Monday, August 8, 2011

The Hazards of Muffin Tin Mondays

Wait.  What?  What do you mean we're not supposed to be in your Muffin Tin Monday drawer?
 Please note the "child-proofing" lock installed on the drawer.  Mmmmmhmmmmm.

Mess?  I don't see any mess.  Cort, quit looking at your hand!

FYI: it turns out that Betty Crocker Food Writers markers stain the skin.
Expect the staining to be completely removed after about a week.  Soap and water, olive oil, baby wipes, and other methods of cleaning are powerless against Betty Crocker Food Writers.  Only time will fade the marks.
Until then, you will have Little Warriors.

Happy birthday to my sweet twins.  Today they are two! 


Anonymous said...

They still look cute! I hope they have a wonderful birthday.

Cat said...

Weren't they so sweet to share the marker and not get any on their clothes? I also tried to get it off with baby shampoo and diaper rash ointment. Powerful red dye in that food coloring. :-)

Jeremi said...

and what a perfect way to welcome the terrific twos!! LOVE this : )

the day before ella and zoe turned two i went in their room to get them up for the day and they were both straddled over the top rails, climbing in and out of each other's cribs -- crib climbers!! for another year and a half they slept in crib tents. then right after they turned two they got into a tub of vaseline, not quite warriors but they were greasy for quite a few days ....

oh the fun you're in for : )

happy birthday, happy birthday boys!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! It's amazing what they can get into...and how quickly.

Happy Birthday!!!

Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are learning their letters. Good job guys. LOL

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Ok but they are ADORABLE! I think its the cuteness of Muffin Tin Mondays

warren said...

Awesome pic!

camp and cottage living said...

I know you've heard the term "double trouble"! "Two minds are better than one".
What one little guy doesn't figure out, the other will.
Happy Birthday to the adorable twosome!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh, I think they are just being artistically expressive. I love how they worked as a team. My kids are into writing on themselves with marker lately. Luckily, it washes off. :)

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday to the twins! They look cute even when they are in trouble :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, boys!

(They are too cute!)

Misty said...

oh my goodness!!!! ha ha... happy birthday to them though, and to you! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Oh dear! I'm glad it will wash off eventually!

Your boys are a couple of total sweetie pies, and I hope they have a wonderful birthday today!!

Mary said...

Yikes! Ha I couldn't help bt giggle. Those two have quite th adventures together. Hope the marker coms off soon :)

Jill said...

These pictures are absolutely priceless. Too cute for words.

HAPPY 2nd Birthday to your adorable twins!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe happy birthday to those cute and colorful little boys!

TexWisGirl said...

laughing, laughing, laughing here!!!

Nancy said...

Thanks for posting these photos, Lisa. Good to know your household sometimes experiences a few mishaps! Happy Birthday, boys! :)

Tina L. Hook said...

Blah! So funny. Next up is the moment they discover how to cute their own hair.

Mere said...

haha! That's hilarious. Did they decorate each others faces or their own?

Grady gets into our drawers all the time, I have a post coming up about it. But we don't have childproofing on the drawers yet...we will soon hopefully.

Gone Country said...

Oh, that is so funny! What a great look for the birthday pictures! Hopefully, the birthday theme will be about warriors, heehee!

Happy Birthday boys!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to the twins! Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Not Just Another Jennifer said...

So funny!!!! :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hahaha! Too funny! And happy birthday, Cort and Reid! :)

Doris Sturm said...

LOL as long as nobody thinks they got injured ;-) Boys will be boys! I think childproof means only children can open it!

Samantha said...

Happy birthday, boys!

Hilarious about the food writers :D

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your little warriors are 2, Happy Birthday!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Happy Birthday to your adorable boys!!! Thanks for the tip about the food writers, we prefer to stick with black sharpees when we write on ourself :)

Chris said...


Tracie said...

How fun! One looks like a little Harry Potter with the lightening mark on his head. Happy Birthday boys!

Michelle said...

Oh dear! Cute and messy ..... a great combo!

Texan said...

ROFL ...OOOPS ....

trump said...

Very cute, if 2 adults would do that to each other that would be called assault,lol. Richard from Amish Stories.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

They do look like they're on the war path, don't they? Don't take them in public...people will think you're mean mom and don't wash them!!!...LOL!!...:)JP

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Oh my word - that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny. Those little guys are adorable! Have a very fun and happy 2nd birthday Cort and Reid. Carol

Angela said...

Now I have a song running through my head from my childhood! One little two little three little Indians, four little five little six little Indians, seven little eight little nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys! lol

Boys just have a way of getting into any and everything! My son took off the door knob from his door when he was 4. He's 7 now and begging for it to be put back on! lol I actually got it out for him today so it can be put back on.

.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤
Happy Birthday Boys!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤

Myya said...

Oh my goodness that is AWESOME! Aziza did this with a sharpie one time... it was powerless to anything too. So funny looking back, definitely NOT funny in the moment though.

Leontien said...

Ohhhhh happy birtday to the twins! and i am sorry but they look sooo guilty and sooooo cute! haha

Hope you and the family had a great day!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday, twins!! LOVE those pictures of your little "warriors"!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little twins... What cuties.... Since I raised BOYS ---I can say "Boys will be boys"....

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh my goodness they are so adorable! Even with all of the red on their faces they still look so darn cute!! Hope that they had a wonderfully blessed birthday!

Brigita said...

looks like a lot of fun
check out this giveaway

Dawn said...

Hahahahahahhah!!! Oh I lOVE t!
And so the "wonderful" Twos begin;)
Hope they had a Happy Day!!!!!

(Do you need to go for a run right about now? I could come babysit;))

Jill said...

They were just decorating for their birthday celebration..Ha ha..Happy Birthday boys!!

le Chef said...

2 year old warriors - that sounds about par for the course.
Don't blink, because the next thing you know they'll be 18.

Trust me. I blinked.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...
