Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby Pics of My Boys

I wanted to link up with Shell for her Rockin' the Baby party, but I confess I couldn't find any really early baby pics of Pierce.  I could scan some but that would take time and I'm really short on time this week.  Instead, I snagged a few from old Facebook albums.  

This was in Chicago the summer Pierce was 8 months old.  
He was having a total meltdown, as you can see.
Too much time in the stroller I think, plus a massive case of teething!

And this is from a summer picnic at the lake.
Pierce was also around 8-9 months in this picture.

 Here are the twins just under four months old.
Reid on the left, Cort on the right.

And this is hands-down one of my favorite pics of the twins ever!
Cort is just having the time of his life and Reid is absolutely miserable and about to lose it.
They were just under four months old here too.
I guess when I look at all that snow I should be thankful it's 100* outside?
This post is linked to Rockin' the Baby.


Myya said...

Can anyone ever get enough of baby pictures. Sooo cute! The snow picture is the best - they are adorable!!!

Karen said...

So cute! Having twins must be an amazing experience -

Oh, that snow picture makes me just alittle more thankful for today's heat.

Anonymous said...

You are blessed with precious boys, Lisa. That last photo is cute as can be!

Jill said...

That last picture is the cutest ever! All of your boys are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Your guys are so cute! I love the Pooh and Tigger snow suits!

Nancy said...

Love the snow photo! :)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, such cuties! but i can't hear them wailing from here! :)

jennohara said...

Too cute! It's always fun pulling out the old pictures :)

Luisa Rodríguez said...

These picture are so beautiful!! :P
Cute cute cute. Loved your blog.
You've got a new (Spanish) reader.
Maybe we could follow each other?



Peyton Hutchins said...

Oh my gosh, they are adorable - love the picture in the snow!

ohiofarmgirl said...

What wonderful pictures. Enjoy your children...I miss having small ones in the house. Cherish the days. Dianntha

Tina L. Hook said...

Aw. That last photo is precious.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These pictures are adorable and yes, the last one is my favorite!!

Texan said...

rofl oh my gosh love the winnie pooh and tigger too!!! Cuteness!

Melodie said...

Love the picts! I prefer snow over heat any day but I am weird that way,lol!

Valerie Boersma said...

I look back at Amy's early photos and I can't believe that the time has gone by so fast-that, and the fact that I had a really bad hairstyle in those days ;)

Your boys are so cute Lisa!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

The picture of the twins in the bumbo seats is so cute!!!

Shell said...

Love that bumbo pic!

Unknown said...

Your boys are absolutely adorable!

Liz Mays said...

Those are just too cute, and that last one is hysterical!

Sally said...

Each one in their own way, so, so cute and sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

I secretly love crabby baby photos.

Katie said...

I LOVE the snow pic in their bumbos! I also love seeing you on the pics. The link up "catch the baby fever" has me hooked. I think I have baby fever!

My Mad World said...

Love these pics!! It's amazing to see how much they have grown! (even in the year I've known ya!)

Great pics in the past couple posts. Love yesterdays post too, looks like it was a blast!!!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

LOVE all the pictures, you look absolutely beautiful! I agree, the pic of the boys in the Bumbo's is pretty stinking adorable!

The Woven Moments said...

Sweet pictures! Glad to have found you through the link up. I'm in Virginia and the Blue Ridge Mountains feel like home to me, too. :)

Lizbeth said...

Ohhh, your kiddo's are so stinkin' cute!!!

That last picture cracks me up!

camp and cottage living said...

Hi I just happened upon your blog.
What adorable little children!
I also live in a log home and frequently have bear passing through the yard. So I naturally had to check your blog out.
I enjoyed my visit here!

Doris Sturm said...

You're right! That last photo is priceless - it could win a contest of some sort! LOL

The photo above of you holding your boys is great - you look so beautiful! Just like a Hollywood movie star!

I love going down memory lane sometimes and reminisce. It's fun to do now and then.

Have a wonderful day!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Sweet pictures! I LOVE your twins expressions when they're sitting in the bumbo chairs.

Jen said...

Your boys are so cute!! LOVE those snow suits :)

Misty said...

SOOOO Adorable!

Dawn said...

Sweet! Sweet! and Sweet!!!

WOW you are having quite the heat!!!!! Send some up here?:))

Angela said...

You have such cute babies Lisa! And you are beautiful!

Have a Great Day!

Mary said...

Great pictures! I love the one of the twins in the snow. I cn't believe how big they are now.

Have a great night :)

Holly G said...

Oh my gosh! Your boys are precious! I just love that pic of the twins all bundled up in snowsuits - too cute!

Cyndy Bush said...

Aw, they are so cute! They didn't have those cool bumbo seats when my kids were little, they look like they'd be so great for little ones.

warren said...

Great pics! Gosh I do not miss those kind of meltdowns!!!

Cami said...

I loooove baby photos...AW- too precious :)

<3- Cami

New to blogging- nice to meet you!!

Anonymous said...

I like the Bumbo seat one! Look at all the snow!

Laura S Reading said...

They are priceless and how wondeful you have these slices of time saved. Isn't it amazing how soon we see bits of personality.

erin margolin said...

Bumbo seats in the snow? BEST.IDEA.EVER.

Love them all, Lisa! So glad you linked up!
