Friday, July 29, 2011

White Trash Pools Continued....Swimming, Anyone?

 It wasn't that we meant for the pool to get this gross.
In fact, back in June when I wrote my White Trash Pools 101 post, I had no idea that we'd live up to expectations so thoroughly. 
Indeed, after a week of neglect and a week of temps in the mid 90s, we have this mess.
Sadly, I didn't create this green shade with Picnik, folks!
Guess we won't be taking a dip anytime soon.

Have you entered my giveaway for beauty supplies and other goodies yet?

My squash and zucchini burritos recipe is featured today in Yummy Finds on Act Fast Chef if you want to check it out.


Jill said...

It doesn't take long for those pools to get away from a person. Good luck in getting it back to normal.

Liz Mays said...

Nothing a little pool shock and a skimmer can't take care of, right?

Samantha said...

Easy enough to remedy!
Loved the white-trash pool post and I'm cracking up that you're livin' the dream ;)

TexWisGirl said...

as samantha said on my blog this morning re: algae in the toad spa - that's just 'botanical soak'. :)

Dianna said...

This is the reason my fountain is no longer operational: too high maintenance!

Jeremi said...

ha! our pool has had that look before too : )

Melodie said...

YOu could just call it sci-fi Friday,lol! said...

And that is why I don't put up a pool! I have had quite a few of those in the past. They seem to just get away from you if you turn your back for a second! Sneaky things!

Unknown said...

What a pretty shade of green! :)

Shell said...

Oh, yikes!

My boys probably will still try to swim!

Karen said...

Eh... just drain it and refill.

trump said...

I say throw that thing away,lol.......Just to share with you folks, i have a new post today on Amish Stories from the Terre Hill days even that was just held in Lancaster Pennsylvania. It was a very hot day but i was able to get i think a few good images from this event. The town is populated with a mix of Amish and old order Mennonites which only adds to its charm. They even have what has become famous in Terre Hill their "outhouse race". The town sits on a hill so it overlooks Lancaster farmland in almost all directions. This is one of my favorite towns to visit because its free from commercialism, so if you are looking for a really all American kind of town with the added bonus of seeing its Amish and Mennonite residents at work and play, then this town is for you. Thanks folks. Richard from Amish Stories.

Unknown said...

ACtually that is probably caused by the sun believe it or not. When the temps rise this high and the sun is directly in line with the water it causes that beautiful green huh. Still safe to swim in. But this is why I plan on going to a salt water filtration system with our next pool. None of that to worry about..

Quirky Homemaker said...

Sounds like it's fixable! Your blog is very cute! Love all of the garden stuff and veggies! And those boys are just too much! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you now! Have a great weekend,
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

Valerie Boersma said...

If a pool has to turn green-that green isn't half bad ;)

But here's hoping the water is clear again soon-without too much trouble!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

My kiddos wouldn't be deterred. They would jump right in! It's probably good we don't have a pool.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I hope some pool shock gets your emerald jewel back to being usable! ;)

Chris said...

That reminds me Lisa, I must post a recipe for pea and mint soup!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting shade of green!

Anonymous said...

I have read that it's harder to keep a smaller pool clean than a larger one--if that's any consolation!

Myya said...

Bawwwhaaahaaa! Looks like a lovely shade of green indeed! :)

Chatty Crone said...

Think I'll skip swimming in the pool!

GardenOfDaisies said...

It looks like lime koolaid! :-) LOL. It doesn't take long in this heat, does it?

Angela said...

I think Shrek has been sneaking and taking a bath in your pool at nights! lol

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

le Chef said...

Went and got the recipe - thanks! My veggies are doing nothing. NOTHING. I would love a real garden, but alas, we rent. So I have pots and what not, and I have never been so disgusted in my life. I've had pot tomatoes before ... but this is getting silly.

Maybe I should throw them in your pool ... seems like plenty is willing to grow there ;) LOL