NosyNeighbor could be reading anyways. hahaha

TexWisGirl said...

okay, you're gonna have to spill the answer to that burning question (and i'm not talking the heartburn from your creole dinner!) :)

linkedin use for bloggers, huh? wouldn't have figured that... i'm like you. that's another 'me' on the business side. i had my website on my linkedin profile for about a week, then removed it because it just felt like the 2 personas were clashing...

trump said...

Soup looks great and im sure it was a great time. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa

Texan said...

Ok so how do you tell? I just checked my stats page and didn't see the answer there LOL. and what is Linkedin.

Looks like your having a great time. Who knew there was/is such a thing as a blogging conference! I really need to get out of the cave more often. :O)

Chatty Crone said...

What is a unique email and how many?

You had a ball!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The info is informative, I need to work on photos too....You met some good blogger too.

Andrea said...

Love the recap continued! I need that picture of the three of us. :) Can you email it to me? I'm trying to compile some that I haven't caught on my own camera or phone. :> I'll have to email you some of us, too. I can't believe the week/weekend is over. It seems like it went so quickly looking back!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Glad you took away so much great info! And your dinner looks delish, by the way. I'm assuming it tasted as great as it looks.

Valerie Boersma said...

Thanks for all the good advice Lisa! I set up a Google Analytics account for both my Etsy shop and my blog. I think there is a lot of useful information there-if only I knew how to use it all:)

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

olá, gostei das fotografias....Espectacular....

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this post! I have never heard of Blogfrog, and did pop over to check that out. It looks full of good info! And of course I like that you snapped your food for us, so many bloggers forget to do that or don't think about it, and I love to see the food! Did she tell you to go to the stats page on Blogger to see visitors? I may e-mail you about this...I just recently discovered the stats page and enjoy it. Especially the page views part.

Liz Mays said...

It looks like you learned a lot, and I totally understand your hesitancy with combining the personal and professional parts of your life. The more you do it, the easier it does become though, I promise.

I love Holly from The Blog Frog! She's so fantastic, and your roomie too! She's so sweet and happy!

I know I told you yesterday, but I am really happy that we met, and I'm glad you got your stats all set up!

Shell said...

Love Blueviolet!

Next time, we must hang out more! I ate at Mayfel's last year and loved it!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That sounds like so much fun! That's great that you got to meet Blueviolet!

Nancy said...

You sound like you have enjoyed the conference. I'm sure you liked being out and about without the kids for a change -- but we know you missed them bunches. :)

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Sounds like a fun and informative time.

Holly said...

So fun meeting getting to know you in person and sharing amazing food and conversations about blogging and running. You are my running inspiration :)