Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fitness Recap October 2011

I had a decent month in October.  I didn't do any crosstraining again, but my running was good.  I ended up with a slight increase in mileage this month (but right around the 10% rule - which basically says not to increase your running by more than 10% a week or you put yourself at risk for injury).  In total, I got in 123 miles this month.  It was a little difficult getting the extra miles in with birthdays and fall parties and less daylight in the mix, but I managed.  I had to do a little more of this than I liked:
I'm thankful I have the option of the treadmill, though.  Just wish it didn't bother my hips so much!

I ran one 5K this month which went well.  I wanted to do a 10 mile race, but in the end I skipped it, as it was a very busy weekend.  I still feel guilty about this though.  I hit the track twice, and my longest runs were a 10 mile and an 11 mile run.

I'm still having a lot of race anxiety, but I went ahead and registered for a half marathon this month.  I do not feel adequately prepared, but I hopefully I'll have a nice race.  Technically, I should be just fine running 13.1 - it's the mental part that gets me.  Not sure why things have seemed so hard for me in the race department this year.  It used to be fun!  Have you ever burned out on something you loved?  Got any tips for working through it?  I'd love to hear from you!  I still love running, it's just the racing part I'm struggling with so much.

Thanks to all of you who entered the BumEase diaper rash spray giveaway!  I'm happy to report that the winner this time is my own mom!  She has entered every single giveaway I've had since I started hosting them and has never won, and she always complains about it too (ha ha).  She plans to pass this along to my sister-in-law, who is expecting, plus still has a little one in diapers.   Congrats!


Jill said...

Way to go! Seems to me you had a great month. I hope someone can offer you some advice about the anxiety..I'm of no help.

Steve Surratt said...

Congrats on a good month. I think the race jitters will improve as you race more. Also, I think you will keep getting faster and that will certainly help!

Cat said...

Yay!!! Congratulations to me :-) I can't believe I finally won something. I love that diaper spray (Cort actually asked for it yesterday) and I'm so happy to be able to pass it off to Meredith. Wish they had that when I had kids in cloth diapers.
Here is something about that race anxiety. When a thing you used to love isn't fun anymore, maybe you need to let it go. Why not just run for pleasure and not worry about racing? You can still set personal goals and you still meet the ultimate goal, which is running for health and happiness. Life is a series of phases and we need to recognize when we are moving into a new phase. And sometimes you can give something up and fall in love with it all over again farther down the road when you life is calmer...I did that with knitting.

Anonymous said...

I know you will do well in the race! Congrats to your winner!

Michelle said...

I have to say that I agree with Cat's comment about racing. Maybe you need to let the racing part go just a bit and run strictly for pleasure/health.

laughwithusblog said...

Congrats to your mom! That's great! I've got about 10 weeks until I start running again. Well, actually I will probably start walking. :)

Slamdunk said...

123 is fantastic Lisa for the many hats that you have to wear.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably not going to be helpful here, but if you only like to run without the pressure of a race, why stress out about it? Just run, lady!
(I'm not a runner, definitely not a racer, so yes, this advice comes from someone not terribly useful!)

TexWisGirl said...

love that you got to keep the winning and the prize in the family this time! (hi, lisa's mom!)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congrats to your mom, I'm glad she won!! Well, it seems you are an excellent runner, it's just the pressure of having to race against others that makes you nervous. I have heard other competitors say that it helps them to only compete against themselves no matter what kind of event they are in. So I would say just to run for the fun of it and try not to think of the others at all. Probably not easy!!!

Gone Country said...

Congrats on a good month, quite impressive. I never have cared for running so more power to ya! My thoughts on racing... if you don't enjoy it any more than maybe it's time to let it go or find another venue. Just a thought. I wish you luck on your next race and pushing through to the end... you CAN do it!

Valerie Boersma said...

You are amazing! Good luck with the half marathon, and congrats to your mom, too:)

Mere said...

Yay! I sorta won in a round about way... I'm pretty excited to try this diaper cream.

I also have to agree with your mom. You can keep running but skip the races. Life is too short to force yourself into doing things you don't feel comfortable doing anymore. If you love to run, then need to compete! (as a bonus you'd save money, races can be expensive!)

Eat To Live said...

Congrats to your mom for the win.... and to you....
123 miles to me is amazing!! I can't run because of a hip replacement, but I could walk. 123 miles just sounds like a lot of miles.

Chris said...

Well done Lisa's Mum! No sore bottoms for you lol.

I've burnt out more times than a wet matchstick. Best thing to do is (and this won't be easy) just treat it as fun and not get competitive. That way things should get more enjoyable.x

Chatty Crone said...

You had a GREAT month - you are amazing Lisa. sandie

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

123 miles, WOW when do you rest? Congrats to your Mom!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Wow! What an inspiration!! I need to start training for something. I'm your newest follower. I found you from some of the other blogs I follow and love. Would love the follow back

Sally said...

Girl. I don't know how you manage to do all that you do, and run too!

Listen to your mom; she gave some sage advice. :)

Dawn said...

I am so jealous of your mileage!!!
I put a lot of miles in...but most of it was on the bike and at the pool! I DO need to pick up the running!
I WISH i could come down and run a race with you!!! I have lost the joy...and I do believe it's because I have NO ONE who will run with me. Or no one who has the desire to run at all...and I feel rather lonely always going it alone.
Oh well...if the joy is gone...maybe you need to break for a bit. Or see if it comes back after your Half:)
I wonder how long it would take me to drive to your place to run with you?;))

Meredith said...

Thanks for the compliment on my table. I burn out easily on some things but others things never make me tire. I started faithfully going to my gym. I love zumba. I try to make it to 5 classes a week and I've done two zumbathons. I've added weights and want to try running again, hopefully with no injuries. It sounds like you had a great month. I hope your anxiety eases up.

Kim said...

I'm so impressed with your miles. I had no idea that the treadmill bothering your hips was common. When I run on the treadmill it hurts my hips too!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

You're doing great! Maybe you're just busier at this point in your life. And I love that your mom finally won. :)

Jen said...

That is a great mileage month! I love the racing part, it keeps me motivated for when I hit slumps. Have you always had race anxiety or is it something recent? Wish I could help you!!