I also picked the last of my second beet crop. These are those cool striped beets on the insides. We'll enjoy them roasted one night this week. And then I'll cry over not having garden fresh beets until next June.
And finally, we still have a bunch of peppers growing - serrano, bell, and New Mexico Big Jim. The peppers were all a bit late this year, and I'm hoping our first frost will hold off a bit longer because there are quite a few more bells out there that I'd love to grab if they get big enough.
Oh yes, and not to forget the little farmers we're growing too. This picture was taken just seconds before a shoving match that resulted in both boys on the floor. You'd never really know they're twins, would you?

This post linked with Farm Friend Friday at Verde Farm.
Your garden is amazing! I had forgotten that there was still so much to be yielded at this time of year. Yummy!
Your cutie pie boys are just that - cutie pies!
The little farmers are so cute! You harvested so many wonderful things from your garden this year.
You have really had a fantastic garden. Glad you're still enjoying it.
I adore this picture of the twins! Laughed out loud when you explained what happened after the shot though...
Our beets were terrible this year..no idea what happened!
Loved the pic of the boys..shoving matching or not, they are absolutely adorable
You might want to be looking for a couple of sticks. You will need some sturdy ones to beat off the girls in a few years. Those little farmers are going to be grown up before you know it.
It got below freezing this past week and turned our garden to mush. It always makes me sad that the gardening season is coming to a close for another year. (It seems like it was just spring!)
And kids have to grow like darn weeds too! I'm glad you were able to get a picture of Reid and Cort before all heck broke loose-they are so cute!
cute little farmer boys!
Glad you got a few last items from your garden Lisa. We did not put much effort into ours this year--a good thing since flooding wiped everyone's efforts out anyway.
I hope you and your farmers have a super weekend.
Great timing on the capture of the boys before the big shoving match! Too funny!
How nice that you're still getting some produce still! Everything looks yummy! We haven't had any luck with beets and radishes. We're trying them one more time...
Have a great weekend!
Good you are still enjoying your veggies from the garden. Those beets look sooo good! Your two farmers are the cutiest...I love their coveralls! Boys-will-be-boys!
And you wouldn't have it any other way, right? LOL Love
Still getting peppers! Wow!
Those beets are really pretty! But this picture of the boys is my favorite YET!!! And your little story to go with it has me laughing!!!
Adorable farmer boys! They are definitely developing their own looks, for sure.
your garden looks amazing!
really amazing you grow so many vegetables!
omg, the boys are sooo cute!
Such adorable little farmer men you have! All of this stuff you do amazes me! wherever do you find the energy and have these little misters hanging around? you are awesome!
I've been away for so long, your boys have really grown! So cute, but don't tell them.
Wow! Your garden just keeps going. I had to pull all of my stuff out several weeks ago...and by then I just had tomato plants left. The hurricane did a number on the garden :(
Your little farmers are cute as can be! I just love overalls in little boys! Terrific on the garden goodness!
Your produce is still looking great! I've never tried growing meets before. I'd be interested to see if my kids would like them.
I'm glad you got the cute picture before the brawl. :)
My twin brothers were like your kids one a whole head taller. My twins I still have a hard time telling them apart....My peppers never came through this year I am so jellous yours look delicious!
Love all those home grown veggies - yummy. And my sisters twins don't look the same either, but they are all cute as can be. sandie
We had our first frost/freeze this week and all of the pepper and tomato plants went squish. Hope yours holds off for a little while! :)
Salsa verde is our favorite!! Yummy!!
Those veggies look great! And so do those two boys ... so cute.
Your little boys are adorable in their matching coveralls!! You must really miss your fresh veggies during the winter months. Enjoy these last gifts from the garden while you can.
They are the cutest little farmer boys! Can't believe you are still getting veggies from your garden. Ours was a dud this year.
I don't think I have anything left in my garden.
I've never had Salsa Verde...do you use a recipe?
The boys are cute little farmers!
Encantador blog el tuyo, un placer haberme pasado por tu espacio.
Hi, Me again. You asked about uses for Pineapple sage. This site has some good ideas.
your veggies are so beautiful- and so are your little farmers!
You guys have really benefited from the garden. I love salsa verde also and it looks wonderful!
I always enjoy tiptoeing around your garden.
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