Tuesday, October 4, 2011

September 2011 Fitness Recap

Well, I knew that the motivation I had in August to fit in so much crosstraining wouldn't last forever.  Realistically, it lasted about two days into September, when I pulled my grumpy lower back (it's been cranky since 1994, when I got bucked off a horse named Judge in a dusty round pen in Texas, and landed smack on my tailbone - since that moment it's been prone to random temper outbursts).  Due to the lower back issues, I completely backed off all that crosstraining I was doing (especially things like Shred and weights) and instead just ran, which doesn't seem to aggravate things.

So the only crosstraining I got in was Shred (once) and an hour of walking with my friend Tiffany (3 times).
My running was good this month though.  I hit the track 3 times.  Above is a picture of my favorite track - it's a crushed red gravel and easy on the joints.  It's kind of in an unsavory neighborhood, but I've been running there for several years now and have never had any trouble (although it drives my Mom a little nuts).  I also ran one race (a 10K).  My total mileage for September was 110 miles.

And now it's October, one of my favorite months for running!  Beautiful leaves, lower temps.  I haven't committed to any races yet, but I'm considering a 5K this month and a 10 miler.  I'm not sure I'm in shape for the 10 miler - I haven't been running 10 mile runs lately.  My longest single run in September was 9 miles.  But it would be good training, so I may just run it anyhow.

How about you?  Any plans to get out and enjoy the fresh air this fall?


Jill said...

Sure sorry to hear of your back troubles. I find it amazing that you can run with a sore back. You are doing a GREAT job, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

We went to pick apples yesterday. What wonderful time to be outside and play with friends.

Unknown said...

Ug...nothing worse than back pain. I totally understand. Hang in there!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You go girl and good luck on the run!!!

Take it from an old chick (shhhh, I'll be sixty next year) Yoga was the best thing I've ever done for my back and other achin' parts on my bod. I used to be 'down' in the back all the time before I started Yoga. Just a thought....

God bless ya and have a pain free glorious day sweetie.

Oh booger....I popped over to thank you for hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya enjoy the ride sweetie!!!

trump said...

Oct is a great time of year to do things outside. As a young man i was pretty fast and would win a lot of races, but i would run out of gas pretty fast! Richard

dandelionfleur said...

October is a great month for 10 miles! Hope you go for it.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the back pain! hope it has resolved itself and gone back into hiding again. you still rock! :)

Farm Girl said...

Well, it is very nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. Well, if I was out running instead of sitting around it would be better.
You have three boys and two two year old twins. I never got much done when my kids were small. So this is a very interesting time of life for me. It is a new place and I am having to relearn life.
My DIL had twins and a very active 2 year old, the twins are 4 so I know how really busy you are.
I just wanted to say hi,
My Field of Dreams.

Eat To Live said...

I exercise daily for my back. No fun to have back problems.

As of right now, I have no outside plans except to get the yard and around the house winter ready.

Slamdunk said...

Sorry to hear about your back--that can be annoying.

Before kiddos, I enjoyed fall trail runs this time of year. The colors and the crunch of the leaves underfoot were very inspiring.

laughwithusblog said...

I didn't get thrown from a horse, but I hurt my back several years ago and it does come back to haunt me every so often. Keep posting. I need the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear of your back troubles; I completely understand how that goes. (Injured myself falling off the roof 3 years ago)

110 miles?! In September alone?!
WOW! Good job.

I will be getting out to enjoy the fresh air & fall, but I'll be walking...probably very slowly. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, We get lots of exercising when we are traveling --and hiking. Today we're on the road to Biltmore --so we'll get alot of walking in today... At home, we spend our time working in the yard. Does raking count? I love to rake leaves!!!!

Good lucky with your 10 mile run.

Anonymous said...

Landing on your back can cause a heap of troubles--I hope you're okay.
Nine miles! I am in awe.

Chris said...

Loads of plans to get out and kick leaves about Lisa, but no time to do it.

So do you run with a can of mace at that track? Could do some cross training running with a pump action shotgun...

Valerie Boersma said...

I love long walks this time of year. and before too long, the leaf raking marathon will begin:)

Liz Mays said...

I can see why October would be such a perfect month for running! I'm sure you'll be fine for the 10 miler if you put your mind to it!

Dawn said...

Good work! You know...fall is my favorite season to run - most definitely!!! I wish we lived closer...I am in serious need of a running partner. I have not a one.
You put in some awesome miles. Good luck for October!!

Nancy said...

Once I get over my cold, I'm toying with the idea of jogging again --- just a measly two miles a day --- but it's huge for me.

Good for you on your running. Keep at it. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love getting out in the fall air!! That does look like a very good track, it would be easy on the knees too! I'm LOVING those totem muffin tins below, they are so cool and unique!!! I'm so glad your generous friend gifted you with them, I know you will use them lots!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll probably take the girls for a few nature walks since it is not boiling hot.

Have you tried Pilates to strengthen your lower back?

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Sorry to hear about your back troubles, but good on ya for getting out and running :-) My plans are to get out more and enjoy the SPRING weather here in NZ with a 5K at the end of this month (pushing Joe in the pram) and doing a "Sling Walk" next Saturday (to promote baby-wearing). Otherwise, it's just the usual: 5K on the treadmill 3x/week plus lots of walking Joe around Auckland :-) Hopefully your back will be in a better mood soon!

Debbie said...

what a pain in the "back" for you!! i can't run, biking is my thing but just for fun & fresh air! it does the mind & body good!!

Chatty Crone said...

To be honest I have a little allergies going on - form the out doors. But I did feel the day was stunning. Crisp - cool - and sunny. But whatever is outside doesn't like my lungs right now.


Chicken Wrangler said...

I won't be running marathons like you, but probably just raking leaves and trimming back the dead flowers before winter hits will be my exercise and fresh air. And of course, caring for the hens and horses is a favorite pastime!

Katie said...

You rock! I have started some work outs with a trainer to try to motivate myself. :) We'll see how it goes.

Myya said...

110 miles... HOLY SMOKES!!! Seriously, you have got to be superwoman!

Unknown said...

I was a distance runner for years until surgeries ended my running. The track you photographed was what my old high school track used to look like. Today, it's all modern like an olympic track. Your mileage is an awesome achievement!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

That's a lot of miles! I love exercising in the fall temps too, though I'm not suppose to run much right now. I'm hoping to do a bunch of of walking and maybe hiking with my family this month.

Betty Manousos said...

good for you on your running!
you rock!

i wish i were a runner, too!

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Sounds so impressive! Sadly, I'm a bit too lazy to run anything, much less 10 miles!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I can tell you have determination.
And you are courageous to fight the back pain,,,,
Don't give in! We will cheer you on!

Jen said...

Love to run in the fall!! It is definitely my favorite time of year to run. I have a half-marathon on Oct. 22nd...hope the weather is nice for it!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

I hope to get out in the woods as much as possible before the dreaded winter weather keeps us couped up inside!

I'd say you're one tough cookie keeping up with the running with back pain! Rock on sista!

Sandy said...

Fall here means we drop below 100. Although today and tomorrow they are calling for 99. But, for me, temps in the 90's means it is finally time for jeans & boots again and I love it.