Friday, July 8, 2011

The Greatest Treasure Find Ever and GIVEAWAY - Vintage Peanut Butter Glasses

This week I'm switching things up a little for Memory Lane Friday.  This week you can blog about the greatest treasure you've ever found - be it at a yard sale, auction, antique store, Craigslist - wherever!  Your find could be something small, like a vintage skirt that you love or a child's toy, or it could be big - like a leather couch.  Whatever you've found that was a great deal!  The link up will be available all week long, and one random person that links up will be chosen to win a set of FOUR vintage peanut butter parfait glass dishes!  These were used back in the 1950s to package peanut butter.

I had a hard time picking just one thing.  I love to frequent yard sales and thrift stores, so I'm always finding little treasures.  So I decided to blog about some of the art around our log home.  

We've had this picture for at least 10 years.  We got it from a rural auction for $17.  
It hangs in our bedroom.

This picture of the drowning cat was found at a flea market.
It hangs in the master bathroom.
Since our cat Disco looks just like the black cat in the picture, I've always liked it.
Lucky for Disco he doesn't get baths.

This little plate was in a thrift store for .99 cents. 
We have a lot of Southwestern items around the house, so it fits in.
It hangs on my kitchen cabinets.

This is a painted wooden platter.  You can see it was hand made, as it is a little crooked.
Paul and I got this when I was pregnant with Pierce.
We were on a Caribbean cruise and got it from a street vendor in Isla Roatan, Honduras.
It hangs above the kitchen window.

And finally, this piece hangs by the dining room table.  
It's the most recent addition - a $5 purchase from the local Friends of the Library book sale.
It's a rural scene of a horse pulling a cart filled with veggies while the family plays in the stream.  I love it!

So I want to hear, readers, what's your greatest treasure find?  To join in, please add the link to the blog post on your greatest treasure find ever to the linky below:

To be eligible for the giveaway, please grab the code from below the button and paste it into your blog, or do a direct link to this post from your blog.

Don't forget to go visit the blogs of others who participate, and leave them a comment!  A winner for the giveaway will be chosen by on 7/15/11 at noon.  Winner must respond within 48 hours.

Next week's Memory Lane Friday topic suggestion is 8th grade. 


Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! I'm totally going to link up when we get home from vacation on Sunday, and I know exactly what item!

Love the little peek into your home, looks like some neat treasures you've found!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I enjoyed seeing your treasures and I did not realize until today you live in a log cabin. It's beautiful. I especially love the picture from Honduras and the plate. Thanks for hosting and I wish you a nice weekend.

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Love your finds, particularly the parfait glasses!

Anonymous said...

You have such wonderful treasures! I love them all. It was great to see them hanging in your house.

Dianna said...

Love all your "finds". I do quite a bit of antiquing and thrift-shopping, and love remembering WHERE I bought each certain thing.

Jill said...

First of all, your home looks lovely! Your finds are all great but I especially love the first picture. So fun to see others treasures.

Nancy said...

The best treasures are ones you didn't know you needed! Love all of your unique finds. They fit perfectly into your decor. :)

Anonymous said...

I found a vintage Barbie Date game last fall at the thrift store--my neighbor gal and I plan to play it and drink a nice bottle of wine just as soon as she has her baby!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What great finds!

Jill said...

I collect old cathedral bottles. Carter's ink cobalt ones are my favorite. I love your parfait glasses.

Barbara F. said...

Hi Lisa, thanks for your visit and for inviting me to your linky party. I tried to link up but can't get through! :( I'll try again later.

My Mad World said...

Love these!! I love seeing what other's have found, now I want to go shopping!! lol

Just wish we had more choices in our town.. but that is also a good thing! lol

Have a great weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

My kids are coming in today from Ohio - but I will take a look around the house.

I do love everything in your home - very nice.

Valerie Boersma said...

Any type of art work is always a great find! I love what you found too!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like what you found in Honduras! It is neat, well all are a treasure

Reena said...

I love thrift stores and exploring their contents! You have some great finds!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your finds, especially the Caribbean tray and the pretty dish hanging on the cabinet! I'm glad you're giving us some time, I need to think of a good find, then come back and link up!!! I,m going to look through my stuff and my pictures!

Anonymous said...

Very cool:)

My Mad World said...

are you having problems with editing? I tried to add your button but when I go to edit, it's really weird and wouldn't do it. Sorry... I did add just your blog with the link.

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

I clearly need to go treasure hunting

Anonymous said...

I am running very late but I just heard about your great party and want to join. I was going out to a street fair and rummage this morning but am glad I got delayed and found you instead. (I probably will check out the street fair at some point.)
You have wonderful taste in treasures.
Mine run a bit more...casual?
(ok, ugly)
Off to add your buttopn to a post!

Angela said...

I love the picture you found for your dining room! That was a great deal at $5! I always love a good bargain! They are always so hard to resist!

Have a Great Day!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

As you know, Baby Girl, the house is FILLED with "treasures" far too many to mention or display. But this time, I decided that I was more important...:)JP

Lorio said...

WOW! I have been "excavating" in what used to be the trash heap in my backyard and recently discovered just the base of this same dish. Neat to know what it was originally meant for. Maybe I'll find a whole one in there somewhere. I've been lucky enough to find many whole bottles, including a one gallon Clorox jug!