Sunday, July 31, 2011

Temps hit Triple Digits but the Alternative is Worse (10 Reasons Why)

I know, I know.  We're all so over the heat.  And yes, this picture is from our thermometer on Two Bears Farm.  Whew, it's hot out.  So hot out that the humidity gauge on our thermometer thing broke.  But I dare say the alternative IS worse.  I'm not a winter person, so whenever I get to complaining about the heat, I just have to remind myself to be thankful.  Why?
  • No scraping windshields 
  • No itchy dry skin when I get out of the shower
  • Veggies don't cost an arm and a leg, only to have absolutely no flavor
  • I don't have to worry about layers of clothes when I leave the house
  • Less laundry - summer clothes take up less space in the washer
  • No getting stuck behind school buses
  • Don't have to worry about dumb weather forecasters (you know, those forecasts that go oh-so-wrong)
  • Don't have to worry about trying to get somewhere on icy roads
  • No dealing with Christmas music for EIGHT STRAIGHT WEEKS (enough people, really!)
  • It doesn't get dark early (my personal favorite!) so you can enjoy evenings on the porch
See, come on, now don't you feel just a little bit better about the temps?!?  It really could be worse!  What's something that you DON'T miss about winter?


Chris said...

We soon get tired of too much hot weather here too in Blighty.

We could do with some over here at the moment though. Brrrr!

Anonymous said...

You are so right! It could be much worse.

Dianna said...

Oh, you have hit the nail on the head with this one!

I'll just add my own version of one of yours: I love being able to go out for my morning walk without: 3 layers of clothes, 2 pair of socks, mittens, a scarf, a heavy coat, ear muffs and a hat. And I'm still cold!

Stay cool today!

Texan said...

:O), all very good points will try to remember them as we are hitting 108 and 109 several days this week.

TexWisGirl said...

yeah, i'm with texan. i'll try to remember this list when we're enduring a week of 'stupid' heat here in NE Tx...

Luisa Rodríguez said...

Oh, my.. we're soooo different! :P

Look at this:

Have a nice day, honey! :)

Jill said...

All in the perspective. ;)

Jeremi said...

good points!

i love all the seasons but our winters do get too long and extreme in minnesota some years .... summers can be quite extreme too (it's been hot hot hot here too -- high 90's, some triple digits, and SUPER high humidity), but these months really fly by ....

Samantha said...

I don't miss using 100 lbs of salt on our drive only to have NOTHING melt because it's -30.
I don't miss Michael's normal 40 minute commute taking 2 hrs!

trump said...

I would still prefer the colder weather as i lived in Florida for almost 23 years. Bring on the fall. Richard

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Okay, I understand that some things about hot, humid weather are much, much better than the alternative (no icy roads, no scraping windshields, no shoveling the driveway/sidewalks, etc).

Personally, though, I'd much rather take cold weather. ;) My glasses don't fog up the moment I step outside, for instance. I don't feel like I need to take a million cool showers a day because I've gotten all sweaty, just walking to the mailbox. And I don't have to get up and exercise before the sun comes up! ;)

However, I love fall the best - not hot, and not cold!

Chatty Crone said...

I like your reasons, but in Georgia - I don't wear a heavy coat at all - and a lot of people do wear shorts - go figure . . .

Valerie Boersma said...

Here it always snows and then melts and then freezes-and going anywhere when the streets and sidewalks are a sheet of ice is a sheer nightmare.

I'd also agree with everything on your list too!

Nancy said...

I agree with you 100% Lisa. Don't really like being snowed in if the hubby's working out of town.

camp and cottage living said...

Actually, I don't mind winter at all! I believe I like most of the seasons equally. Spring is very drab and muddy where I am. So March and April are my least favorite months.

Angela said...

You must not have been going out much lately because of the heat but most stores already have Halloween and Thanksgiving already out! I about died when I seen it and that was a good 2 weeks ago!

I just want temps in the 70's for a few days so we can do something outside.

Have a Great Day!

Anonymous said...

You have some great points!

Andrea said...

Sorry, Mama, but bring on the cooler weather! I'm a Northern girl, remember? I love fall! Maybe not the snow, but fall - ah, heaven. ;) 100+ degrees? Screw that! We're off to the pool!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

All good good points but its still SOOOOO hot :)

Even just a dollar - Ad Space

Connie Arnold said...

Great reminder! When we don't like the weather we're having, it's good to remember how much worse it could be.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have put such a good spin on this, and I agree completely!! My personal favorite is not getting dark early. I HATE when it is dark at 5:00!!! And also hate the ice!! It may be hot, but at least we are not snowed in with the power lines down!

Sarah said...

I HATE hot weather. However, in the Texas Panhandle, I HATE cold weather too. This winter was the coldest we've had in a while. It was -27 with the wind chill factor one day. I didn't leave the house, it was ridiculous!!! It's been in the triple digits a LOT this summer and I don't like that either. I'm a temperate weather kind of

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm just the opposite, Lisa. I despise Summer and absolutely love winter. Of course I'll clarify that by saying that our winters down here are not very harsh... So that helps!!!!! BUT--even though I love spring and fall the most, Winter comes next --followed by this old dreaded summer....


Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

What I don't miss about winter is winter itself. Our winters here are more like fall time. A couple of cold snaps but mostly sweatshirt weather. And we never get into triple digits. The summers just last longer.

Michelle said...

You are so right about the laundry thing. I always dread the loads of heavy clothes in the winter.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It's miserable out there, but I'd rather it be hot than cold!!!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Yes, a great reminder. I don't like driving on snowy and icy roads. And my van takes about twenty minutes to heat up so we are always freezing when we run errands.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Just the opposite here...I dislike the heat...makes me lazy...but then again, if I had a pool like YOURS, I'd be the talk of the neighborhood???...:)JP

Misty said...

exactly... But...

oh that it were always spring and autumn. *sigh*

Tiggeriffic said...

I love the summer weather~ people are complaining about all this heat.. I tell them I'll talk to you in 6 months see what you think..
I tell people this is great~!
If you don't like Iowa today wait until tomorrow...
have a great day..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Karin said...

My favorite season is just around the corner - fall! Haven't met one yet I didn't like! Love winter - but ours up here in Canada are too long. Summer is pleasant - usually - this year more rain than we would like. I love our summer late nights - gets dusk around 11:00 and light again at 4:00 a.m. Fantastic - makes up for the short daylight in winter. Our spring is lovely - but far too short!

You've got high heat now - but that too shall pass!

Tipper said...

Well you're right-we can't do nothing about the heat we might as well look on the bright side! Great post.

Michaele said...

Thank you for this post!

jennohara said...

We've been getting this heat too...
I like the heat, and I look forward to the winter. I think when we get extreme temps in the seasons it just makes us appreciate the next even more. :)

le Chef said...

Hhhmmmm. Well, here in Washington it's been mid 70's to 80's, so Winter isn't even on the brain .. in fact, summer just now got here!
Winter .. well, our winters are pretty tame. Maybe snow once or twice for a day or two, but usually about 40˚-50˚, so I can't complain about winter either ... which is why we live here LOL!

This is why I left Florida.

Stay cool out there.

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Since I work for my state's Dept of Transportation...somehow I always get "volunteered" to assist with snow plowing the roads. So, I pretty much hate on winter ...