Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bluegrass on the Maggoddee - Unbridled Change's Benefit

 Unbridled Change is a program that unites at-risk youth with horses and in the process uses that relationship to teach life-lessons and provide therapy.  When I used to work juvenile probation, I attended a therapy session with one of the girls I worked with, and was so impressed with the gentle teaching method.  I was fascinated to watch her make connections and come to some realizations about her life that she wouldn't have recognized without this particular style of therapy.

Each year they host a benefit, and this past weekend we attended with the boys.  
They had so much fun with the bubbles outside.

The twins were coated - just coated in bubbles.

Reid in his own version of corn hole.
Note the shirt drench with bubbles.

They had free face painting, and the lady who did the art was so nice.
She painted stars on the twins arms.
And Pierce wanted to be a bat.

Batty Pierce-

The price of the ticket includes a barbecue dinner.
Cort, with his mouth full.

You may remember my recent post about the nature of barbecue.
  Squeals on Wheels catered and they had both vinegar based and tomato based barbecue.
I went for the vinegar based this time.
And added a great deal of hot sauce.
Enough to leave my stomach burning!

And of course great music.
We heard 3 bands - Blue Mule, County Bound, and Dixie Bluegrass Boys.
This is a picture of the Dixie Bluegrass Boys - we're long-time friends with Billy (playing the fiddle).
Our boys really enjoyed dancing to the music, and Cort was a bit like a groupie standing beneath the band at times and embracing the hay.
Pierce met a girlfriend and danced much of the night with her, but as I didn't ask her folks for permission I won't be sharing those pictures.
It was a very fun evening and I hope that we'll be back for more next year!


Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful event! It must have been fun to watch them dance.

Liz Mays said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm not sure I like the vinegar based BBQ of the south. I think I still prefer tomato based, but YES to the hot sauce! :)

I really enjoy bluegrass music in the context of an event like that or a show. I can't listen to it at home, but it's kinda fun when you're out somewhere to hear it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now that looks like such a good time! Glad you enjoyed!...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

your boys look like they had a GREAT time. the facepainter lady is talented! squeals on wheels - cracked me up!

Jill said...

Your boys look delighted with the entire event! What a wonderful,worthy cause.

Sally said...

It's so nice that you support local events, and this one holds a place dear to my heart.

Those boys are just way too cute! :)

Melodie said...

What a fun day!Great pictures!

Kim said...

That sounds like a blast. I love that your little guy found a girlfriend. My son has a best friend he told me he's going to marry. Every day when I pick him up from daycare, he tells her to have a nice night and gives her a warm hug and a big kiss on the lips. It's beyond cute.

Anonymous said...

Those are the best kinds of days--a good cause and a fun way to support it.

Jill said...

Now that looks like a fun day! Love the picture of the boys dancing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very fun event to attend and for a good cause. The boys are so cute and growing up so fast. Carol

Tiggeriffic said...

Oh the joys of summer and the fun one can find do with family.
That looked like so much fun~!
Barbecues are so good..
Have a Blessed Day..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Mom of 12 said...

Most of my kiddos hate having their faces painted for some reason. It seems like a good idea, until they do it, then they are itchy and unhappy until they take a shower. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Valerie Boersma said...

Oh my gosh Lisa, the bubbles! Too funny!! What a fun day you guys had-and your pictures are so cute!

Dawn said...

Oh fun!
And I bet it was hard to catch the soap-slippery boys at the end of the day;))

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have heard of this horse therapy! What great pictures you got!! Even the food, yum! I think my favorite is the twins among the bubbles, though. And cort with his mouthfull of food!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time! (And for a great cause, too.)

Helene said...

It looks like such a great time!!! What is it with boys and bubbles? Mine are fascinated as well!

Shanda said...

That is a cool event. I have a friend that was a bit involved in a similar project in East Tennessee. And your son is precious!

Anonymous said...

The horse therapy sounds wonderful.

I lived in NC once, and remember the vinegar based BBQ sauce but still prefer the tomato based. Both are good though. The music would have been very entertaining. Glad the little ones enjoyed dancing!

Anonymous said...

Awww, these little ones are just plain ole out TOO sweet.


Nancy said...

What a great cause and it looks like the boys sure had a blast. Bubbles rule! :)

Maria said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I love the last pic of the boys dancing -- too cute. :-)

Michelle said...

This looks like a lot of fun for both the boys and the parents. Bluegrass and bbq are a great combo.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Those tykes look like they are having the time of their lives!

jennohara said...

Looks like a great time! Love the bubble pictures...at least it was just soap they were coated in!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like a fun event! Pierce looks so cute with his face painted!

le Chef said...

Events like that are so fun! Most of our Summer festivals are done. We have more "events" than music festivals ... miss the music, and the food of the south. Strangely, we have a BBQ place here that is decent southern BBQ, but they have no clue when it comes to the buns to serve it on.

ANYWAY ... off on one there. Your area sounds wonderful, your boys are lucky! Take lots of pics for them.