Monday, July 11, 2011

I DON'T LIKE THIS LUNCH! (Muffin Tin Monday)

Muffin Tin Monday didn't go so well this week.  I pushed it too far with the green bean pie - he just doesn't like it (although he did pick out the mushrooms to eat).
 So anyhow, this compilation - a banana, a zucchini dill muffin, turkey kielbasa, and green bean mushroom pie was not a popular lunch.  Not at all.  I heard a lot of "I don't like this!".  He shouldn't complain, right?  At least his banana wasn't mad this week!  Plus, he got totally cute summer picks that JDaniel4sMom gave me.  And there are starving children in.....okay, okay, better luck next week, right?

For more infinitely more appetizing lunch ideas for kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Anonymous said...

It looks great to me. The starving mom in Greenville that is reading this before breakfast would eat it right now.

TexWisGirl said...


Melodie said...

At least he told you he didn't like it instead of just stuffing it under his chair or some other place,lol! It looks good to me!

Sharla said...

Those picks are super cute!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

I would eat that pie Lisa!

There is always next Monday...Hope the banana will stay happy until then ;)

Angela said...

I can't believe Pierce wouldn't eat that! It looks good to me! But in his defense my kids probably wouldn't touch it because of the mushrooms! lol

Have a Great Day!

Shell said...

At least it looks cute!

sara d. said...

looks yummy to me!:)

Mary said...

Ha hey I think it's impressive that he pickd out the mushrooms. Not a lot of kids like them.

Have a great Monday!

Lacinda said...

Mmm . . . that all sounds fabulous to me!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

He should not complain, right? Not in my family...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...when are you going to see how many children do NOT even entertain the idea of eating half the food the boys do? You're like a miracle worker...:)JP

Unknown said...

Looks pretty good to me!!! :-)

Blue Cotton Memory said...

I am so glad the banana is smiling! LOL - I am still trying to persuade my teens that NOT EVERY MEAL IS THEIR FAVORITE! My MIL persuaded me that none of my boys will starve to death - when they go on hunger strikes. One wouldn't eat until pasta crossed his plate - then it was the bottomless pasta bowl - he couldn't get enough. I can't wait to see what my oldest son does with meal time when he and his lovely wife have their baby! LOL

Regina said...

Hi there (I'm Regina from Kilauea P)..your pie below looks fantastic and bet was delicious! So he picked the mushrooms out to eat (lol)..lovely family and your profile discription of life sounds ideal!
Wishing you a fantastic week-

Leontien said...

I would go for the....



the sausage!



Amy P. said...

I cannot wait until my babies can participate in Muffin Tin Monday! I am starting to gather ideas now!

Sally said...

Well, he didn't feed it to the dog. Or, do you have a dog? LOL

Everything looks good to me 'cept maybe the muffin. I mean iT looks good, but doesn't sound real appetizing and I usually like everything!! :)

Michelle said...

I think it looks pretty good. However, even my older kids wouldn't eat the pie....but I would!

Nancy said...

Well, you can't win them all. I personally love green bean and mushroom casserole! :)