Thursday, November 3, 2011

Special Guest Post from Claude the Maine Coon

I'm the baby in the family, at least as far as the cats go, even though I'm coming on in age what with my 13 years (I'm on my third life, though) and thyroid disorder, and my diabetes which is in remission.  Or at least it was, last time I had it checked.  That was a few months ago though.  Way I've been eating and laying around I wouldn't be one bit surprised if my blood sugar was all out of whack again.  Some days I feel like I'm 104, and on my 8th life instead of just my third.  Those are the days when my arthritis is acting up.

Mostly, though, I do alright.  I wake up and take my meds, and then go sit in the blue rocking chair for my morning nap.  The kids will be up, getting ready to start their day, and Cort always comes over to visit.  He brings his little blanket, and covers me up and snuggles me.  I don't leave, even though sometimes he can be a little rough and smush me a bit.

It's free range food here, but cat food is boring.  I usually try to mooch food off the twins.  They will oblige and feed me poptarts and pretzels as long as mom isn't watching.  If mom is watching she takes them away, saying it's bad for my blood sugar.  Even though my diabetes is in remission already!

One of my favorite things to do is paw at water.  It runs in my family, the pawing at water.  I like to splash around in the toilet if someone mistakenly leaves the bathroom door open.  I also enjoy having my fur shaved - oh it feels so nice.  That only happens a few times a year though, if I get lazy with my grooming or if I start having hairball trouble.  The other two cats think I'm weird for enjoying the shaving, but what do they know?

Sometimes, if I'm having a really great day, I might sneak outside for a few minutes. I'm not allowed to go far, as I'm declawed in front and I'm on my third life and all, but I love to lay in the dirt and feel the sun on my fur, letting it soak into my aging bones.  Beautiful!

In the evenings, I jump up into bed to snuggle while watching movies or reading books.  It doesn't matter one way or another to me, I just enjoy the company.  Truly, it's a decent life I lead, and most days I'm just happy to be here.

This post linked with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop.  The prompt this week was to write a post about A Day in the Life of Your Pet - How Bad Do they Have it?

On a side note, do you think my camera was causing his eyes to look foggy, or do you think Claude is developing cataracts?


Jill said...

Very nice to meet you! You are so beautiful. Please take good care so you are here for many more years to come.

Greg said...

Claude looks cool! A wise looking cat :)

Steve Surratt said...

With this year's running injuries I can identify with Claude. I am definitely on my 3rd life.

Here's a link I found on cataracts in cats:

So a vet could determine if its nuclear sclerosis rather than cataracts.

Anonymous said...

This is so much fun! How wonderful that he love free range food.

CJ said...

Claude: Cats are among the world's most beautiful creatures, and Maine Coon Cats are among the most beautiful of all. Your life sounds much like the lives of the numerous cats we have had over the years.

I enjoyed meeting you and seeing your photos.

Stop by and read about my return to my Peace Corps site in Brazil:

Kim said...

Oh the life of a cat! Sounds like you are a wonderful mother to your furry babies too! I know first hand how much work diabetes in a pet is. Our dog had it and we were giving him two insulin shots a day. In the end he died of cancer. What a gorgeous cat this guy is!

Unknown said...

Claude is beautiful. Here is wishing him longer life and diabetes cured..

Eat To Live said...

What a cute post Lisa! Your cat reminds me of my Daughters. Her cat is getting up there in years too. Sad to see the pets you love get old.

Reanaclaire said...

hello Lisa, I do not have a cat but I have a cute big Labrador.. she is very cute, just like a cuddly bear.. sometimes! hahaha...

Marina said...

My cat says HI! :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute post!

Claude is a handsome boy!

TexWisGirl said...

what a sweet, mellow kitty. :)

Chris said...

Hello Claude, you beauty :-)

Can you teach my cat how to enjoy getting fur shaved?

Anonymous said...

Whoever said it's a dog's life was so wrong.

camp and cottage living said...

Claude sounds about as easy going as they come. He's a real trooper!

Nancy said...

Claude reminds me of our Maggie. She's 15 (I think,) but just as feisty as ever.

I wouldn't be surprised if Claude has cataracts. Poor baby. :(

Sally said...

Awwww, so sweet and I hope you don't have cataracts!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Claude looks beautiful! I have heard about these cats, but never really seen one. I hope that he does not have cataracts! Seems like he has a wonderful life with his family, and a special friend in Cort!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh Claude, you are very cute. Sorry you're not feeling too good. Though I think you and I are a lot alike. I have a thyroid disorder, love snuggles, hair cuts and splashing, though not in the toilet. :)

Karen said...

Claude is a beauty!

Chatty Crone said...

Claude is cute. I was wondering the same thing about his eye - is it cloudy when you look at it? And eating the twins food - Disco does that too. Sandie

Debbie said...

oooohhhh what a cutie you are, i love those green eyes!!

Andrea said...

Oh, how I love Claude! Great post. ;)

Liz Mays said...

That's not such a bad life to live!

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower today:) What a great blog. I look forward to reading lots more! And that beauty is so sweet...I'm not sure about the cataracts though. It's hard to tell.

Natalie @ MamaTrack said...

So cute! And not a bad life. I like pop tarts too....

Spunky and Manny said...

Glad you have such a nice home. We have a good home too! Nice to meet you. You are the only cat I've seen who likes being shaved! Meow!

Stopping by from writer's workshop:

Michelle said...

Claude is a beaut! Hope he doesn't have cataracts, but his eyes do look cloudy.

Michaele said...

What dreamy eyes. And a more dreamy life.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Claude
You are so beautiful.Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I think you have a wonderful life and gets lots of naps. And ohh, I know how those sun rays feel on your bones- so wonderful.
I know you get lots of cuddles and kisses too.
nitey nite

Valerie Boersma said...

What a wonderful boy! Thanks for sharing a day in Claude's life with us:)

(Willow, who is 15, has cataracts and her eyes look cloudy like Claude's-it doesn't seem to phase her though!)

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

It's so great to meet you, Claude! You are very very cute :o)

Joanne said...

I love this! He looks alot like my Angus. We have Angus' mommy and she is not a Maine Coon but we think daddy may have been. Angus is huge and he likes to lay in the shallow part of our stream when it is hot out. Hey- thanks for stopping by my blog. I have decided to follow yours. And, btw, I love log cabins.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Claude is beautiful!