Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Pierce (Muffin Tin Monday)

Today Pierce is The Big Five years old.  Lucky for him, it's a teacher/conference day at school, so he gets to have some fun.  We have great plans, including a trip to the science museum, so we did our muffin tin a few days early.  I used the Celebrate plate that I painted, and we had some of Pierce's favorite foods.
Pierce had shrimp (unfortunately, I just bought one of those Gorton's grilled shrimp deals, and it was too spicy for Pierce), kiwi with a jumping dolphin pick, french fries, and steamed asparagus.  Pierce ate everything except the shrimp (next time I'll just buy plain) and he actually had two more servings of asparagus. 

To see more cute lunch ideas, visit Muffin Tin Mom


Anonymous said...

I sounds like he had wonderful plans. He seems to love aspargus! What a wonderful thing!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce! I hope you have a wonderful, special day! :)

lisa9999 said...

Many happy returns to your son!! His lunch looks delicious.

Samantha said...

Happy happy happy birthday, Pierce!

Sally said...

Awww, Happy Birthday to your sweet Pierce! Five is such a wonderful age. I hope he enjoys his day. :)

Melodie said...

Happy 5th Pierce! That is one fun birthday meal!

I Am Woody said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce!!

Slamdunk said...

Happy birthday to Pierce!

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pierce - and many many more! sandie

SnoopyGirl said...

Looks yummy. I like your little star muffin cups. Happy 5th Birthday to Pierce!

TexWisGirl said...

wow! 5 yrs old! happy birthday, pierce!

Jamie said...

Happy birthday, Pierce! My baby turns 3 tomorrow! :) Yummy tin!!

Sharla said...

I hope Pierce has a great time on his birthday! A kid who likes asparagus is something to be celebrated!

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-hope you had a wonderful weekend and I'm wishing Pierce a very happy 5th birthday today, too! :)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Pierce! I hope you guys have a fun day. His meal looked very tasty :)

Reena said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!

Liz Mays said...

So cute!!! I love kiwi too, but not asparagus.

Happy Birthday, Pierce!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Happy birthday to you 5-year-old! My kids actually love asparagus too, most of the time. :)

Eat To Live said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!!

Love that cute little plate!

Nancy said...

Aww, Happy Birthday little man. Hope you have a fun, fun day! :)

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful special day! Hugs

Meredith said...

What a cute idea! Love the stars, the picks and the food! Nice plate!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, you've had a busy day!!! Good for Pierce...two helpins of asparagus!!! Woohoo!

Here's sendin' Pierce a very big....


Have a great day filled with love, laughter and all the cake little Pierce's heart desires!!! :o)

tipper said...

Oh I hope his day was extra special!!

Cat said...

Maybe you should let Pierce buy his lunch :-)

Michaele said...

Happy Birthday to the big boy!
Funny, today I was just thinking about your muffin tins. Wondering what was next.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Happy Birthday Pierce! Hope you enjoyed the trip to the science museum.

Kim said...

Happy birthday to your big boy!! And asparagus??? You're killing me. My boy cried when I served him lasagna tonight. His pickiness seems to get worse and worse!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Pierce! I can't believe he likes asparagus! Good for you :)

Sandy said...

Pierce rocks! Love that he eats of my favorite veggies along with brussel sprouts. Hope he had a wonderful birthday.

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Pierce!

Cool that Pierce didn't have school on his birthday! Great looking muffin tin! Hope you guys had a great day celebrating!

Myya said...

Happy Birthday to your big boy!!!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday (Late) Pierce! Hope you all had a great day!!