Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taubman Art Museum

 Every so often there is a free day at the Taubman Art Museum, so we decided to check it out.  When we arrived, there was a huge sidewalk art show going on, but we decided to hit the museum first and then come back for the art show.

Pierce posing with a knight sculpture -

This isn't a huge museum, but they do have several different exhibit halls.

 Cort and Reid admire some wall art from their stroller.

 I liked some of the rural paintings -

 This piece was actually a sculpture -

She's pulling an arrow out of his arm -

So of course the boys' favorite part was ARTventure.  A room full of activities for kids - just pull a box off the wall!

Cort and Reid get all artistic-

 They both wanted the chair that Reid has in this picture.  It caused several fights.  The chairs were EXACTLY the same and I gave them EXACTLY the same blocks.

 Pierce liked painting on a slab of rock with water.  The twins enjoyed this too.

 This is a huge moving compilation of crystals inside a dark room, and there are levers for the kids to adjust the lights.  Outside, you can watch a large gray screen to see all the lights at play.  Pierce really enjoyed messing with the levers.

Then we walked through the sidewalk art show outside.  It was huge - it went on and on.  We didn't buy anything, but did lots of admiring.

A fun (and cheap!) way to spend a Saturday morning. 

Please go enter my giveaway for green, environmentally friendly cleaning products HERE

This post is linked up with the Summer Bucket List Party at Little Wonders Days.


Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Some really nice art. The crystal hands-on exhibit is really neat.

Kristi - Moms Own Words said...

Great photos! Looks like your family had a wonderful day!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've wanted to go visit the museum, but just never got there! Can you see "the Pres" there?!!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

The hands on area looks like a lot of fun. What a great museum.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá, gostei das fotografias...Espectacular....

Nancy said...

Yes, free is good! I laughed when you said the boys fought over the chair... the grass is always greener, I guess.

Great photos of your visit, Lisa. :)

La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life said...

I've been wanting to visit an art museum with my girls. This gives me inspiration!

Samantha said...

Your boys are exposed to so many fun things :)

Loved the crystals.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love adventures like that - fun and cheap! Glad it was a successful outing for you and the boys! :)

TexWisGirl said...

i like how you find so many 'hands-on' things for your boys to try. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

We always enjoyed taking Amy to places like this-and sometimes I think I enjoyed the hands on kid exhibits as much or more than the "adult" stuff-just because the kid stuff was so cool and fun!

I had to laugh at the chair fight too-kids...:)

Sandy said...

It amazes me how something as simple as painting with water on a rock can entertain a child. Loved the rural painting too.

Chatty Crone said...

You find some great places to take the boys for a reasonable price!

Love the hands on experience. And the painting of water on the rock. Good idea.

Inger said...

Your boys look like they had a ball!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How surprised and delighted I was to see this post!!!!! We love going to Taubman and I have done several posts on it! I took the exact same picture of the wheelbarrow and posted it! This reminds me that I still have a bunch of pictures from there to post! I love those lighted steps in the lobby. I am signed up for their e-mails that tell me about the latest goings on. And I LOVE the gift shop. Have you ever eaten in the cafe, is it any good? These exhibits look so good, I am sorry I missed them. And you got some really good pictures. This was a perfect exhibit to take the kids to.

Tipper said...

Looks like a great day-and free makes it even better : )

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

The architect in me really wants to visit this museum! I'm pretty sure it was designed by a student of Frank Ghery, the architect who designed the Guggenheim in Bilboa, Spain in the '90s.

Jill said...

What a nice art museum. Looks like your boys had a great time creating. Fun day!

Texan said...

Looks like the kids had a fun day. Funny they fought over the chair and the chairs were identical. ROFL ... Little people are funny like that tee hee...

LBB said...

That looks like such a fun place! LOL about them fighting over the same EXACT items! :D

E@ActFastChef said...

I like the picture showing the boys looking at the art from their stroller!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love these pictures enough that I said to Hubs, we need to go to an art museum. They do look very interesting. Fun too

Leontien said...

hmmmm i woudn't mind going there myself sometime!

the pics are lovely and i hope you had a great time!


Liz Mays said...

I love that you can both view some art and make some too!

Jeremi said...

the kid section looks really neat --- we love these sorts of adventures! and of course your boys both wanted the SAME chair!!!! :)

Little Wonders' Days said...

This looks like a great time. I love when museums make kids feel welcome and allow some extension activities. Thanks for linking up to the party.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That looks like a fun (and free!) outing!