Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Obvious Inadequacies as a Mother

Last night I was busy packing lunch for Pierce.  Even though every day he begs and pleads to buy lunch at school.  Despite the fact that I put forth a great deal of effort to pack him cute and interesting lunches each day.

Exhibit A:  Cute bear bento lunch box.
Inside is a cheese and roast beef sandwich on goldfish shaped bread with mustard.  A Halloween pick with olives (one of Pierce's favorite things).  Slices of kiwi, a muffin cup liner of Inca roasted corn, and a small dog bento cup with 2 Junior Mints.  I mean, this is a decent kid's lunch, is it not?  I try!

So I'm busy putting together Pierce's lunch and he comes over and says, "Mom!  Can you make some pumpkin fudge?"

"Pumpkin fudge?  Where have you had pumpkin fudge?"

"At school.  Sean's mom sent pumpkin fudge for our snack.  Can you send pumpkin fudge for our snack?"

Me, trying to buy time, because not only do I not know how to make pumpkin fudge, but I also deplore anything that involves the use of a candy thermometer, "Well, our snack turn isn't until November."

"Yeah, but when it's our snack turn can you send pumpkin fudge?"

"I was kind of thinking about sending yogurt.  And...uh... homemade granola bars."

"How about just pumpkin fudge?"

"What if it's Dora yogurt?"

"Dora yogurt might be okay.  With pumpkin fudge"

I am in so much trouble.  Also, please let there be no mothers that make homemade baklava or chocolate souffles for class snacks between now and November 14th.


Anonymous said...

I have never heard of fudge be sent in for snack. I would be in trouble at Pierce's school.

Marina said...

He is so cute :) And I love his bento box!!

Unknown said...

Lol...good luck with that! :)

Jeremi said...

hee hee : ) the lunches you make are amazing!! i wanted to make homemade lunches too (had all these great ideas) but my husband made the decision the girls should have hot lunch at school each day (they have three choices daily, the meals are all planned by nutrionists). i was disappointed at first and concerned the girls wouldn't like them, eat enough, etc., but they LOVE hot lunch and i love even more not having an extra thing to do at night : ) i do send in their own little snack each day and don't even get fancy with that (ha). they do like the little notes i leave them ... but i am always impressed when i see such fun, clever and yummy looking homemade lunches : ) as for fudge for snack, interesting.

Jill said...

I'm really surprised that his school allows homemade treats. We haven't been able to do that here in years. I've never heard of pumpkin fudge. Interesting.

I've seen a lot of cold school lunches while working at school and yours are, by far, the coolest!

Chatty Crone said...

I know he'll be getting pumpkin fudge so be sure and take pics and list the recipe! teehee sandie

Samantha said...

I think this is a no win! If you weren't packing amazing lunches, he would want that! LOL

That is an adorable lunch :)

Chris said...

That's the trouble with sending you kid to a chef's school LOL.

I imagine his mates are all complaining to their Moms about how they don't get sliced kiwi fruit and olives...

Slamdunk said...

Wow, the lunch sounds amazing, and I hope the creating goes well.

We have one packer and one buyer--the little girl's (packer) tastes are pretty narrow right now.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Lol! My daughter begs to bring a lunch from home every day. Your lunch looks great. Good luck with the fudge!

Mary said...

Lol that's funny. Well not for you if you have to make the dreaded pumpkin fudge. I have no desire to make any type of homemade candy or fudge.

Maybe you can try a practice batch before then? :)

Texan said...

LOL now see this is where that saying "be yourself because everyone else is already taken" comes in handy LOL ... Your snack could be the next big hit.

His lunch is so cute! I think Samantha is probably right :O)

TexWisGirl said...

oh the pressure!!! you must hunt down sean's mom and pay her to make some!

Dawn said...

Haha....oh funny. Even kids want what they don't have;)
I swear if you made pumpkin fudge he would beg for Dora yogurt and granola bars;D (maybe:))

You're an amazing make me want to do better!

Gone Country said...

That's a great lunch! I guess the grass is always greener though...

Good luck with the pumpkin fudge!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of pumpkin fudge either.

Nancy said...

I have a feeling he will forget about pumpkin fudge by November. :)

Unknown said...

Oh the woes of parenthood! Love You!

Reena said...

Oh the pressure! My kids should have had you as a mom!

Mako Shark said...

Oh no, snacks are competitive? ;) Wow that's an impressive lunch. My kids will be lucky to get a balanced lunch!

Ginny Hartzler said...

His lunch rocks!!! Surely all the other kids must be jealous of it! You even out in some kind of little pumpkin picture. I will NOT make anything that needs a candy thermometer, just like you. So annoying! Sorry I don't know how to make the fudge, but I would bet you can find some that don't need a thermometer. I make a fudge that doesn't need one, I would think you could just add some canned pumpkin?

trump said...

I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories.

Steve Surratt said...

Well, with 4 kids, and making lunches for them over the years I figured I’ve made about 8640 lunches…and counting….
I think you do it better than 99.99%.

Julie R said...

Just in case he remembers the pumpkin fudge:

Your lunch for Pierce looks great. Will you make my lunches?

Michaele said...

If you ever do make this - I'd like a look at the recipe. Sounds very interesting, as long as it isn't orangeish. Wherever did you find goldfish shaped bread?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

well pumpkin fudge does sound interesting.. but never heard of it.
I love the little lunch containers.

Angela said...

Oh how I wish my kids were eat the school's lunches! lol I really don't like getting up in the morning and fixing lunches for them. I just don't like to smell food in the morning. Crazy I know... I have got to get some of that little fishy bread! That is just too cute! I have been sending the round bread for my daughter and she loves it.

We aren't allowed to make anything homemade for parties for the kids at all. We aren't even allowed to cut up the fruit for a fruit tray! I went to a meeting yesterday morning with the Principal going over the rules for us homeroom moms. It makes having the parties for the kids cost just too much having to buy everything prepackaged and all.

I Am Woody said...

I'm a WAY bigger fan of chocolate fudge than pumpkin fudge!

Valerie Boersma said...

I like pumpkin and I love fudge but the combination seems un-natural to me;)

There were "those" types of moms when Amy was little too. I always thought they were show offs!

Now that goldfish bread-adorable!

Jen said...

Hahaha!! I don't even OWN a candy thermometer...I'm definitely no help to you.

GardenOfDaisies said...

LOL! November is still at least a week away, so there is hope that he will change his mind about the perfect snack...
How about pumpkin yogurt? Do you think that homemade granola "bars" could be cut out with small pumpkin shaped cookie cutters?

Sandy said...

You are a wonderful Mother! Besides, pumpkin fudge doesn't even sound good. I have no doubt you will come up with a wonderful, healthy and creative snack when it is your turn.

Myya said...

That is an AWESOME lunch & all the fun touches you put into it I'm sure do not go unnoticed!

I make baklava... it is SOOO easy! I'd be happy to share recipe with you if you'd like. :)

Kerri Farley said...

What a cool lunchbox!